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Dave H

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Everything posted by Dave H

  1. No, the look of horror will come the day my 19 year old son gets drafted. They'll need warm bodies for the invasion of England to install Tony Blair as Prime Minister for life. Right now the look on my face is of an embarrassed sucker for even imagining that this country would conduct a fair election.
  2. The briefing in that scenario said that to "mimic" the bocage cutters, you should attack through the sections where there is a wooden fence. I'm not sure if that will save you time though. If you want, we can bag it. I'll admit the map is a little tricky given the time constraints. Then again, you don't know what kind of forces I have either I have been known to practice disinformation. :mad: </font>
  3. Axe, I should know better, but count me in. My PBEM schedule is pretty light at the moment. I'm finishing off Mace's jeeps in the BDLRM, and all the remaining players have gone MIA. Watson & Crick has my Allies wading through bocage literally covered with mines. The battle already looks unwinnable because of the time to get across the map, when passing through a single hedge can take several minutes. :mad: :mad: I wondered if MasterGoodale (the maggot) dropped by to celebrate the second anniversary of his reign of terror on the forums. He probably doesn't even remember what year he turned up around here.
  4. Ladies and germs, there he goes, the one, the only MasterGoodale (the maggot). Just as coherent as ever, too. Imagine if you will a time when he was starting up to a dozen threads at a time, all beginning with posts like this. The Cheery Waffles deserve a Nobel Peace Prize for the service to humanity we have provided, keeping this ant-infested, moldy, vomit-spewing maggot out of the rest of the BFC forums.
  5. So in order to actually get a turn from Axe, I should be cheering for the Sox? :mad: :mad: :mad: </font>
  6. Soddball, you have to excuse Axe, he's a bit giddy today. The Sox are the Boston Red Sox, a baseball team with a long history (since 1918) of breaking the hearts of fans. They just became the first major league team to lose the first three games of a seven game series, and then win the last four games. No other team has ever overcome a three game deficit. To make it even sweeter, the team they beat was their perpetual nemesis, the New York Yankees. It's likely this is just a preliminary for the Sox to find a way to lose in the World Series, which will begin shortly. If that happens, look for Axe, wbs, and other rabid fans to disappear for weeks while drowning their sorrows and chanting "Wait 'til next year". The Red Sox excel at lifting their fans to a new high, only to make their fall even greater.
  7. Waffles, let me congratulate Robohn for taking his revenge for the BDLRM. He absolutely demolished a doomed British attack on his entrenched Italians. As a result, he has a 74% to 26% major victory that wasn't even that close. I lost just about everything trying to pry his troops from their trenches. They weren't budging. His four 47 mm and four 75 mm guns ventilated all of my tanks, all of my ACs, and most of the Bren carriers. At least my trucks stayed out of harms way. :eek: :eek: Well done, Robohn!
  8. Axe, for your sake I hope the Sox can pull this out tonight. I'm getting concerned about your physical health. Of course, I've always been concerned about your mental health! Hi Paula! Better keep him away from the TV today. The mighty god Seanachai can't be bothered to comment on the other so-called pretenders.
  9. Axe, this is why the Red Sox are so aggravating. They don't know when to call it a season and go home. Just watch, some fluke play will happen to convince you true believers of the curse, all over again. On the plus side, if they keep the Yankee pitchers so busy, it really helps the chances of Houston or St. Louis in the Series. Was that a <font size=1>penguin</font> nosing around? A <font size=1>penguin</font> lady to be sure, but still a <font size=1>penguin</font>. Things must be even slower than usual over there.
