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Dave H

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Everything posted by Dave H

  1. <font size=4 color=pink>Happy Birthday, maggot!!</font> So how was your trip to Indiana? I'll bet you saw lots of corn. Whenever you want to send a setup, feel free. Mace, how is the experiment with running CMAK on a Gameboy going? If that doesn't work, you're planning to load CMAK on your copier at work, right? Take your time, the BDLRM is an experience to savor to the fullest.
  2. Mace, still no luck getting the turn to run? If not, I'll send a rune scenario for you to try. How's that for a choice?
  3. Sorry to interrupt this discussion on the garden spot that is Australia, but did any of you watch the fiasco that was the US-Puerto Rico Olympic basketball game? A group of NBA stars (I hesitate to use the word "team") was humiliated by the team from Puerto Rico. On the bright side, maybe they'll make a quick exit from Athens and get back to their lucrative endorsements that are so much a part of the NBA. Returning you now to Mace-bashing for maggots!
  4. I'd really like to point out a bit of trivia to you maggots who lost so badly in the BDLRM. So far eight of you have challenged me to revenge games. Amazingly, I am playing (or have played versus Pseudo) the Allied side in every single one of the revenge matches! You maggots really didn't like those German whippings you absorbed in the BDLRM, did you? Teddy and I just started a scenario where I have three armored cars set up facing what appears to be three Tigers. This is before turn 1 even starts! How low can you go? :mad: :mad: :mad: Mace, are you still alive? All PBEM turns are OUT! If you're waiting for one, send me an e-mail. No sense in clogging up this hyperactive thread.
  5. <font size=4 color=orange>Good Morning, maggots of the world!</font> I just heard about a great little lunch spot in Pennsylvania. Snarker, is this where you go when you get the munchies? How about you, Boo? Here for your viewing enjoyment is the article while you decide what to have for lunch. What a country! Rune, thanks for the scenarios you sent. Soddball, you really are crazy, aren't you? :mad:
  6. Rune, if I have ever insulted one of your scenarios, please believe me that whatever I said was not nearly insulting enough! There are no gamey scenarios, just gamey people who make scenarios. Had the Germans really cut every shred of brush back several hundred meters from this God-forsaken airfield? :confused: :mad: :mad: Actually, Axe and I are just about finished with our little bloodbath in the snow, so a new scenario would go pretty good. Both of us have lost pretty much everything and everyone capable of moving.
  7. <font size=5 font color=blue>Good Morning, maggots!!</font> You always hate to see a person completely lose their mind, but this is clear evidence, far beyond the shadow of a doubt. Call those nice young men in their clean white coats, 'cause they're coming to take Soddball away, ha ha!
  8. <font size=6 font color=green>NOOOOOOoooo!!!</font> :mad: :mad: :mad: Whatever happened to Abbott, who used to create semi-reasonable, balanced scenarios? Recently I seem to be in an endless cycle of gamey rune-designed scenarios, in my BDLRM-revenge matches. The Snarker maggot is whining and moaning because there are a few patches of brush several hundred meters from the airfield he's defending. That's really helpful cover against machine guns. NOW I'm faced with playing another of Soddball's abominations. Maybe I'll just play Fiefdom from now on, or even just post on the Fiefdom forum to aggravate certain people. Of course, I can do that here on the GF, too. Anybody else waiting on a turn from me? I've resent them to Boo and Robohn, who coincidentally are both Earthlink maggots. How much do they pay you guys to use that service, anyway?
  9. Yeah, yeah, the turn I sent yesterday came slithering back out of Insightbb.com tonight. I've sent it to you again. Read 'em and weep, Earthlink maggot. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  10. Oooh, just hearing those two names together makes my skin crawl. Davey taught us to pray a lot, like all adolescents did in the 50's and 60's. Mainly we prayed, "Please don't let the evil godless Russians blow us up." I don't think I learned the US and the USSR had been allies in WW2 until I went to public school in the 9'th grade. Got your turn, which I already had. I'm resending the next one. Sorry, Robohn.
  11. Turns are out to all maggots. If you think I owe you a turn, let me know. My ISP sometimes holds e-mails for several days before telling me they were undeliverable. Especially for you earthlink maggots. Watson & Crikey, let me welcome you to the land of milk and honey - oh, all right, to the land of corn and soybeans. Hope you enjoy your visit. Where exactly do your niece and nephews live? If they're in Indianapolis or farther north, I'm sure they consider the people in this part of Indiana as living on the frontier. Actually we do spend a lot of time defending the Ohio River crossings to make sure nobody sneaks across from Kentucky.
  12. I certainly enjoyed it! It's amazing the damage a good FO and a few TRPs can cause. That accurate, quick artillery fire is hard to beat. Eliminating whole platoons of infantry I never even spotted surely does leave me with a good feeling. Of course, as Pseudo said, some of my squads had the opportunity to shoot up German squads running toward the village. Since visibility was only about 60 meters, our first shots were lethal. Let's hope the other BDLRM revenge scenarios all go so well.
  13. Robohn, if mike_the_wino were to say "Snarker never stops thinking of ways to get drunk; and neither do I", would you interpret that to mean MTW is always thinking of ways for Snarker to get drunk? I wouldn't. The quote from Thursday morning is simply an egregious error for any incumbent US President to make, especially three months before the election. I just presented it without any editorial comment in my sig, so anyone can make of it whatever they want, or ignore it. Okay, time to do some turns.
