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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Dave H

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Everything posted by Dave H

  1. Sort of like A-Rod with the Red Sox, right? Oops, that didn't work out, did it? How about like Nomar with the Red Sox? Or will Mia get him to switch to soccer, since the Red Sox made it so clear they didn't want him? Anyone think our boy mike_the_wino is in mourning for his dear, departed Vikings? Starting out 6-0, and finishing 3-7 and missing the playoffs is aggravating, isn't it? Especially when four of the losses came against the four worst teams in the NFL.
  2. You actually think you can focus several days into the future? Sir, in my estimation your focus, as bleary as it is, is somewhere from 500 to 5,000 years in the past! Tell us honestly, aren't you really hoping for Combat Mission:Punic Wars?
  3. Congratulations to Lurkur for his victory in Ghetto Uprising. His Germans kept tightening the noose on my partisans until my units broke and were exterminated, one after another. I had no answers for his firepower. Rune, both of us agreed we were happier to be finished with this battle than any other we have played. If any of you maggots or <font size=1>penguins</font size=1> want a real in-your-face display of the brutality of the Eastern Front, give it a try. I'm going to review it at the Depot shortly.
  4. Thanks, Becket. My FO gets the lion's share of the credit. He dropped artillery on Becket's Soviet infantry and caused 30 casualties, including his FO. My sorry StuHs accomplished exactly nothing, but they sure made pretty bonfires!
  5. No, we're just waiting until you <font size=1>penguins</font size=1> get bored with your little joke and ooze back where you belong. In case you didn't know, anyone who ever played a PBEM with MasterGoodale has learned patience.
  6. Sorry, Snarker, I'll get to it tomorrow. I waded through the last several pages of jabbering in the old thread, to see what happened. You'd think buried somewhere in that mass of chatter someone would have said something worth reading. Alas, it was not to be. Kitty, Mace, and Seanachai managed to fill the thread with enough hot air to inflate the Hindenburg. I guess their cute little <font size=1>penguin</font size=1> thread was just too confining for them. Or did someone throw them out? YK2 seems a sensible sort, so maybe she tossed them out for being fatuous blowhards. No, if YK2 eliminated all of the <font size=1>mbt's</font size=1> fatuous blowhards, there wouldn't be a <font size=1>penguin</font size=1> thread.
  7. Once Snarker and Axe turn on the charm, the ladies just melt. I thought Kitty was made of sterner stuff, but she folded immediately. Becky's family Christmas done this evening; a brunch tomorrow with friends and then my family gathering tomorrow afternoon still to go. Don't look for turns for a while, maggots.
  8. Once Snarker and Axe turn on the charm, the ladies just melt. I thought Kitty was made of sterner stuff, but she folded immediately. Becky's family Christmas done this evening; a brunch tomorrow with friends and then my family gathering tomorrow afternoon still to go. Don't look for turns for a while, maggots.
  9. Soddball, that was just beautiful. Gut-wrenching, but beautiful. :eek: :eek: Please don't ever get all touchy-feely on us again. I don't think space and time can bear any more sentiment from you. I'll probably be in and out the next few days, like most of you. Family get-togethers this evening and tomorrow for sure. I'll get your turns out eventually. <font size=6>Have a great holiday, MAGGOTS!! </font size=6>
  10. Soddball, that was just beautiful. Gut-wrenching, but beautiful. :eek: :eek: Please don't ever get all touchy-feely on us again. I don't think space and time can bear any more sentiment from you. I'll probably be in and out the next few days, like most of you. Family get-togethers this evening and tomorrow for sure. I'll get your turns out eventually. <font size=6>Have a great holiday, MAGGOTS!! </font size=6>
  11. Thanks Teddy. Allow me to add my own wishes for a wonderful Christmas to all my maggot friends, and to everyone else who wanders into Cheery Waffle Land. That even includes the denizens of the MBT, capitalized in the spirit of the season - just don't get used to it. My Christmas list for some of the Cheery Wafflers: Axe - nothing. He's already married his sweetheart and moved into a new home. That's enough. Soddball - acquittal on any arson charges stemming from his Inferno scenarios. Mike_the_wino - a new liver, or two. Snarker - an exodus of his new neighbors back to New Jersey. Teddy Windsor - a year without royal family scandal. Mike - a year of not being blocked by my internet provider. Becket - a great year with your growing family, and a Yak whenever you need one. MasterGoodale - a mold, ant, and illness-free year, filled with all the molten TNT you can chuck. 