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Dave H

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Everything posted by Dave H

  1. After my experiences on the Political Forum and the GF, I've reached the conclusion that the people who seem to be dense and narrow minded are exactly as they appear. In thread after thread after thread the same people show up to prove that they see the world through the tiniest slit between their blinders. Anything that doesn't fit their vanishingly narrow point of view is BAAAAAAAD or EVIL or IMMORAL!!! Like me, for instance.
  2. Was it something I said?? smiley smiley smiley smiley (since you used up the limit). wink
  3. On a completely unrelated subject, did I mention that I had a character named for you in the Dominions 2 game we're running on the General Forum? You were the great and powerful god Seanachai's prophet. Unfortunately, you both died. If it's any consolation to you, Seanachai died twice. Why would we want to act as foolishly as the average <font size=1>penguin</font>?? Not that any of them have advanced to the dizzying heights of "average". :confused: :confused:
  4. Congratulations to Soddball for handing me my head in his test scenario. His Americans refused to allow my Germans to move at all. We were pinned down and gradually smashed by his tanks. In the meantime, my own tanks were wallowing around in some muddy fields, not accomplishing anything. I think I've come up with better tactics before. I recommend his new scenario to all CMAK players, especially this gamey collection. May all of you bog continuously. Watson & Crick, ready for the patch now? I want to upgrade so I can finish my PBEM with Mace and start an even more unbalanced one. I'll bet rune has some even he is afraid to make public, which should be just about right.
  5. Thank you, Charles Dickens. Speaking of Christmas, anyone else noticed MrPeng's sig line of "Xify a Xian for Xmas"? Do any of the <font size=1>penguins</font> realize that this doesn't spell "Crucify a Christian for Christmas", but instead says "Christify a Christian for Christmas"? What's that supposed to mean? Has Peng turned into another JJR?
  6. Here's the story. Three years ago Becky and I sold this very nice little house on contract to another investor. He had three years to make payments to us, and he could refinance the house any time in that period to pay off the contract. Simple, eh? Unknown to us, a year and a half ago our buyer rented the house out to some other guy who apparently fell off a building and suffered some pretty major brain damage. He gets disability money, so he paid his rent on time. Unfortunately, he is also the proverbial bull in a china shop who pretty well demolished everything inside the four walls. On October first, Becky and I received a letter from our buyer telling us he's backing out of the sale and he's giving the house back to us. Since then we've been trying to put things back together again. Our plan is to keep all of our receipts and then sue the investor for damages, since he allowed the house to be destroyed in violation of the contract he had with us. :mad: :mad: :mad: Good news? Our contractor took lots of "before and after" pictures. Apparently the tenant tried to "adjust" the toilet and broke the sewer line.
  7. The way this game has gone, the single hit on your first shot will cause one tank to explode, in turn causing gun damage to the other two. If you KO all three of them at 4% odds, you will hear my whining all the way across the Atlantic, without a telephone or internet. Mike and Mace will hear it down under. Again. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  8. Isn't that redundant? Mace, I'm still waiting to patch until my PBEM with Soddball is finished. Since my games with W&C and MTW still have 10 or more turns, we can finish after I patch. I think all you have left in the BDLRM is a handful of surviving jeep crews, so we'll finish shortly after the upgrade. How did your job interview go? Did you provide the beer?
