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Everything posted by Dunnee

  1. The first time I played the demo, I took a shot at the pillbox and it immediately flamed up, and damn, I don't think that's happened since.
  2. I do that when I'm on the attack Gyrene, works like a charm everytime, although sometimes you sweat a little for that "sacrificial lamb".
  3. I've had panthers rack up 40-50 infantry kills with an additional 10-12 AFVs knocked out, wish I could supply the hard evidence but I really don't care about kills, so long as the battle is won.
  4. who said I didn't use sharpshooters correctly? I merely was raising an issue of improvement, there's nothing wrong with the way I use them, and also, there are occasions of snipers holding up more than a battalion, and sure it's no fun, but it's real. . .
  5. Yeah. . I always thought a crew would re-man the gun if it wasn't damaged, but CM doesn't allow this.
  6. I guess the gun is supposed to be damaged from the firing that caused the infantry to run in the first place.
  7. yeah, the AI has a tendency to throw everything into one hastily prepared assault, usually against a narrow part of your line adjacent a VL. All u gotta do if your defending is wait for it and smoke em.
  8. Pardon me, but wtf is boof? I'm just a simple jersey boy so excuse me if i'm naive about these things.
  9. Chris. . .I think what you described the CM sharpshooter as doing is actually a sniper's job description. A "sharpshooter" should be attached to his unit, not bought seperately as support, a sniper would be bought seperately as he has special skills, whereas the "sharpshooter" is just a damn good shot.
  10. I realize that in CM u can have penetrations with no damage, but I want to see battle damage on the tanks if they survive some hits. I know it probably can't be done, but I wonder. . .
  11. I don't know. . I like the proffesionalism of the crack troops, good shots, don't panic easily, they are very tough if used well. very tough.
  12. Then why aren't sharpshooters directly attached to a unit used in a particular game. Maybe crack and elite squads should include a "sharpshooter". But as is, this "sharpshooter", and I'm well aware of BTS's stance on this, is a single, independent unit. WHY? Do single men of an infantry squad who are good shots just strike off on their own?
  13. I got Maltese's back, but not about medals, i'm concerned with storyline. And as for Aitken talkin bout "armchair generals", isn't he one too?
  14. You might be laying your path too close to the obstacles. I don't know if this is accurate, but I think CM takes into account the width and length of a vehicle. So I make sure I have enough room to manouover(is that how you spell it?) around the obstacles.
  15. Snipers need a little tweeking. They get a max of 15 shots, and they are expert marksmen, so it should be one shot, one kill. If a sniper shoots his whole ammo load, there should be 15 dead soldiers to his credit. Any sniper worth his snot doesn't shoot until the shot is a kill shot, if he's at long range. Maybe under a certain distance, his one shot, one kill percentage would go down to simulate his having to shoot rapidly and displace frequently to avoid getting zeroed and killed. I don't know, that's just my beef, I've had snipers blast their whole load and not do a damn thing. . .
  16. I would like to see those small shells on occasion damage a tank and injure crewman, because there have been tanks that took hits and kept on fighting. Maybe show them with battle damage(could this be done? I don't know. . ) like smoke and flames, maybe some holes, or you can only make left turns. Something about a panther thats smoking from six holes and leaking oil. . .but still firing. . .i like it.
  17. macs rule. . always used one, always will. It's simplicity itself, windows is a thorn in my right buttcheek. . .
  18. gamey. . i hate that phrase, this game represents war, and in war THERE ARE NO RULES, except the rules of the natural world,i.e, physics, chemistry, etc. I say let him do whatever he wants with that truck, it's his decision, not his opponents. I think people like to use gamey as an excuse when they get caught with their pants down. no offense.
  19. i tried to get in on that first run and I just missed it man, i sweated for a couple weeks last summer playing the demo until one day, like christmas, that package was in my door. I love this f'n game, been playing it for almost a year and it's still fresh and exciting.
  20. I'm a fan of the lynx in a scouting role.. . it's cheap, not really deadly, but it's hella fast.
  21. I've talked about that, more rewarding campaigns that come with the game. . .just like you said, a career system. A lot of others feel that way too, so hopefully it will get noticed a find a way into CM2, but I doubt it.
  22. I knocked out two KT's in a village at 140m in 1m. . with three stuarts. . bet.
  23. chill, I embody the friday night bombed cm goon, and I will whip your ass. . period.
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