  10. For an entrenched infantryman, they are the defenders worst nightmare. A couple of rounds can destroy a trench full of men and guns, and you can't even shoot back. Snarker taught me that particular lesson. :mad: :mad:
  11. Axe, think of all the free time you'll have for games now that you won't have to bother with watching the World Series! Pedro was right, the Yankees are the Red Sox daddies. Axe? Axe?? <font size=5>AXE??!!</font>
  12. The Red Sox are going two consecutive days without losing to the Yankees? Is that a record in ALCS history? Watson & Crick had me hanging on by my fingernails at the end. I had sped across the map to occupy the church which was the site of the large VL. Next thing I know, here comes a Tiger lumbering up the road. My Wolverines were carefully positioned to present only a hull-down aspect to the Tiger as we waited in ambush for it to get close. All of a sudden my Wolverines started brewing up! He had a Panther all the way across the map just picking them off one after another! GRARGRRARRG!!! :mad: :mad: After that it was a matter of my infantry staying alive under a torrent of artillery fire, some his and some mine. Fortunately he killed one of my FOs very early, which probably saved my men from a barrage of 5.5" TNT. My other FO took turns shelling the Germans and my troops. A tough battle against a relentless opponent. Any time you're ready for the rematch, let me know.
  13. Come on you Waffles, expand your horizons a little. Otherwise people will start thinking you're really WW2 grognards. You don't want to hear the inevitable comparisons to M Dorosh or Jason C, do you? :eek: :eek: :eek: Actually Dominions 2 is a fun game, and it only cost me $40 including shipping. With a dedicated server (thanks Snarker) there could even be a Cheery Waffle PBEM. Most of you seem open to a challenge, so take a chance. Hey Axe, the Sox went a whole day without losing to the Yankees! Awesome!
  14. I'm surprised you managed to stay up that late gramps. :mad: :mad: </font>
  15. The key word here is PRETENDER god! I would never categorize the great and powerful and cool (and by that I mean totally sweet) Jamoomba as a a mere pretender. :cool: :cool:
  16. And your pretender god is Seanachai!?!? I'm not sure if you're daft or a genius. :mad: </font>
  17. <font size=5 font color=orange>Good Morning, Waffles!!</font> Axe, I went to bed last night with the Red Sox down 8-0 and Mussina still pitching a perfect game. I guess the Sox couldn't just take their beating and go on to the next game, could they? No, they had to get your hopes up and then lose. Robohn's Italians continue to slaughter my Brits. Every squad that moves seems to run directly into yet another machine gun. This attack has been a disaster. :mad: Watson & Crick continues to close on my plucky Tommies with his hordes of German infantry. Sadly, they're being led by a Tiger and supported by a Panther. Big trouble! On the brighter side, Mace continues to lose two or three jeeps every turn of the BDLRM. Those things are really flammable. I've never seen this many columns of smoke on a battlefield. So far he's lost jeeps to the Panther, my AT gun, both AA guns, a FO, a HMG, and now to an infantry squad. We even got one of his jeep crews trying to stroll off the northern map edge. Good fun! Snarker talked me into trying the Dominions 2 PBEM being run on the GF. So far so good, after two whole turns. There are so many choices to make for every unit in the game that later turns could get pretty complex. Assuming I don't get flattened so quickly that I don't have to worry about later turns.
  18. Sir, when it comes to, shall we say, embellishing the truth, you put our own Vice President Dick Cheney to shame. Let me address each of your points, except for that great big one on the top of your head: My "massive Churchill tanks" were well equipped to fight German armor (as you saw), but unfortunately not German infantry. I think only three tanks had some kind of lame HE ammunition. Even that was pretty useless until the tanks drove right next to your trenches. The machine guns didn't do much good at all versus trenches. The "more artillery than ti (sic) took to sink the Hood" had one glaring problem. Because your troops were hunkered down in trenches on a mountaintop, my guns had to fire up at them. As a result, a large fraction of my extremely angry TNT went sailing over the mountaintop and on into orbit, for all the good it did. Anyway, could a few 25 pounders sink the Hood? :confused: So you "chassed (sic) them away", did you? Then what explains the unpleasant fact that we controlled three of the four VLs on the mountain? Actually, we held almost all of the mountain except for the very summit. Your claim that "barely half my AT guns weer (sic) dug in" sounds good. I suppose you're talking about your heavy AT rifles not being dug in, while your 50 and 75 mm guns were. Was there a connection between the guns dug in and the guns still firing at the end of the game? As far as "all my mortars were out of ammo before the game was half over", by then my infantry was so cut up and exhausted that I couldn't give orders to most of the squads. For some reason the men seemed to get very tired trying to climb a mountain while under massed HMG and mortar fire. Go figure. :mad: "And his tanks kept running away from my AT guns!!" Silly me, I thought the primary goal in combat was to not get shot!! What could I have been thinking? Did you see how many tanks were either immobilized or had gun damage? I thought there was a very good reason to avoid your AT guns, all of which were hidden from my artillery support. So, Mr. Almost-as-gamey-as-mtw, ready for another round?