  9. On this eve of the official (hey, I get the day off) US annual day of Thanksgiving , I would like to take this opportunity to thank some people: First, thanks to BFC for providing us with exceptional games worth playing and for hundreds of hours of enjoyment. You guys deserve more credit than I can ever give you. Thanks also to BFC for this forum, where all of us can blow off steam without throwing beer on each other and provoking a riot - well, so far anyway. Dumping the late, unlamented political forum was a stroke of genius. Thanks to my friends the Cheery Waffles for a year of PBEM and thousands of e-mails. Except for what's his name, who is a maggot. Thanks to the <font size=1>penguins</font> for providing an ongoing example of dysfunction it would be hard to match anywhere. Can anyone deny it? Thanks to everyone whom I suckered into participating in the BDLRM version 2.0, since I made it so unbalanced that I thoroughly crushed every one of you. Don't worry, Mace, I'll get CMAK patched soon and finish you off, too. Thanks for the fun I've had playing other games like Fiefdom and Dominions 2, which I only discovered through the recommendations I've found here. This is in spite of the fact that I truly stink at both of those games. Thanks for this international community I've become a part of, which has allowed me to find out that men and women all over the world are just as wonderful and just as insane as my family, friends, and co-workers. God help us all!!
  10. <font size=6 font color=green>Top of the Morning, Cheery Waffles!!</font> Axe, when did the Boston Red Sox move to Canada? Surely I would have heard about it on ESPN Sportscenter. :confused: I'm not sure about this. Do the rest of you think mike_the_wino has considerably less social grace than, say, a stopped-up drain? Do you think he has about the same wit and wisdom as a chunk of limestone? Do you think his dogs have much more tactical ability than he does? Well, maybe we do feel the same way about him after all. M_t_w, you're just in a hurry for your Tiger to shoot at my Stuart, aren't you? It must have been too much for your Pz III to handle. Like I told you in my last e-mail, I stopped attacking when my scouts were completely inundated by a couple of thousand points of Axis reinforcements which just appeared out of the blue. I don't want any repeats of that fiasco. :mad: :mad:
  11. Congratulations Pseudo! I thought I had you blocked away from the pool and the VL, but I guess I didn't get anybody close enough to control the VL either. I suppose I was taken in by that big German flag I saw every turn. Your two squads that caused 16 and 17 casualties were too much to overcome. :eek: :eek: Good luck in Round 2!
  12. Is that the bomber that only hits its target once every eighty-something years? So is Pedro on his way to the Bronx yet?
  13. All the computers I've seen move pretty slowly, so I don't think there is a game of computers racing. Maybe you should look for a car racing game instead. And a belated happy birthday to all of the Cheery Waffles, even the vocabulary-challenged MasterGoodale!
  14. I can't remember. I may have it. It may be drifting somewhere over the Atlantic in cyber-space, but I won't get it for at least 8 hours. Sorry, but sometimes the Real World (my job) does intrude on my CMAK.
  15. Accept no substitutes; there's only one of me. I don't know who these also-rans are, but I'd suggest keeping a close watch on them. I'd suspect a trick by some <font size=1>penguin</font>, but I don't think any of them could spell a long name like Dave correctly. Speaking of which, congratulations to Mace for being named the oldest living Australian <font size=1>penguin</font> or something equally useless. I'm sure Kitty deserves all of the credit. When does version 1.03 come out? Why won't my tournament game with Pseudo end? Why won't mike_the_wino send me a turn? What ever happened to the uber-Finn Keke? :confused: :confused:
  16. <font size=4 font color = blue>Good Morning, Waffles!!</font> So, the ultimate CMAK patch has appeared at last. Let the whining and moaning begin! Mace, I'm absolutely stunned that you've already upgraded! I figured it would take a few weeks for the patch to make it that far. Watson & Crick, I've saved our game pending the upgrade. Maybe the patch will throw in a few more Shermans for me to use taking on your Tigers. Pseudo and mike_the_wino, I'm waiting on turns from you, so I'll hold off on the patch until I hear back from you. Don't worry, I won't tell Mace and W & C that you're holding up their games.