86smopuim - an upgrade to dxsmopuim, or even xnuil. Keke - sunlight. Stikkypixie - a year without ever mistakenly looking for me in the Peng thread. Crow - more visits from Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Wallybob - all the crunchies your armor can eat. Jim Boggs - continued good health for Mrs. Jim Boggs. Kitty - Either Combat Mission:Vietnam or a lifetime supply of catnip, so she doesn't feel like baring her claws. Boo Radley - the sense to know he's really the brains propping up that old fraud of a deity Seanachai. Give it up, man! And for me - another year of PBEM fun with all of you. "And I heard him exclaim, as he drove out of sight, Happy Christmas to all, and to all, a GRARGHRARGGHRARGRAHGRAGHH!!!" :mad: :mad: :mad: [ December 24, 2003, 09:39 AM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  12. Thanks Teddy. Allow me to add my own wishes for a wonderful Christmas to all my maggot friends, and to everyone else who wanders into Cheery Waffle Land. That even includes the denizens of the MBT, capitalized in the spirit of the season - just don't get used to it. My Christmas list for some of the Cheery Wafflers: Axe - nothing. He's already married his sweetheart and moved into a new home. That's enough. Soddball - acquittal on any arson charges stemming from his Inferno scenarios. Mike_the_wino - a new liver, or two. Snarker - an exodus of his new neighbors back to New Jersey. Teddy Windsor - a year without royal family scandal. Mike - a year of not being blocked by my internet provider. Becket - a great year with your growing family, and a Yak whenever you need one. MasterGoodale - a mold, ant, and illness-free year, filled with all the molten TNT you can chuck. 86smopuim - an upgrade to dxsmopuim, or even xnuil. Keke - sunlight. Stikkypixie - a year without ever mistakenly looking for me in the Peng thread. Crow - more visits from Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Wallybob - all the crunchies your armor can eat. Jim Boggs - continued good health for Mrs. Jim Boggs. Kitty - Either Combat Mission:Vietnam or a lifetime supply of catnip, so she doesn't feel like baring her claws. Boo Radley - the sense to know he's really the brains propping up that old fraud of a deity Seanachai. Give it up, man! And for me - another year of PBEM fun with all of you. "And I heard him exclaim, as he drove out of sight, Happy Christmas to all, and to all, a GRARGHRARGGHRARGRAHGRAGHH!!!" :mad: :mad: :mad: [ December 24, 2003, 09:39 AM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  13. Soddball, you know that when a maggot is in need, we Cheery Wafflers rally 'round. Since Snarker and I plan to try Inferno in the new year, you must finish. You must, you must!! Think of the thousands of CMAK players - well, hundreds - OK, dozens - all right, two or three - who are anxiously waiting for your latest creation. Don't let us down. Keep one hand on the mouse, and a bottle in the other, and point and click like the wind. Create as if you will receive the last bottle of wine known to man if you finish in time. If not, the bottle goes to mike_the_wino. :eek: :eek: We know that today you'll do us, and England, proud! <font size=5>Now stop reading the forums and WORK!!</font size=5>
  14. Soddball, you know that when a maggot is in need, we Cheery Wafflers rally 'round. Since Snarker and I plan to try Inferno in the new year, you must finish. You must, you must!! Think of the thousands of CMAK players - well, hundreds - OK, dozens - all right, two or three - who are anxiously waiting for your latest creation. Don't let us down. Keep one hand on the mouse, and a bottle in the other, and point and click like the wind. Create as if you will receive the last bottle of wine known to man if you finish in time. If not, the bottle goes to mike_the_wino. :eek: :eek: We know that today you'll do us, and England, proud! <font size=5>Now stop reading the forums and WORK!!</font size=5>
  15. Oh yeah, sure, and let's not forget what my ME 109 did to your gamey Soviets. GRRR!! :mad: :mad: For all the pathetic whiners I see posting about how their Close Air Support has shot up their own troops, I'd offer the game Becket and I just played as rebuttal. Both of us got wonderful close support from our aircraft, which eventually left our ground forces too weakened to make any progress. :eek:
  16. Oh yeah, sure, and let's not forget what my ME 109 did to your gamey Soviets. GRRR!! :mad: :mad: For all the pathetic whiners I see posting about how their Close Air Support has shot up their own troops, I'd offer the game Becket and I just played as rebuttal. Both of us got wonderful close support from our aircraft, which eventually left our ground forces too weakened to make any progress. :eek:
  17. WineCape, before all of the Four Horsemen and the other <font size=1>Penguins</font size=1> come nosing around, allow me to echo your thank you to our friends at BFC. Because of the excellence of the games you gentlemen have created, I have enjoyed countless hours of fun. As a side benefit, in these forums I have met fellow gamers from all parts of the globe. In a surprising development, they turned out to be just as opinionated and just as hard-headed as me! We're practically twins! So again, thank you BFC.
