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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. There is some sort of Chechnian mod afaik.
  2. Beautiful work. But, so clean and museum-quality looking....
  3. Was happy to get a minor victory in School of Hard Knocks. It is a great training scenario for when you think you have the CMBN system down cold and it's too easy vs the AI. I look forward to trying it again. Of course there is that one trick re blinding the enemy FO once one knows where he is (not too hard to figure out) and am not sure if the "School" scenario is very replayable other than trying to get minimal friendly casualties. Did anyone lose and get to University? Is it worth going back to "School" and losing just to play University? Chose to go Xcountry and Bumper Cars is a lot of fun, but as someone said it is primarily an inf supported by mortars (and light armor to some extent) scenario. Not too hard to win a Major Victory. But, again it's keeping friendly casualties low that is the real challenge. Will go back to the direct road option later. Just starting Ridge. Really enjoying this campaign so far.
  4. concrete = 20cm steel concrete = 20cm R U sure that's correct? That's saying 8 inches of steel concrete is required to stop small arms?
  5. Without going through all the mods in the repository, what is the name of the mod? It does not appear to be under CPT Mike...
  6. umlaut... I liked your original philosophy of making a fun game and "realism comes 2nd." If it would make it more fun, I would add the FO.
  7. I was wondering if that's a new campaign, or do you mean "Road to Montebourg"?
  8. Just to clarify, all we need is the "Flesh Subdued Terrain V2 update 02" or do we also need to put the first "Flesh Subdued Terrain V2" into the Z folder?
  9. Lovely work, Vein. Is this "Vein's Germans CMBN v1" (which I have) or do you have an updated version now?
  10. What color base mod are you using? I think I use Vein's which are a sort of curvy version without a discrete arrow.
  11. Looks very good. Thanks... Will you post it on the Repository or CMMODS? Also I note that I already have both Wolfe's Reduced Shimmer Terrain and Vein's Terrain Desaturation mods in my Z folder. Do these conflict with yours? Does one need your v1 mod to make your v2 mod work?
  12. Yes it is. Note to other modders and scenario designers: Not sure why zipped file names would be different from the actual file or folder that goes into the Z folder. It would save a lot of confusion if SOP was to make sure the names were always the same. Also, if one is required to make selections of versions first, plz include a readme file.
  13. Ok, I saved most turns so I should have one for you. Where to send?
  14. It looks really useful. But forgive me, don't know what a JAVA Virtual Machine is or how to make one.
  15. I finally got to understand the strange compass system in CM2. But, I wish they had used something simple like yours from the start. Weird for a game system that talks about "realism" so much that they had to use a totally unrealistic compass method that made it confusing as to which direction you are looking at esp since the milpro market must be used to looking at RL compasses. Hope you do similar smaller icons for CMBN btw. I especially like the "Lt. Smash WW2 floating icons". But, it would be great to have em smaller.
  16. So, we are talking about the "T55M-T62M Partial Patch_Afghan_MikeyD" folder?
  17. You can find the files easily in the repository under UNIFORMS, but the link doesn't seem to work.
  18. "The only indicator will be the close voice/visual icons displaying on the selected unit, despite a bad link in the chain to the unit's own immediate superior HQ." I understand that. However, there was no visual or shouting symbol even when the Co CO was sitting having coffee with the leaderless platoon. (Yes, he was I Co HQ and they were I Co Platoons.) I did cheat a bit and went to the next scenario (Razorback Ridge, "Courage & Fortitude" campaign), and the two leaderless platoons did finally get a platoon HQ each. But, both platoons were leaderless for the entire Bumper Cars scenario having had the HQ's KIA in the previous scenario (School of Hard Knocks). I have noticed that there is a green light next to one of the Co CO's now. So, maybe it takes a few turns for him to take over. (BTW: I have read on these forums someplace that the C2 links and green/red lights do not work as described in the manual and above.) Great campaign though. I will probably go back and replay Hard Knocks. Altho' once you know where the enemy FO is and kill him, 90% of your problems are over. Then I will play the direct route option scenario (I chose overland, hence the Bumper Cars scenario I am in now.)
  19. I noticed that it usually seems best to give multiple waypoints even with a long straight road.
  20. Looks like a v good idea. I d/l it but when I look at the icons am confused as you have British Blue, British Red etc. Do we have to choose the color we want and paste only the British icons that are red into a separate folder called (say) British Red and then to the Z folder? A readme would be nice.
  21. It's a shame CMBN doesn't have AT and AP mines (like CM1 had) rather than the generic mine. Until my tanks started getting broken, I assumed that if inf triggered a minefield then it would be safe for vehicles.
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