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Everything posted by ryddle

  1. Hiya, I have a file where if I do the same thing over and over I consistantly get an unhandled exception. Case. In Schwerpunkt (spelling?) scen, I lose a panzer and as soon as I select the bailed out crew, I get un unhandled exception. Would it be of any help to send the file to someone? -r
  2. I think an interesting stat might be who was the refresh-monkey who bogged the system down too much. Hits per second or something. -r
  3. Hmmm, I wonder if it was Canister shot that I was noticing. I'm at work now so I can't check, however I noticed that the blast values are different for a sim cal gun (compared to CMBO). So the German 75mm gunst with a blast of ~34, I thought I saw some 75mm with a blast of ~46? Anyone know if the effectiveness of blast values have been changed in CMBB? -r
  4. Wow... now I just need a grid overlay. Where are the modders when you need them? Off I go to go through the tutorial scen again. -r
  5. I don't know about the web page, I started the download via their ftp site a few minutes before they reopened their web server. -r
  6. Since my server is also used for business, I'll only allow secure access and to those who are active memebers of this list. Yea, I know it doesn't really make you more trustworty , but I have to be somewhat prudent. If you have no problem loading up winscp (shareware, check downloads.com), and you are on broadband, I'll set up a queue. I'll allow 5 users (who are also on broadband) concurrent access, they e-mail me when they are through, and I'll pass out the username/password to the next bunch. Since I'm at work anyways... i might as well do something interesting. btw, this doesn't necessarily mean that you will get it sooner than from the battlefront download site, but it will releave the pressure for everyone else. -r
  7. Heck, if we are worried about load on the server, I'm willing to mirror the download on my server. I'll download it first and then pass on a ssh login for people (perhaps 5 at a time or so) to either scp or sftp the download off. I'm on broadband so it shouldn't be too bad. I don't know, if we can get 10 or so of the techie guys on the forum to do the same, it would certanly help releave the pressure on the system. thoughts? -r
  8. Hiya Gents, I've survived my trip to 'merika and will be processing any turns waiting for me tonight. Cheers, eh? -r
  9. re: Random reinforcments. Keep 'em in. I like that side of the games. Heck, even false/misleading mission statements at the beginning would be interesting. (having them being random would also offset any accidental spoilers) -r
  10. What's next? I bet you the whole team will want to get absolutely fall-down drunk for a month... then it will be the first patch. -r
  11. But of course, that's the plan after all... www.standonguard.com -R
  12. Another finnished (x2 v. d2), Dies Irae, Axis Minor Victory: 49-36 -r
  13. Wow! Did you see the M-20 (#6) Quite amazing the effort put into these. -r
  14. Result X2 v A2 (Ryddle v. Marko) 73 to 27, Axis Major Victory! Now if I could only get my other games under control. btw, I've just adopted Unt. Nolte, who was the hero of the day. I would post a picture of this cute little fella, however, I'm not sure whether that would be considered a spoiler for anyone else who's playing Arch Enemies. Cheers, -r [ August 18, 2002, 12:44 PM: Message edited by: ryddle ]
  15. X2 Checking in... Archy-Enemy A2 File 49 sent... I keep killing 'em and they keep coming. Quite efficient really. Mechy-bushy B2 File 33 sent... "plink, plink" Oh... and "PLINK" April's Fool C2 File 21 sent... No clue what's happening here. I see some stuff that scares me. Dies Irae D2 File 63 sent. Wow, who would have thought that a war sim could be so bloody? MG fire from the first turns to now. It will be interesting to see how CMBB would change a scen like this with all the full auto going on. Cheers! -r
  16. I'm not sure, and I'm too lazy to do a web search, but "dies irae", might be better translated "days of wrath" and that is the name of a portion that is usually present in most Requiems. Just guessing, but I bet it has to deal with a section about suffering for those who are still bad boys? Just a bit of a wake up call for those listening? I don't know, I'm not catholic and don't have that finely tuned sense of guilt... btw, bloody good job on the scens.... for whoever wrote them. For the longest time I've avoided scens b/c any one of the following reasons (poor briefing so you didn't know your full objective, poor setup conditions/reinforcements arriving (panthers spawning in the middle of a company anyone?), etc) I've found these scens to be excellent. Of course, my opinions might change when i'm more on the receiving end of some of the goodies that my nme's have.
  17. I've heard that I have that effect. Thanks *blush* Oh... I misread...hair? ok then. As long as you aren't attacking with those 8 foot tall, bullet-proof Finnish troopies that I hear are in CMBB... I'll stick it out and try to fight you off. Just remember "No" means "NO" -R
  18. I guess if you define the query with the presumption that "faster is better" then it answers itself, doesn't it? A different skewing would be asking the question and defining the best player by the one who can juice the most out of every move. I guess the only way to judge would be to have a series of twitch vs. plodding games and then based on the individual, you can make your call. I'd love to volunteer, however I suck at both formats. -R
  19. Oh I see, running away eh? Time to "review the strategy" eh? PS. If you manage to find any of my troops could you pleaseplease send me the coordinates? Or should I just follow the ones you've "lit up"? -23 Itk 61</font>
  20. Hi Guys, I thought I would get this note out there before I'm completely drowned in work and forget to mention it. I'll be away on business from Sunday Aug 25th - Thursday Aug. 29th Cheers, eh? -R
  21. But, that was just a sign of incompetence on my part. I didn't say I was any good...
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