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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. I kinda have started soing the same thing with a "General Mods" folder for ALL mods, then several Z folders for different configs (Marines, Brits etc.). Just to be safe I keep em all in another root folder called CMSF PATCHES AND FILES completely separate from the actual CMSF game folders. However, what about the sound folders and subfolders? I have several sound mods that have numerous subdirectories of sounds - categorized like "explosions", "shots", "gunfire", "screams" etc. Do I have to copy all the individual .wav files from those subdirectories into the main "SOUND" folder in the z folder? Or, does the system read subfolders within a "root" mod folder that is in the z folder. (Hope wot I said makes sense.) And is there a tutorial or FAQs about all this???
  2. I am in no way a techie and know next to nothing about my nVidia card. But, I do not see any flashing during the day, only in night scenarios - which I thought was quite appropriate and adds to the experience. (I have Win 7 however.)
  3. I think some mod zips have built in directory trees that automatically install mods to the z folder when you install to CMSF root. What about .wav - sounds and music. Are they handled the same way? And what takes precedence when you have mods that do something similar. (I have a lot of mods and threw em all into z. And it locked up the game good. Now I have to take em all out and start trying them again.)
  4. After putting in such a huge number of work hours it wouldn't be surprising if you are so close to the material, that some solutions are not easily apparent. If the map is pretty much done, have you considered releasing it so that other designers could work on it? I know it's tough when it's your baby. But, fresh insight from third parties can often be a hot knife through buttery problems (sort of).
  5. Thank you. I feel like such a twit for forgetting that the z goes in the data folder. Is it my imagination, or does the manual not really mention how to handle mods etc? So, folders also go in the z folder? (ie. You don't extract the files from the folder into the z?) And when a mod folder has subfolders, does that mean that one has to choose which subfolder to use as a mod -eg: mods located in subfolders "A" and "B" will not work until EITHER subfolder A or B is taken out of the "main" mod folder and placed in the z folder. ie: A and B cannot be active at the same time. Have I got that correct now? However, what about the instruction I found in at least one mod readme that said "extract into the CMSF root directory." Is that a certain type of mod, or is the instruction wrong? (I know that BFC wanted to make the use of mods easier, but without clear instructions in the manuals - at least I couldn't find em - it's confusing.)
  6. Is it certain this is a problem? I only see the flashing when there is gunfire. I thought that the flashing was simulating the light from gunfire and explosions. Looked quite good imo.
  7. A really basic question... where does one place mods after downloading them? I thought that after unzipping or un-raring you simply place whatever was inside the file into a "z" folder that one creates in the combat mission strike force root directory. However, I don't think my mods are being seen. Some unzipped/un-rared files result in .bmp files\, others in a .brz file, others in a folder, others in a folder that has subfolders. Sometimes the instructions say "unzip into your CMSF root directory (rather than into the z folder). Is there a tutorial re where to place what sort of unzipped file? Thanks...
  8. Ok, after some trial and error, I think I may have mastered bunker killing when all you can use are (Brits) squad weapons. (Maybe US troops have an easier time?) This was required in the excellent Royal Mud Marines scenario - in which one has to KO bunkers that are only visible at very close range in woods. First, what does NOT work is attempting to use engineers' demo charges and the BLAST command. Bunkers are not buildings apparently. Also, when ordered to target the bunker, squads use small arms and 40mm grenades primarily. I may have seen a missile or two at most - and even then I think it was an AT missile, and NOT a LASM. So, it appears that the bunker is treated more like a vehicle. My technique was to use 4-6 teams firing at the surrounded bunker from all angles, and at close range (0-15m). This seems to suppress the bunker - and this is essential so that there is no effective enemy fire from the bunker (which can be quite lethal). The bunker starts taking casualties and after a couple turns it is KO'd. Not exactly realistic, but hey... If anyone has a better tactic, plz post.
  9. According to BoB the players with ATI cards experience no end of problems - at least with CM1. It became a rule - don't buy ATI. Not sure what changed in CM2. But, this is the first time I've heard of nVidia problems.