  19. Another BDLRM-revenge match ends in a draw. Mike took the entire Afrika Korps, put them in trenches criss-crossing the sides of a mountain, and allowed me to attack him. My infantry couldn't even approach the mountain without getting hit with a hail of HMG and mortar fire from above. The tanks did what they could, but his dug-in AT guns and his minefields finally stopped them, too. I couldn't get at him on the summit, so we finally pulled back a bit. That's when he went crazy and began chasing my tanks with his AT guns.
  20. Three more BDLRM-revenge PBEM games are now history. I managed only a draw with the estimable and suave Teddy Windsor. This although I eliminated his German armor and I still had six Shermans left, which were quickly mopping up his remaining infantry. Too many Allied vehicles were lost, I guess. Of course, the scenario started with my armored cars arrayed as targets for his tanks. Gamey!! :mad: :mad: I managed only a minor victory against Snarker in the rune masterpiece. My Brits stormed his airfield and took all but one VL. While sustaining heavy losses, we took the battle to his defending Germans. We managed to take 40 or 50 German prisoners, and we even rescued the one man who had been captured by the Germans. Bloody, but a success. :cool: :cool: Finally, I took a major victory against Boo Radley, proving once again that in a battle of wits, Waffles will always prevail over <font size=1>penguins</font>. In this case my attacking Americans rolled over his German defenders, destroying all of his armor and his AT guns for the loss of a single Sherman. His Germans finally threw in the towel. Boo created the scenario himself, and the map is like a maze. Everyone has to be very careful when moving. He'd probably be willing to take on anyone else who wants to give it a try.
  21. Soddball, you no-turn-sending waffle, I have to tell you that the thought of you undergoing bowel surgery without anesthetic is pretty funny! There'll never be another one like Rodney. I'm glad we got to see him. :cool: :cool: "No respect, no respect at all!"
  22. Okay Snarker, does a Dominions PBEM turn into a slow version of Fiefdom, with a few players ganging up on the independent players? The game looks interesting enough to give it a try. Calling it deep may be a gross understatement - it looks to me that as you control more provinces, a single turn could eventually take a long, long time. My first experience with the demo was hardly reassuring. I conquered the first province easily enough, but on the next turn my commander was killed and my garrison was routed by some kind of magical vine men. Cool, but still a big "GRRRRRRRR!!" at the same time. Still, I think it's worth a try. I guess I'll order it - it sure looks great on my new monitor!
  23. <font size=5 font color=orange>Good Morning, Waffles!!</font> Boo, thanks for those kind words. For some reason he's disappointed that my attacking allies crushed his defending Germans in his own scenario! Personally I think it had everything to do with my superior tactics, possibly aided by his terrible luck in our armor duels. Whatever the cause, I'll take it. I tried the Dominions 2 demo for a while over the weekend. There's an awful lot to remember to do each turn! I haven't decided yet if I want to buy it or not. After playing a few turns it left me with that same feeling I remember from Tetris - if I started over I would do this, and not do that, and I would succeed. Strongly addictive, I suspect. Do I really want to get started into something like that again? :confused: :confused:
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