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Everything posted by PiggDogg

  1. Clubfoot & Everyone, Club, how much of an increase and/or benefit did you receive upon upgrading to a GeForce3 Ti500? What was the visible and tangible benefit? What had been your prior video card & your prior amount of RAM? Do you think that an upgrade to a GeFroce3 Ti200 would have given an almost similar benefit as the Ti500 gave to you on your relatively slow machine? Club & everyone, Presently, I have a P2-400, 512 RAM, TNT 16 meg. In about 5 or 6 weeks, I will purchase a new super whammy Athlon XP, GeForce3 Ti500, & the whole shooting match in order to play Medal of Honor &, of course, CMBB. My sweet wife shall inherit the old P2-400 which shall be networked to the new Athlon machine. However, one must bring the old P2-400 up a bit to be able to have decent LAN games and my local LAN to internet games. Question: what video card and/or what else should I do to cheaply ($100 to $200) upgrade the old P2-400 to give it more pep & zip? Remember, the P2-400 has 512 meg RAM already. Cheers, Richard
  2. I absolutely do not believe this Sakai character. It is perfectly acceptable not to have liked the Band Of Brothers series. However, this particular thread is not the place for such tv review comments. Other threads 'would' be an appropriate place for such comments. One's not having followed this thread and having made an inappropriate comment for this thread is understandable and forgiveable. However, in this thread, one's replying with continued inappropriate comments for this thread is not understandable and is not forgiveable. One should learn to have politeness and courtesy. One should learn to act appropriately in both time and place. One's continued activity shows one's true color. I'm quite sorry for having to even put my above comments into this thread, however, the inappropriateness required response. With deep respect for all the people who have defended this country & for Carwood Lipton & his family, I convey my deepest sympathy to the Lipton family & the families of all other veterans. Richard
  3. Ace, It is a mystery of the universe that you can know that those units are remnants of full squad or of teams. However, it is quite cool & makes one feel like an all knowing being. Just enjoy, it ain't so bad. Cheers, Richard
  4. Very sad to hear this news. God bless Lipton, & condolences to his family. He is simply leading the way to where we all shall follow. With Sadness, Richard
  5. I'm upgrading in about 6 weeks. My 3 year old (2/2/99) P2-400, TNT 16 meg, 512 RAM is just too old. My wife is getting this computer, & I'm getting near the fastest Athlon XP CPU with all the bells & whistles. I'll be ready for CMBB easily & for Medal Of Honor. But, damn, I don't want MOH to take time away from my CMBO & CMBB. :mad: Cheers, Richard :cool:
  6. Petrovsky, Excellently put & quite correct. We all learn from winning, but especially from losing. I'll whine (cabernet cauvignon or chardonney) a bit when I come across a human made scenario & they get uber cats & I am not given something to easily take them out, like tungsten. :eek: But I'll carry on & have my Greyhounds bite the bogie wheels of those uber monsters. I'll be more inventive & ultimately a better player this way. Also, go to the Band Of Brothers web site & join. You will enjoy. You have the right attitude. Happy New Year & Cheers to All, Richard :cool: :cool: :cool:
  7. Toran, The telltale sign of a upcoming arty barrage (as opposed to an on board mortar firing) is the single spotting round. Usually, the spotting round lands somewhat in the area of the targeting point about 30 seconds (for smaller arty [75 & 81 mm]) to about 60 seconds (for larger arty [105 mm & larger]) before the true barrage arrives. :cool: Cheers, Richard
  8. Hofbauer & Silvio, <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by M Hofbauer: you forgot the Pz IV (all models) - do not expose to sunlight or fresh air. serious addendum to above: Their glorious HE and MG loadout will save your hide...by pounding enemy grunts from pseudo-keyhole firing positions. <hr></blockquote> However, even in keyhole firing positions, PvIVs, because they are invariably unlucky & are AT shell magnets, never live long enough to shoot HE & MGs. Cheers, Richard
  9. If the Kiwi monstrosity is not the most ugly vehicle of WWII, it is near the top of a quite short list. Cheers, Richard
  10. Swift, Lol. That was 'swift' & quite funny. Merry Christmas, Richard :cool: :cool:
  11. Stealth, I love CM. However, moving each unit (inf & vehicles) precisely and carefully (both of which are necessary) is tedious & a pain. Realize that in CM, the AI is as dumb as a box of rocks. In movement, the only really good thing that the AI does is for undergunned &/or underarmored vehicles to flee when they are threatened with destruction by something that they cannot kill. :eek: :eek: Against real humans, if you want to survive & win in CM, you must place each unit carefully. Cheers, Richard :cool: :cool:
  12. Olle, You forgot about the US 155 mm arty. A regular US 155 mm FO has a two minute (usually plus a small bit) response time. That is some fast & does not give the Germans much time to avoid the fall of such killer shells. You are correct, the rate of fire may be considered slow, a mere 8 rounds per minute. However, those rounds (with sighted targeting) kill everything (well, most everything) & gives one 4 minutes of raining death. :eek: I love 'em, & I use 'em every chance I get. However, having 150 mm plus arty available in 1500 or 2000 point games is a bit much. One (my self included) can consider them unhistorical in such small battles. Cheers, Richard
  13. Reasons that I like Americans: Nice infantry fire power. Big & fast arriving arty that kills. Got gum, Joe? (to plagerize CMPlayer) Reasons that I like Germans: Nice infantry with SMG & Pzfsts (to plagerize HistoryBuff). 120 mm mortars (also, big & fast arriving). Some tanks/TDs that may bounce a shot. Reasons that I like Brits & pals: 2 inch mortars. Fireflys. Ok arty. Cheers, Richard
  14. Doodads? Daddoos? :confused: Who cares what they are called. I'm now getting a small itch for CMBB to arrive. However, I am having such a great time with CMBO. When is CMBB due to be released? :confused: I'm looking forward to CMBB. However, I will be sad to leave CMBO behind. The Americans, Brits, & Poles are such fun. However, life moves on. Onward & upward. A new day dawns. Merry Christmas, Richard :cool:
  15. You know the neat thing about CM? It is that one can see the forces & forces mixes of each side. Then one can see how each force & mix acted & interacted on the battlefield. It has taken a long time (for me since 1958-60) for this sort of game/simulation to come about. However, in CM, one can actually see the book information applied in a visual, entertaining, and enjoyable manner. Cheers, Richard
  16. Grunt, Joe, Spkr, Thanks for the info. My mind is soothed and my composure is restored. Cheers, Richard :cool:
  17. Sgt. Grunt, I don't want to be too wary, but would someone with full knowledge & credentials confirm what Sgt. Grunt is saying here. It seems that I have this sulfnbk.exe in my c:\windows\dommand file. :mad: :mad: I guess that this is bad. Need help. Cheers, Richard :mad:
  18. Jim, <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> The only remaining question is... did you visibly age whilst reading Jason's posts? Regards Jim R. <hr></blockquote> My already little bit of hair has now turned gray & fallen out. Cheers, Richard
  19. I'm 53, older than dirt, mud, & Tactics II by Avalon Hill. :eek: :eek: Respect your elders, you yound wipper snappers. Cheers, Richard :cool: :cool:
  20. Equinox, thanks for the link to the thread that CombinedArms had referred to. Quite informative thread & pretty well answered my questions. JasonC did it again in that thread. He is 'da man' with data and info. :eek: :eek: Cheers, Richard :cool: :cool:
  21. CombinedArms & everyone else, Thanks, but send more info if you go it. Cheers Richard
  22. Jon, Honestly, for the sized games that I play (1500 pts) no nuke arty should be available. Certainly not 240 mms, 8 inchers, or even 155 mms. Possibly not 4.5 inchers which (as I had professed) were hardly available. For a 1500 pt game, 105s should be somewhat available. Just an opinion. Scipio's arty rules are pretty darn good. Cheers, Richard
  23. In addition to my above questions: Did the US use the 4.5 inchers at all? Did the US use the 4.5 inchers to any real extent? Did the US use 4.5 inchers to an extent so that they should be reasonably available in CMBO? :confused: :confused: Duh?? Cheers, Richard
  24. I have been around for a few years (53). I have played army as a kid (yep, that was a long, long time ago. Lol.). I have read about & studied WWII, the Civil War, Korea, Napoleonic Wars, etc. for nearly as many years (by crackie, I remember the good old days). :eek: I'm pretty well versed in US military history & organization. However, I don't know everything. I am quite familiar with the US 105 mm, 75 mm, & 155 mm guns &/or howitzers. I am well aware of the 60 mm & 81 mm mortars. I aware of the 8 inch guns & howitzers. Once again, I am pretty well versed in US weapons. However, I don't claim to know everything. Someone, please tell me about the US (& for that matter, the Brit) 4.5 inch guns. :confused: Quite honestly, I don't want to be totally uninformed. However, I have never heard of WWII US 4.5 inch arty until CM. Maybe they are a holdover from WWI? :confused: What was their organization? Where were they used? Who/what units used them? How were they used (Yeah, they were loaded & fired at the enemy)? When where they used? Why were they used since 105 & 155 mm arty was available? :confused: I wish to be informed. Cheers, Richard
  25. Jason, Quite interesting, useful, & informative. Thanks. When do you sleep? Also, provide us with some more of these historical pieces. I, & I assume others, will find these a pleasure. Also (& I don't want to sound like a drooling idiot, but I will ), you do not have permission to stop posting on this board on any subject. You are hereby ordered (& politely requested) to continuing posting your well thought out & supported tomes. Cheers, Richard
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