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Stalin's Organ

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Everything posted by Stalin's Organ

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: Look, sorry (ha ha) I brought it up. I am not calling the mortars bad, I am just saying that you get one for each platoon, and that takes away from the few points you have.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Quite right - what's more if you didn't have to bring the squads with each platoon then you would have even more points!! Your logic is as perfect as it is useless!
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by rexford: American tankers in Europe reportedly had trouble seeing targets with reduced light, such as overcast conditions, and I imagine they tried German sights under same conditions and saw much more (or better). There are many ways tankers can compare sights without being scientists with degrees. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sure there aer, but if they are doing so on different days then how do they normalise the results? I'd suggest that their perceptions would be seriously clouded by all sorts of things - such as "Tiger/88mm" mentality where every German Tank can knock out ever Allied tank and no allied tanks can knock out anything German. Now we know that this was not true - but then it was the perceived reality. Short of proper tests (and there do not need to be any cientists involved!) front lien reports of almost anything at all remain highly suspect, and are best treated as urban myth IMO. Let's take the reports of Tigers KO'ing T34's at 2000m+, for example - I wonder what the circumstances were? Platoon volley fire at a single target? Was the T34 moving or stationary? Was anyone shooting back at the tiger(s)? While interesting the bald statement of such occurrences as "common" doesn't realy tell us anything. I wonder how many shots were fired at that range that missed???
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maastrictian: If that's not beserk I don't know what is. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Then clearly you do not know what berserk is (just appart from not being able to spell it!! ). The original "berserkers" were Scandenavians - Vikings you might know them better at. The best theory I've heard of is that they were psychopathic schizophrenics. They worked themselves up into a FURY where they would just fight whoever was nearby - they were incapable of telling friend from foe, and ignored minor wounds - they kept fighting with major ones too, but it's hard to ignore, say, a missing arm. There were never many fo them, and they apparently made great tax collectors! Your 6 lber crewman may have been insanely brave, but he was not berserk!
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr: Great. Thus far, Panties has managed to post 15% of all messages in this thread (9 of the sixty messages thus far) and still has yet to say anything worthwhile, let alone vaguely amusing. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That puts him on a par with you really - you've posted about 15% of the total length of the thread, most of it in one incoherent dribbling lament about something meaningless. Does this mean panty-liner should be a Kay-nig-hit, since he's as unintelligable as the "best" of you??
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by rexford: Regarding American sights, if American sights were not inferior to German under low light conditions (like a continuous overcast that lasts for weeks and months), why did U.S. tankers constantly talk about the superior German sights and their inability to see things well enough? Maybe the inferiority of U.S. sights only showed up when ambient light levels were below a certain threshold.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Personally I'd be inclined to ignore reports from the front about differences in sight quality. the men involved there aer not qualified to make teh judgement, have no objective means of assessing any difference, and are likely trying to explain how they keep getting hit without seeing the other guy first when there are myriad other more likely explainations - like the Americans are always attacking and so the defender normally gets the first shot regardless of optics!
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace: Personally, I think it has a certain appeal! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I knew yuo would - Appeal and "not pretty" are not mutually exclusive - especially for an Aussie!
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: WE'LL ALL SQUIRE EACH OTHER! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Visions of a flock of rabid sheep b*gg*ring a cess pool are not pretty!
  8. MAPI - using outlook for my e-mail. At first I thought it might be because I'd go to outlook while they were sending and hit "send/receive" so this might send it from the out-box a 2nd time. But I'm pretty sure it's not that - it hasn't happened for a while now.
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Shandorf: Care to put you panties where your mouth is? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> An interesting question - it says something about the asker............more than we really need to know probably! But then it does seem to be a tradition of the pool to share the deepest, darkest recesses of what ever passes for a mind. I don't know why anyone bothers tho' - I mean who cares? No doubt there's a PhD* in abnormal psychology in here somewhere. * = piled higher (and) deeper
  10. IMO in trees. In the open they'll get spotted to soon and get thumped. In trees you get a few shots off - try putting a couple of teams out front to trigger his artillery and have your main position to the rear so it doesn't get hit.
  11. As with most things...it depends! If you're dug in and hapy with their current position, or if yiou're pretty sure he's firing "on spec" then probably stay there. Also if you can only run into a worse situatino (like into the fire of some tanks) then stay there. If not then run at least 40m sideways to get out of the dispersion pattern ASAP. Oh - if it's heavy artillery then you shuold get out of any buildings - especially 2 -storied ones, ASAP!
