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Peter Cairns

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Everything posted by Peter Cairns

  1. OVERLORD Module 1 U.S. Sector Utah and Omaha and the push inland with historical maps and scenarios. Module 2 UK and Canadian, Sword and Juno with historical maps and scenarios. Module 3 Airborne. US, UK Red Berets 82nd Airborne and 101st Airborne, with historical maps and scenarios. Peter.
  2. Newton ( 1642-1727), Darwin (1809-1882)and Einstein (1879-1955) all lived at different periods of history when mankind was pretty much the same as it is today. Unless you believe that since the mid fifties human nature has changed and that mankind has evolutionarily regressed. Alternatively, as you seem to suggest, you may believe that rather than being at odds with great thinkers of the past it is easier to believe that if they were alive today they would think like you. It's possible, but somehow I doubt it. Peter.
  3. unsobill, You seem to be making the mistake of thinking that if someone disagrees with you they eitther haven't understood, or have an ulterior motive. Some people want Merkava in because they like the vehicle, annd want to be able to simulate a likely future conflictt in the region, the same way that some people like the Panther or Tiger inn WW2. That doesn't make them Zionists or Nazi's, just armour grogs ( Which doesn't exactly make them normal but it's not as bad as being a Nazi). Peter.
  4. unsobill, I think you are taking the martyr thing a bit to far. If someone came on here and said man evolved from ducks, most people would disagree. If the person then came back and said, " You fear what you can't understand and attack me because I am different", most people would just think he was a nutter. Your getting that reputation pretty quick. Peter.
  5. I doubt if Newton, Darwin or Einstein thought it was human nature to fear what they couldn't understand and it certainly isn't mine. Peter.
  6. It may not be on Syria's shopping list but Russia is apparently about to start deploying these..... Twin barrelled 152mm with an unmanned turret with auto loader capable of 15 -18 RPM. Peter.
  7. Looks like the tactic is to justpower on through at speed when moving in Humvees. Given it's only lightly armoured I'd say that was the best tactic even if the last Humvee is vulnerable. Whats the alternative bringthe column to a halt every time you see someone acting suspiciously near cars at the side of the road. How much ground would you cover then, how long would it take to move supplies and worst of all just how vulnerable would you be to RPG's if you came to a halt. The US doesn't have the time or the manpower to pacify every route and the insurgents know it. One option might be helicopter cover, but then we know how strtched they are and how vulnerable in a built up area. Peter. Peter.
  8. Whats the projection at the front of the Stryker, it's not something I've seen before and certainly isn't on the CM:SF models. Peter.
  9. Good to see a "top down" shot at last... these are good for planning etc. I think the main issue with it being prestine, is map design, rather than a game issue. What we haven't seen yet is any examples of an old town where buildings are crammed together and their are alleys and winding streets on sloping ground. So far it looks more Manhatten than Marrakech. Peter.
  10. If an IED can do this to a bradley then nothing is safe. Guardian May 2007 Peter.
  11. If an IED can do this to a bradley then nothing is safe. Peter.
  12. I'll buy you one and post it on, all you need to do is..... E-MAIL ME ALL YOUR BANK DETAILS....... Peter.
  13. Moon, Next time you have shots any chance of seeing the same scene from positions 1 to 9 just so as we can get a feel for it. Peter.
  14. So far I can't recall seing many "high angle" Screen shots or indeed any from above, will they still be available? Peter.
  15. I think one issue that might be troubling people with the look of the game is that the maps don't have the variety we as CM players are used to, mostly because it's still beta, and it's in testing. At the moment most of the urban scenes look like two or three blocks from midtown US or an industrial park have been uprooted and planted in the middle of the desert. I am pretty sure that in the final game, there will be far more in the way of smaller strcuutures, fields and walls in the foreground, particularly along the routes in to towns. If you compare the map in the first CMBO demo with the detail in the final game it's a lot different, and even comparing the quality of the scenario maps in CMBO with CMBB is a big step. I am pretty sure right now the empahasis is in getting the graphics to clearly show what the underlieing engine is doing in terms of correct movement, LOS and fire solutions, in effect game play. As BF have always said too many modern games focus all there efforts of eye candy, and play like pigs, and that's not what makes a good game in there view. I am hoping they are aiming higher in terms of quality ( if not fast profit) than top of the charts for two weeks and in the bargin bucket by the end of the month. That's certainly always been their philosophy, quality over quantity, repect before popularity. Peter.
  16. Just watched a very good piece on Newsnight from a BBC cooorspondant in Iraq. You can link to it from here. Newsnight Peter.
  17. Didn't a pair of US F-16's shoot down some Serbian Trainer/Light Attack aircraft over Bosnia. They didn't actually atttack US ground forces but they could have as i think the US had people on the ground. Peter.
  18. Sirocco, Isn't that the point of putting a 105mm on a stryker, to do exactly that with a $250 HE shell Peter.
  19. BBC reporting that about two weeks ago an Challenger 2 was seriously damaged by an IED which resulted in the driver losing a leg (23rd April PM). Not panic, but concern because up until now we seemed to think that MBT's needed really worry about them. No real detail on exactly what happened. Peter.
  20. Problem with the fly over picture is I doubt if the landscape pallet will be able to do motorway style bridges, although I think the US Embassy in Damascus might be a good model even as a Prequel scenario. Unfortunately I can only find small photos, pretty much from the same angle. I don't think it will work if we go for something that will take a couple of hundred hours of work. This is a good picture and more along the lines i was thinking about but it's probably far too big, we need something like it but smaller I'd say. http://image05.webshots.com/5/9/12/9/65891209pPkrmm_fs.jpg?track_pagetag=/page/photo/outdoors/mountains&track_action=/ViewActions/FullSize Peter.
  21. I thought this might be fun. Given that most of us have seen the Beta pictures of CM:SF, prior to it's realise we could first post pictures of real places in Syria, and then choose one from those posted as the subject for the competition ( or more than one). Then when the game is realised people would post screen shots of their model of it, the idea being to see who could make the most realistic and acccurate version. The competition would be open ended as people would get better and better at modeling, and there wouldn't be a prize. Oh and no one from BF would be allowed to enter. I know this forum can be used for voting but BF have never enabled it or used it so that might be an outside option. As an aside, has this ever been done with CMx1 games. Peter.
  22. rudel.dietrich, I am with you on this one. In an age when we are emphasising precision and using the smallest bomb possible with the maximum accuracy, why on earth would someone want to bring back a weapon more suited to WW1 than the "War on Terror". Peter.
  23. Along with 40ft containers I think the following flavour objects are worth considering, Electricity Pylons; Not only are these imposing and stand out on the landscape they are also of strategic importance being good as a way of determining direction and a target for insurgents etc. Pipes; These can be oil, water or sewage and are a feature of many industrial sites. As such a few different types can lot of character to a map, as well as being usefull objectives. Corrigated Sheets; From warehouses to shanty towns, corrigate sheets are a common building material the world over. Used for everything from roofing through fencing to full buildings, in towns industry and agriculture. Corrigate roofed and clad building also look great when you blow them up because it's full building to frame skeleton in about two seconds. Peter.
  24. These are good, panning panoramas of syrian landscapes. I particularly like the one of the woodland on page 12. There is also one just before it of terraced hillsides. Syrian Landscapes. Peter.
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