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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. "The only indicator will be the close voice/visual icons displaying on the selected unit, despite a bad link in the chain to the unit's own immediate superior HQ." I understand that. However, there was no visual or shouting symbol even when the Co CO was sitting having coffee with the leaderless platoon. (Yes, he was I Co HQ and they were I Co Platoons.) I did cheat a bit and went to the next scenario (Razorback Ridge, "Courage & Fortitude" campaign), and the two leaderless platoons did finally get a platoon HQ each. But, both platoons were leaderless for the entire Bumper Cars scenario having had the HQ's KIA in the previous scenario (School of Hard Knocks). I have noticed that there is a green light next to one of the Co CO's now. So, maybe it takes a few turns for him to take over. (BTW: I have read on these forums someplace that the C2 links and green/red lights do not work as described in the manual and above.) Great campaign though. I will probably go back and replay Hard Knocks. Altho' once you know where the enemy FO is and kill him, 90% of your problems are over. Then I will play the direct route option scenario (I chose overland, hence the Bumper Cars scenario I am in now.)
  2. I noticed that it usually seems best to give multiple waypoints even with a long straight road.
  3. Looks like a v good idea. I d/l it but when I look at the icons am confused as you have British Blue, British Red etc. Do we have to choose the color we want and paste only the British icons that are red into a separate folder called (say) British Red and then to the Z folder? A readme would be nice.
  4. It's a shame CMBN doesn't have AT and AP mines (like CM1 had) rather than the generic mine. Until my tanks started getting broken, I assumed that if inf triggered a minefield then it would be safe for vehicles.
  5. Finally, we have a game system that continually requires you to upgrade your computer with every iteration of the series. Should contact Intel and other chip makers asap for massive funding.
  6. I had a company HQ in the middle of the leaderless platoon and no green buttons - even though he would have auditory, visual contact. He could have spat at them. Does one have to leave the CO HQ there for several minutes?? Note that the leaderless platoon also had no platoon HQ leader in the NEXT battle of the campaign either! It's all very well saying the system has no interest in making things easy for players, but "realistically" wasn't there a protocol for replacing KIA leaders? Especially between battles.
  7. Really beautiful work, Romm. (As always, I appeal to you to plz do a version that is dirty and really banged up.)
  8. If it was CM1 I would. But, CM2 editor frightens me. Everything looks so much more complex in CM2. I expect that's why we have so much less mods and scenarios for CMSF, CMA and CMBN than CM1 had in the same amount of time. I will try it out in a scenario.
  9. Ok,thanks. I will remove the one labeled "CMSF" from CMA Z folder. But, is the "uparmored T55/&62 bow mod" another file in the repository? Or is it the same one called "partial patch" that I mentioned above?
  10. The "trick" with Regimental sized forces (in addition to a decent machine) is to move as a platoon, not so much as as squads, and certainly very rarely splitting into teams - kinda the way one should, except in smaller scenarios you generally don't get enough units to do that.
  11. In good ol' cardboard wargame days IIRC PanzerBlitz was the most successful with ~200,000 copies. "Good" numbers these days are more than a couple thousand. Thank heaven that BFC isn't interested in money, they are on a mission from Dog.
  12. An assault move with a FACE command at the waypoint or a permanent covered arc in the desired direction should have that effect.
  13. Great points, Kong. I agree re comparing CM1 and CM2. It really is about what scale you enjoy playing.
  14. Several times I have had platoon HQ's wiped out. I thought that the XO or Company HQ could take over if close enough but they never get a "green C2 light", visual or auditory command symbol- even when right amidst the leaderless platoon in question. So, is there any way to get a senior commander to take over when a subordinate HQ is KIA? If not, it seems like an odd design decision. What is the purpose of all those Co HQ's, XO's, 2IC's and HQ support units? (I'd much prefer to get rid of most of the various HQ units and get medics instead as medics are needed ALL the time.)
  15. gautrek: have you made any CM2 mods? Yours were my favorite mods in CM1 which I still play. I think I use every one you ever made. You are brilliant at making battle-worn mods. Largely thanks to your work I think my modded CM1 looks as good, maybe better, than CM2 once one gets above level 4.
  16. "...stains of mud and grass." Thank you, thank you, thank you... It's great to see uniforms as they would have looked - dirty and smelly, knees and elbows even dirtier and worn. (I think the screaming eagle patch is still too bright however. I bet that would have been almost invisible 10 feet away due to dirt.) My only other suggestion would be as an experiment to make an even dirtier mod. Be good to see if it is even possible to make a "too dirty" uniform after being the field for weeks.
  17. "I´ve basically made a map with two sets of (not too unrealistic) forces with only one purpose in mind: To make a scenario that I myself would find entertaining. Only afterwards I´ve then tried to find a plausible setting to fit the scenario in." I think this approach has worked wonderfully in your scenario. I really enjoyed the first version and look forward to this improved version. imo "realistic" scenarios are virtually impossible if you want to have fun.
  18. "Anything less than a .50 cal will cause suppression only." R U sure about that? I hope so. It's a pain to keep changing my supporting inf from TARGET to TARGET LIGHT every time friendlies are near the target area. However, what makes me cautious is that with a TARGET order, inf will fire rockets, throw grenades etc. Am pretty sure it's easy to cause friendly casualties like this.
  19. I have a T55_T66 skins CMSF_MkeyD folder in my CMA mods sections as well as a T55M-T62M Partial Patch_Afghan_MikeyD folder. Is the above one of those? The "CMSF" name confused me. I just want to make sure I have the correct versions in the correct folders. Great work btw.
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