  17. :eek: :mad: :eek: :mad: Eek! No!! Rocky & Bullwinkle aren't nearly as cool as Secret Squirrel and Morroco Mole!! I wish I knew how to post pictures. Secret Squirrel! I think I'm WAY over my smiley limit here.</font>
  18. :eek: :mad: :eek: :mad: Eek! No!! Rocky & Bullwinkle aren't nearly as cool as Secret Squirrel and Morroco Mole!! I wish I knew how to post pictures. Secret Squirrel! I think I'm WAY over my smiley limit here.</font>
  19. You were gone? How did I miss thee, let me count the ways: I missed you much, much less than I missed my wife during her recent trip. I missed you less than I missed seeing a blue sky and sunshine on this rainy Veterans Day. I missed you somewhat less than I missed getting to go to work today. I missed you in much the same way that I would miss cleaning up the cats' hairballs. I missed you like I miss childhood diseases like chicken pox, measles, and mumps. I missed you a bit more than I miss the Cold War and Richard Nixon. I missed you much more than I miss scarlet fever, polio, and the Vietnam War. Does that help?
  20. Oh, come on. You're just mad because you are the proud owner of the single biggest collection of destroyed and abandoned jeeps in the known universe. I was serious about you taking a keg of beer to your job interview. No point in making it any more painful than necessary. Snarker, yeah I was upset for a while. Can I help it if the US is following the plot of "The Marching Morons"? Wait until Paris Hilton is elected president sometime in the 2020's. :eek: :eek:
  21. <font size=5 font color=blue>Good Afternoon, Waffles</font> Becky made it home last night after about 18 hours in airplanes and airports, and all is right with my world again! Axe, you've got another long-lost relative looking for you in an old Cheery Waffle thread. Oh, and thanks for the offer of a place to seek political asylum. For some reason I hadn't thought of escaping to Canada at the beginning of winter. If I run I may go east or west or south, but probably not north. :eek: I just discovered that in Dominions 2 I can try to revive my pretender god Seanachai. I'm debating whether he's worth bringing back to life or not. Should I just leave him safely dead? :confused:
  22. No, I don't want to move to Minnesota. There are too many peculiar people and/or <font size=1>penguins</font> there already. After watching "Fargo", I want to stay far away from all of the psycho Jerry Lundegaards up there. Besides, I'm not too keen on hockey and ice fishing.
  23. <font size=5 font color=orange>Good Afternoon, Cheery Waffles!!</font> I see that Kitty's dad has wandered through a couple of times lately. Talk about the maggot returning to the scene of the crime. Whatever medication he's been on for the last six or eight months, he needs a refill. Here's a little puzzle for you real-time mouse clickers. It looks simple, but watch how quickly your reflexes cause you to lose, early and often. Reverse Let's see, current PBEMs: My Germans are all taking long cool drinks from the Gorgon Pool, while Pseudo's British troops try to push us out. Wait until the Stukas get here! Like so many of the BDLRM participants, Mace has been complimenting me on the balance of the scenario. Sort of. I'm taking what he says as a compliment, anyway. He's just about run out of transportation because his jeeps, and now his Hellcats, have gone to that great junkyard in the sky. Mike the wino has been promising an overwhelming armored assault for about two or three months. I did have a Stuart spot an Italian mortar crew in the middle of the street this turn, so I suppose that was his big attack. Watson & Crick has me trying to attack through the bocage. He appears to have a German HMG bunker around every corner, with plenty of wire and mines. Oh yes, and panzershreck teams, too. Time is the Allied problem here - I doubt that I'll have enough. :mad: Soddball and I are conducting a very leisurely playtest of a scenario. He sends a turn back to me every month or two, except when he takes a long break. My Germans are taking a pounding, but since it's happening in slow motion it doesn't seem so bad. The Dominions 2 PBEM has been fun, but its going very, very, VERY badly. I managed to get my pretender Seanachai killed, so it hasn't been a total loss. My lovely wife gets home tonight after spending the past week in Geneva and Venice. Being a bachelor just doesn't work for me. On the other hand, I've almost finished reading "Moby Dick" this week. Maybe I had to get into a properly depressed mood first, because I always found it painful to try reading before. Now the story is flowing right along. [ November 08, 2004, 11:20 AM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
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