  14. Any other "Da Ali G Show" watchers here? I was watching some recent episodes last night, and heard this little masterpiece. Sacha Baron Cohen, as his Borat persona, sang this little ditty in a country-western club in Tucson, and the patrons sang along. "In My Country There Is Problem" In my country there is problem, And that problem is transport. It take very very long, Because Kazakhstan is big. Throw transport down the well, So my country can be free. We must make travel easy, Then we have big party! In my country there is problem, And that problem is the Jew. They take everybody's money, They never give it back. chorus: Throw the Jew down the well, So my country can be free. You must grab him by his horns, Then we have big party. If you see the Jew coming, You must be careful of his teeth. You must grab him by his money, And I tell you what to do... Everybody! chorus Throw the Jew down the well, So my country can be free. You must grab him by his horns, Then we have big party. chorus Throw the Jew down the well, So my country can be free. You must grab him by his horns, Then we have big party. Thank you! Admittedly, some of the urban-cowboy patrons looked a little uncomfortable with the lyrics at first, but gradually everyone got into the spirit. By the end, it looked like everybody was chiming in on the chorus. One of the women in the bar even pantomimed those horns on the devilish Jews! If you're unfamiliar with this comedian and his knack for catching people off guard, look here. In another episode, he got a self-proclaimed Christian candidate for the US House of Representatives to admit that, in his opinion, all Jews will go to hell. In another he got a couple of elderly Southern gentlemen to say that while the end of slavery was good for African Americans, it really wasn't good.
  15. But of course. The Cheery Waffle thread actually provides a cautionary tale on the perils of excessive drinking. It shows that anyone could end up like mike_the_wino, or Mace, or even Axe in one of his more expansive moods. Our very own uber-Finn, Keke, seems to be MIA. He's been out of touch for a couple of months. Come on over to the thread for a setup, and you can make up your own mind about the players.
  16. That's not right! It's every bloody night....DaveH ya wimp!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: Mace</font>
  17. Hyperion, you can always come to the Cheery Waffle thread right here in the CMAK forum. PBEMs are the specialty, along with intercontinental drunkeness on Friday nights. Take a look.
  18. Uh oh, why are the little hairs in the back of my neck standing on end? Why am I getting shivers up and down my spine? Why have I suddenly lost my appitite, involuntarily voided my bowels and bladder, lost the will to live......and yet, it's not a working day and I don't have to go to work! Do I actually sense that this little scenario about to be foisted upon me is not exactly 'historically accurate'? :mad: :mad: :mad: Mace</font>
  19. Install it? Admiring the package? The maggot is probably just looking at a picture of it on a web site. He doesn't like rushing into things. Besides, he's probably full of beer by now.
  20. I don't think that a teller sitting twenty feet away talking to me through a monitor is going to get too worked up. What an I supposed to threaten her with, that I'll break the monitor screen? She'll probably sic the bank's evil killer robots on me before laughing at me!
  21. Okay, I'll send you a setup. I've got a really good scenario that Boo and I just finished yesterday. You'll LOVE it, just like he did! You get to pick your own units, so you can take all the molten TNT and good stuff you can afford. Oh, and no fair getting Kitty to help you with your moves. <font color=orange>I thought copying the HTML tag and adding a backslash was easy enough. Leave it to an Aussie (or is it Ozzie) AND a <font size=1>penguin</font> to look for something even easier.</font>
  22. All turns are out! Maggots who owe me turns: Axe, MTW, Mike, Pseudo, Robohn, Boo, Lurkur, Thermopylae, Keke, and Snarker. <font size=4><font color=red>GRARGHARRGHRAARGH!!!</font size=4></font color=red> :mad: :mad: Maggots who should immediately send me a setup (because we haven't played before): Kitty, Mace, Watson & Crick, YK2, and Wubbits. <font size=4><font color=white>GRARGHARRGHRAARGH!!!</font size=4></font color=white> Maggots who should immediately send me a setup (because we have played before): Wallybob, Jim Boggs, Soddball, and any other former opponents. <font size=4><font color=blue>GRARGHARRGHRAARGH!!!</font size=4></font color=blue> [ August 05, 2004, 05:49 PM: Message edited by: Dave H ]
  23. Sounds right to me. Unfortunately, I didn't start out with very many warm bodies, so I can't afford an even exchange. The scenario is about the Buffalo Soldiers, and it's a real test for both players. Good job, rune! I'm waiting for Boo Radley's next turn, which should end our bout in the BDLRM. That will make my record a glittering 10-0 against you maggots in this scenario. If I don't hear from Lurkur, Keke, and Thermopylae soon, I guess they'll have to forfeit, which is a shame since I'm beating them like red-headed stepchildren, too! Stalin Mike, who has turned out to be at least as gamey as MTW, just drove a few of Germany's finest tanks onto our map and started blazing away. I guess they appeared out of the desert dust or something. Anyway, my Brits are giving as good as they get, punching several holes already with their tungsten AP ammunition. Let's see, other games: MTW has come up with a scenario which reminds me of Soddball's Inferno, without all of the flames. We just run around a city and shoot each other - repeat as needed. Gamey - well, of course, look who sent it. Robohn has a dug-in horde of Italians trying to stop my British armored juggernaut. Unfortunately, we're discovering that the Italians didn't forget their field guns. GRRR!!! Axe and I have just about traded all of our tanks in the snow. Unfortunately, he's still sitting with at least a couple of AT guns and who knows how much infantry. Fortunately he was nice enough to dump a mortar barrage on his own troops in a patch of woods. Thanks, Axe!
  24. One question - what does a rune scenario have to do with a good game?? :confused: :confused: Since none of the idiots have expressed interest, I'll give it a whirl. It couldn't be any worse (could it?) than the rune scenario I'm playing now against Snarker. Send the setup.
  25. If your lot in life was to live in a place full of God-forbid Australians, you'd probably have a bad temper and bite everything too! I imagine the impressive jaw strength is the result of generations of practice biting silly blokes like Mace, Speedy, Richie, and company. Come to think of it, that may explain the Great White sharks and the crocodiles, too.
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