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzertruppen maddox: It's true in this case the mods don't actually add any "features," they simply add a great deal to the experience. Are they necessary? Absolutely. Want to find out? Let BTS release CM2 with the ability to mod the vehicles and the terrain <u>removed.</u> The game would be reduced to a following of only the true hardcore. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You really think so?? They'll sell at least one - to me!! I can't understand why someone would buy a game based on the ability to change it. That ability might make it more interestign for those so inclined, but would that feature be enough for you to buy it if you're not interested in the game in the first place?? And your comment about prsches and pontiacs is meaningless - they offer different performances, not just different looks. Compare a Mazda Familia and a Ford Escort - essentially the smae car rebadged, yet some people will buy a Ford and not a Mazda. I bought this game without knowing about the mods. I played for months without them. I have some, but I've stopped applying them - they're a waste of my time IMO. I'll buy CMBB and subsequent with or without them too. I have nothing against the mod-makers, or those who want to use them - go for it. But I completely fail to see how modifiable graphics can make the game great. If it wasn't already a great game then the mod-ing ability would nto make it one IMO.
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by aka_tom_w: there's been one waiting for you for the past 6hrs. where are you? at Work it must be Monday there already? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sure is - and a cold and miserable day it is too!! The down side of being a day ahead of you guys is that Monday-itis strikes 16 hours earlier!!
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by aka_tom_w: OK..... I'm 40 (Hell it pains me to say that!) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hi Tom - there'd better be a turn waiting when I get home or you're in deep trouble for wasting time posting here instead of playing CM!! Stalin - 2 years your senior
  15. Hooray I say - Balamb's obviously not taking any haggis from the village idiot! Hey Sir-ObnoxiousGinSoakedFungalgrowth - why don't you go back to the village - they're missing their idiot! [ 06-17-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  16. A good site - some photo's and hisory of WW2 Roumanian army, incl some stuff about various armoured vehicles made there, some battle accounts (capture of Odessa, Stalingrad from the Roumanian pov), organisations down to sectino level, etc - quite interesting stuff: The Dutch Helmet [ 06-17-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  17. After many years practice the road contractors in these parts have finally figured out how to deliberately make a BUMP, instead of accidentally.......
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2: The way to a mans heart is........... I'll leave it up to you lot to add your own endings.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Shortest way: Throught the ribs Easiest way: underneath the ribs then upwards (sometimes mistakenly thought of as involving food, since it is "through his stomach") Most spectacular way: anything with a spoon, or blunt knife Most inventive way: the mythical Viking "Blood Eagle", where the ribs are cut away from the backbone and the lungs drawn out through the gap and spread as if an eagles wings - doesn't directly involve the heart (except to stop it), but apparently would provide quite good access. Most practiced way: on top of an Aztec altar with an obsidian knife. Now bugger off so this place can get back to being dark and disgusting! [ 06-17-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155: The Allied player may violate the "one force type" CAL rule SOLEY for the purpose of purchasing Allied Airborne Infantry Units. He may purchase a maximum of ONE company of these units. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Works for me - the Brit airborne are quite cheap tho'! But then they're only half-SMG - the hassle with using them alone is that yuo can't even get guns with them, 'cos they don't have the required trucks to tow them!! However I quite like using them in non-CAL games - all Airborne except supporting vehicles and armour (and I tell my opponent so). 3" and 4.2" mortars are good enough for arty - they're dirt cheap and pack a punch! BTW - does anyone know why US 4.2" mortars are so expensive?? It's 92 pts for UK ones, 164 for US ones (both regular), same ammo, 'bout the same reaction times......
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Babra: There is a five dollar fine for using words I have to look up. There is a further two dollar fine for obscure references to the DSM-IV (trying to figure out what's wrong with yourself, are ye?).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hey - can I help it if you're an ignorant sheep as well as a stupid one? As a non-medical person I have the absolute right to make use of any 2-or-more-syllable words that I feel like, and if'n as you wanna collect you just feel free to come over here - but I warn you that 7 peso's would probably be worth more!
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzertruppen maddox: Stalin's Organ wrote:</p> What a load of hokey!! The reason it's good is that it's good - forget the mods, the eye-candy - the game'd be just as good without it. Well, Combat Mission is a great game, but I have to disagree with that. Graphics are an integral part of the game. After all, what is the primary method that you interact with your PC? Feel? Sorry, there is no force feedback available in Combat Mission. Sound? Sorry, although sound adds greatly to the experience it is not an absolute. Smell? I guess that depends upon where you PC is located. Taste? Let's not go there...</p> <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well DUH! The graphics that come with the game are perfectly adequate for that - the mods don't add anything in terms of interactivity - they are pure candy.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: Huh...wha...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well done Panty Litter - that is merely incoherent! It makes such a nice change from the encopretic leakage that you usually manages!
  23. Bump - hey guys - what's happening?? Recent activity from my front consists of KelsieD running his green pioneers headlong into the seasoned vet's of one of 7 Arm'd Div's (Brits for you chaps!) recce groups. (recce game, random everything except weather - fine) A lucky faust shot killed a Brit armoured car, but after that it's been "revenge for the Somme" time for the Tommies!! Bolt action rifles work quite well when the other guy's not shooting back, and a few of those fine Stuart tanks are also wreaking havoc among the German infantry. Against Aka Tom the action has just begun, with a few long range shots exchanged. The map is a dispersed village pretty wide open plain, with a large hill on one flank for hte Axis (me) and a couple of lower ones overlooking it for the allies. Looks like a killing zone!! (another recce game)
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