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Everything posted by rleete

  1. Hey, you're the one with the domanatrix costume. I don't refute that dalem has one as well, but I'm filing that under "things we really, really don't want to know". So, we shall leave it up to you to open the can of "whoops, you ass" on him.
  2. What the heck? You want me to give you my take on the dating scene? In my case it's "been there, done that, gave up and got married". I've been a non-participant ever since. How 'bout the cooking/recipe thread? If it doesn't come out of a can, odds are I don't make it. Or at least not very well, and not very often. Why do you think I got married in the first place? rleete don't play in the GF very much. It scares me.
  3. flamingknives, that reply is not nearly technical enough. It is also far too short, and written without one single obscure word/term, making it likely to be fully understood. For shame. Go back to your Rexford Guide to Posts, and re-read the chapter on armo(u)r plate. Then, if your head hasn't imploded (or you've fallen asleep), try again. We'll be waiting.
  4. Pot, meet kettle. Although Boo isn't technically a "bunch", being overly large and thuggish qualifies him for the same category. To all who sent well wishes: Mother and son are both doing fine. She and I send our thanks. When Alex is old enough to type (which, I suspect will be within the month), I will let him logon and tell each of you off personally. You may kow-tow to him then, and swear fealty for life.
  5. God, just sat through the last three hours of the LotR Trillogy. My, my, look at all the cliches we can cram into one single film. *vomit* What a waste of time. Makes you buggers look interesting in comparison.
  6. Seanachai, this whole "back and forth conversation" thingy would work a whole lot better if you'd keep hours more in line with the rest of the human race. You know, awake in daylight, sleep at night? I suppose you do it your way to be more like the Oddstraylians.
  7. Oh, and while we're on the subject of His Supreme Long-Windedness, would you mind explaining that last line in your opening post? I've never (that I'll admit to anyway) asked anyone to "touch it". Never had to, really. And you were the pillock who asked for pics, so I sent you one. Hot off the digital camera, it was taken only moments before. Dr. says it's going to be a big 'un, well into the 9 lb. range. At least I spared you the view looking "eye to eye with the beard of god".
  8. If not, I fully support any decision to do so now. Especially after that last post. [ June 23, 2004, 08:01 PM: Message edited by: rleete ]
  9. I gots a cut-off wheel. It isn't a hell of a lot faster than the saw. What they don't show you on TV is he took an hour and a half to cut out that fender, and it's only about 14 gauge. Also, it is very difficult to get an even, straight line. I don't own a torch, nor know how to use one. I'd really love to get a plasma cutter, but the bucks just aren't in my possesion. Edit: Boo, nice pic.
  10. Oooh. Did I hit a sore spot Mace? Good. Here, let me rub some salt in, too. I think you drink Fosters and like it! Nidan1, I blame you. How the hell does one cut through 3/16" steel plate with a crappy old Sears (not even Craftsman, fer Berli's sake) scroll saw. Not very damn fast, let me tell you. Hey, good idea. Not many of those about, I'll wager.
  11. I believe the proper phrase would be "it is being completed at a glacial pace". As a matter of fact, I'm going outside to cut steel right now.
  12. Kitty is mentally challenged. Heck, she even acts as if she likes you. But, being a Lady of the Pool, we never speak of it, and just smile politely when she chops off her own fingers. You, you're a bleeding retard, make no mistake. My bet is that you are secretly a pommie.
  13. Beman, (S.B.N.B.) you keep posting this alll over the place, like the damn hedgehog saying, "Dinsdale?" in MontyPython's F.C. Or a dog crapping on the living room rug. BAD DOG!
  14. Normally, I wouldn't post something from an email, but the following examples were just too good to not pass along. Besides, they give me something to post about. And since my posting is annoying to most of you, it gives me pleasure. Ah, the simple pleasures in life. Originally emailed by Seanachai: [openquote] YOU CAN'T THREATEN ME, UP STATE NEW YORKER BOY! Man, does that suck as an insult. Bah! I wave my hand at you. Christ, you're annoying sometimes. [endquote] So, as you can all plainly see, my campaign to be named "Official Mortal Enemy to the Olde Ones of the Peng Challenge Thread" is coming along nicely. Heck, if not the OMEOOPC (rearranged it spells c-me-poop), at least "Major Thorn in the Side of the Bard". And that's a good thing. Although we may need to form a committee (replete with stenographers) to sort it all out. You all better hope he has a weak constitution, severe allergies and myopia. Otherwise, you'll all end up in the Kingdom of Leete. I'll be the revered old father figure, of course. Many of your heads will adorn the gateposts along the grand avenue. The Bard will be kept around as comic relief, when the movie is made.
  15. Stupidity is it's own reward. And entertainment for the rest of us. We smirk at you. I'd do it for a six-pack of decent (i.e. Guinness) beer. You'd have to help with the grunt work, natch. Of course, you'd also have to pay for round trip airfare, so maybe it isn't such a bargain afterall. [serious]It really isn't that hard to do. If you get a propane torch, you can do it all by yourself. The most difficult part is hauling the heater itself.[/serious] Be sure to have someone send us pics of the blown up rubble after you try!
  16. Hortland, you paragraph about butterflies it pure poetry. I'd put it in my sig, but it is too long.
  17. I had to pay dues? I thought I was tossed for my wallet while I was drunk. Damn. Can I get a refund? Who's the treasurer?
  18. Further proof that you're a poofter. I not only playtested them, I did so with the one and only Mensch. Yes, Mr. treefullofrats hisownself. Flampanzers at night in heavy fog. 50 zooks with one round each against a dozen PzIV's (also at night), in the rain. Ah, the good old days when jeep rushes were not only expected, but required so as to not be labeled a forking attritionist. Disparage the single decent scenario designer at your own risk. Whatta you know. Trolling again for a mortal enema, you dottering old posterboy for the unemployable? Seems like only yesterday that I prodded and poked at you, until you blurted out hateful things to me. Damn near got yourself a time out on that one, too, if memory serves. And then got all apologetic when I turned it around on you, and made you look like the bad guy all along. (heh, heh. So easy it was.) Come into the Holy Thread (may it always be here), and I'll show you what for, you said. Wasn't the last time you went whoring on the GF and brought back something you'd caught. Took me to squire, and I immediately bit the proffered hand. Tried and tried to kick me upstairs to Kniggit, but I refused. And you relented. Wussy. Mace's sheep show more spine. When you were blackballed by the folks at BFC for using naughty words (did it make you feel all growed up?) who was the first to spit on your chair, and laugh at you when you couldn't respond? Who is the first one to take a shot at you when you haven't posted in a while? Which among us always flings poo, knowing you just have to respond, and usually in kind? I'm having my boy circumcised. Shall I save you the foreskin, so you can have something usefull to aspire to? C'mon, you Olde Farte; I'm spiteful, politically incorrect, and woefully ignorant. Worse yet, you can't make me go away. Your worst nightmare is right here, and you know it. Troll all you want, I'll still be here to stab you in the back if I wish to stoop that low.
  19. Always too much dalem. Never enough presents. Or at least not the good ones. Always someone buying something practical and necessary. Totally outside the spiirit of presents. rleete is in pain. I know this brings happiness to the rabble. rleete forgot to use adequate sunscreen. Note to self: that little bald monk's spot on the top of the noggin is very apt to burn when exposed to the suns rays for extended periods. Due to lack of foresight, rleete now experiences the terrible consequences of his actions. rleete now has a glimse into the hell-on-earth that is the life of Boo.
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