  10. Lovely. Let us know when it's ready for d/l. Esp a dirty/dusty version.
  11. Amazing map. Can't imagine the work you've done. But, plz get it out there for playing. One can always do more work as nothing is ever perfect. Also, is there a single place to get all the mods I am reading about in this thread?
  12. BTW: Are we certain that PPHE is for anti-personnel work only, while HEDP is useful vs vehicles. Am thinking of only loading PPHE when enemy vehicles are not a problem. Otherwise, it seems a waste that the AI uses HEDP first until it runs out.
  13. Wonderful news. Good luck Philip!
  14. Ok thanks... BTW: IN the thread I found this: "The GMG has to be dismounted to see the airburst (PPHE) in the ammo tab, and the crew only seems to use it once HEDP is depleted, even against personnel targets. Once they start using PPHE it looks just like small mortar airbursts with the dust kicked up underneath." I also found that HEDP is depleted first when I was shooting at inf or buildings (haven't tried it on vehicles yet). Good to know that the PPHE is at least as effective and probably more so. (I was running out of the HEDP reloads.)
  15. The Brits have HEDP and PPHE. The HEDP gets used up first. What are the different capabilities and why does the PPHE only get used when the HEDP is used up? Thanks...
  16. I understand. I simply wanted to update a comment re "Warriors In The Sands" with what I hoped would be something more detailed and helpful. Shame we can't link to a reviews section in your forums. Might be helpful for designers.
  17. Things that CMSF appears to teach (as opposed to RL which may or may not correspond): The Brit stuff is ****e compared to the US (altho am enjoying playing the Brits due to the increased "challenge"). But, Vectors are only glorified trucks. Scary to think of soldiers being sent into combat in one. CMSF also teaches that the WMIK is only good for transportation. Hard to see its use anywhere close to combat.
  18. So one can't even delete an old one and update? That's a shame actually.
  19. Avoiding casualties is probably the best way to assess one's success at playing CMSF. With CM1, one really didn't worry as much about em. If you are serious about improving play I recommend that you pick a smallish scenario that you like, and play it vs the AI several times and as both sides. That way you'll get a "feeling" for what each side experiences, and their different capabilities.
  20. I wanted to add extra comments re a campaign I was playing, and after writing a mighty tome and pressing the button it didn't appear as "You already have left a comment." Is there a way of editing comments or adding extra ones?
  21. Yes, I just got back from a few months in London and picked up and played a cardboard game called "Where there is discord..." (I think). It was a solitaire game of the naval, air and ground challenges of Falklands, and clearly showed what a close run thing it was. Some of the best graphics and production values of any cardboard game I have ever seen btw if others are into that. I recall back then during the "Thatcher war" cynically thinking that there must be oil or minerals out there someplace for the UK to care so much - even tho' at the time all that was strenuously denied. But, now, guess what... And I see the Argies are raising the whole thing again. Plus ca change...
  22. Thank you... I noted: "The Vector PPV was found to have unreliable supension and wheel hubs as well as poor protection against improvised explosive devices. It quickly lost the confidence of field commanders and was withdrawn from service.[5]" From this and CMSF one really gets the sense that aside from the Challenger tank, the poor Brit soldier really has crappy stuff - awful feeling of sliding into 2nd world status - I guess like the Romans after their empire crashed. How long for the US I wonder.
  23. Maybe try to break up the battlefield into separate mini-battles and create temporary task forces to accomplish each goal. After a while you get an instinct on how to have each mini-task force or unit able to support each other in certain locations. Some of the best advice I received when I started playing CM was that as soon as you spot an enemy unit, maneuver to bring overwhelming force against it and kill it asap. Then "rinse and repeat". ie: Don't try to accomplish too many things at the same time. CMSF is much more tricky and "sensitive" than CM1 in that it is very unforgiving of errors. CMSF requires very patient and methodical play - rather boring for most folks. That's why this is a tiny niche market heh...
  24. Was reading a book about a Brit unit in Afghanistan by Andy McNab of SAS fame, and they keep referring to their armored vehicles as "Vectors." Anyone know what sort of vehicles they are?
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