  18. About 5'7", dark brown hair, dark eyes, gorgeous smile, name is Becky. Oh, you mean for CMAK? I don't know. How about something totally off the wall, like Wespes versus Priests? I'd suggest flamethrowers at night, but Snarker has already challenged me to play Soddball's new and "improved" CMAK Inferno. GRARGHRARGHGARGHGRARGH!!! :mad: :mad: I've got enough of these intense CMAK and CMBB games going with Teddy and with Mike and with Becket and with mike_the_wino and with stikkypixie and especially with Lurkur to want something a little lighter for comic relief. Hey, how about battling trucks with big guns in the desert?
  19. About 5'7", dark brown hair, dark eyes, gorgeous smile, name is Becky. Oh, you mean for CMAK? I don't know. How about something totally off the wall, like Wespes versus Priests? I'd suggest flamethrowers at night, but Snarker has already challenged me to play Soddball's new and "improved" CMAK Inferno. GRARGHRARGHGARGHGRARGH!!! :mad: :mad: I've got enough of these intense CMAK and CMBB games going with Teddy and with Mike and with Becket and with mike_the_wino and with stikkypixie and especially with Lurkur to want something a little lighter for comic relief. Hey, how about battling trucks with big guns in the desert?
  20. Mike, I received your turn from Snarker. I sent mine back to you last night. My paratroops are all around you! If you surrender now, nobody will think any worse of you than they do already.
  21. Mike, I received your turn from Snarker. I sent mine back to you last night. My paratroops are all around you! If you surrender now, nobody will think any worse of you than they do already.
  22. Fellow maggots and visiting <font size=1>penguins</font size=1>, this evening I had a moment of zen, when the planets and stars seemed to be aligned. I was taking it easy, carelessly flipping TV channels and debating whether to try doing a few CMAK and CMBB turns. There on the TV screen were some guys firing WW2-era machine guns. Paying a little more attention, I discovered it was a local program. Now I was paying very close attention. The name of the show is "Shooting Sports", and it's main sponsor is a local gun retailer named Kiesler's. Their web site is here. The two hosts (I hesitate to call them rednecks) had a third guy on who was from the Patton Museum, and he had brought a variety of vintage guns to fire on a shooting range. I missed most of the first show, where they were firing US weapons. I only saw the last few minutes, while they were firing an air-cooled Browning .30 cal. and a .50 cal. at some appliances and junked cars. That .50 cal. is a big weapon! Anyway, then a second episode came on. This time, they had German weapons to fire. They fired a Walther P-38, a Luger P-08, an MP-40, an MG-34, and finally an MG-42. Even though the TV speakers are pretty poor, the unmistakable sounds came through very clearly. One guy was commenting that the holes the MG-42 put in a car were as big as his fist. Amazing firepower! The TV show is apparently only shown by the Louisville and Columbus, Ohio cable providers. I did a bit of googling on the web and apparently there is a possibility of the show being picked up by a cable network. So maybe more of you maggots will have a chance to watch these guns in action. They are really impressive. So anyway, now I feel motivated to do my CM turns.
  23. Fellow maggots and visiting <font size=1>penguins</font size=1>, this evening I had a moment of zen, when the planets and stars seemed to be aligned. I was taking it easy, carelessly flipping TV channels and debating whether to try doing a few CMAK and CMBB turns. There on the TV screen were some guys firing WW2-era machine guns. Paying a little more attention, I discovered it was a local program. Now I was paying very close attention. The name of the show is "Shooting Sports", and it's main sponsor is a local gun retailer named Kiesler's. Their web site is here. The two hosts (I hesitate to call them rednecks) had a third guy on who was from the Patton Museum, and he had brought a variety of vintage guns to fire on a shooting range. I missed most of the first show, where they were firing US weapons. I only saw the last few minutes, while they were firing an air-cooled Browning .30 cal. and a .50 cal. at some appliances and junked cars. That .50 cal. is a big weapon! Anyway, then a second episode came on. This time, they had German weapons to fire. They fired a Walther P-38, a Luger P-08, an MP-40, an MG-34, and finally an MG-42. Even though the TV speakers are pretty poor, the unmistakable sounds came through very clearly. One guy was commenting that the holes the MG-42 put in a car were as big as his fist. Amazing firepower! The TV show is apparently only shown by the Louisville and Columbus, Ohio cable providers. I did a bit of googling on the web and apparently there is a possibility of the show being picked up by a cable network. So maybe more of you maggots will have a chance to watch these guns in action. They are really impressive. So anyway, now I feel motivated to do my CM turns.
  24. How about a .bmp for a Webley-Vickers 50.80? Any of you wargamers who have never read "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty", shame on you!
  25. Because this is be kind to animals month and I am being kind to you. Send me a setup. Whoo-hoo — 10 games and counting. Am I making up for lost time or what? P.S. I will be away from home from Wednesday to Sunday so no turns for any of you. Fa-la-la-la-la-GA-RA-GA-GA!! Dons Soddball now his gay apparel Fa-la-la-la-la-GA-RA-GA-GA!! :mad: :mad: :mad: </font>
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