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Stalin's Organ

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Everything posted by Stalin's Organ

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PzKpfw 1: Dunno, whats even worse is that the mediums armor is vulnerable at max range to the OPFOR mediums standard 7.5 cm L/48 & the mediums armor is as paper to the Hvy tanks 8.8 cm as well. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Err....so what? The medium can also penetrate teh OPFOR's own mediums out to max range, and the OPFORs mediums with 75L48 cannot penetrate the mediums own heavies. And the bloody 88 should be able to penetrate the medium - jeez, if a heavy tank gun couldn't dothat then it'd be even more of a complete waste of space! <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> The Hvy's armor can defeat the meduims round. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You forgot to add "sometimes" <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>So you have a medium that has to pray it doesn't get spotted & hope it's rounds penetrate <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> well duh...it's a heavy, the medium's a medium - what the f*** do you expect?? However a heavy that can be KO'd from the front by a medium at normal battle ranges is deficient as a heavy! that hte heavy can KO the medium is expected.......at least I hope so! Oh..that's right - panzer 1 - yuo come from an army with a long tradition of heavy tanks (Pz 4A-F1) that couldn't defeat oppositino mediums (T34), so I guess it's a new and welcome concept for you! Edited 'cos I've been penging and forgot about smilies! [ 06-14-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  2. Thanks folks - timing the "shift" just right fixed the problem.
  3. Well it sems the search engine is accidentally working today, so you want to know what the best one was then you've got to know what they all are!! Personally I quite like: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I _am_ sedated by the Peng thread<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> So here they ALL are - Peng 'til u puke! <UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>AAR Elvis v. MrPeng: Chance Encounter <LI>Hey Peng!!!! <LI>OT to Messrs. Goanna, Peng and Bauhaus <LI>Apre Action - Peng Takes the Valley from Elvis <LI>Mr. Peng is wrong. <LI>The TRUTH about Mr Peng <LI>Taking bets on when the Peng Thread hits 2000! <LI>I Blame Peng For This JP Mess!!!!!! <LI>PENG I take our challenge private <LI>Peng makes me hurl..How bout u <LI>Peng, I take our Challenger Public <LI>Your Guess? When Peng, ITOCP hits 4763 Posts! <LI>The Peng Thread <LI>Multiple posts on the really long .Peng thread <LI>BBS Upgraded, Peng Thread utterly stupid! <LI>Hey, is the Peng thread busted? <LI>Peng, I Am Still Taking Our Bloody Challenge Public <LI>Wake for the Peng Thread, please wear a hat. <LI>The Peng Thread...is it worth reading? Peng thread hits the big time? <LI>Peng I make your backup systematic <LI>Has anybody seen MrPeng? <LI>TAKING THE BLOODY PENG THREAD DOWNUNDER <LI>Peng, I Am Still Taking Our Bloody Challenge Public <LI>Roight Then, Who's For a Bit of the Peng Challenge? <LI>Pengs muther served in brothels in WWII: Lets dispell the myth she did not <LI>WILL THE REAL PENG THREAD PLEASE STAND UP......... <LI>Forum Woes - alt.bored.nolife.pengthread - The Only Answer <LI>GET WELL SOON PENG! <LI>Peng Hospitalized!!!! <LI>Peng Lobotomitimized!!! <LI>THE BLOODY PENG CHALLENGE THREAD: ESCAPE FROM DOWNUNDER <LI>Frequently Asked Questions answered by cesspoolers from the Peng Thread <LI>Time to lock the Peng thread and start a new one <LI>Time to Lock the Forum and Concentrate on Peng Thread <LI>A Thousand Points of Peng, A Kindler, More Gentler Cess <LI>Maple Leaf Up!! The PENG THREAD goes North!!! <LI>What is the Peng thread? <LI>PENG I TAKE YOUR CHALLANGE TO GERMANY <LI>Peng thread shows up on dod forums! <LI>Frequently Asked Questions answered by cesspoolers from the Peng Thread™ v. 2 <LI>Peng in Paradise <LI>Ladders, peng, opponents, that sort of thing <LI>PENG!...no just help a poor newbie please <LI>A Thousand Years of Peng.... <LI>Sir Peng, I take your challenge to Lord Raglan <LI>PENG! I've brought your challenge home to Pennsylvania! <LI>Bride of Peng <LI>I Started A New Peng Thread And All I got Was This Lousy Hunk Of Cess..... <LI>Peng goes to Sweden <LI>PENG I TAKE YOUR CHALLENGE TO THE INSANE ASYLUM <LI>Peng, Your Challenge Necessitates Gamey Manouvrouvrevoouvring! <LI>Peng, I take your Challenge to HOLLAND! <LI>Does Peng Taste Gamey <LI>The PENG Challenge Thread Goes To The Dogs <LI>Peng Takes His Challenge and Stuffs IT <LI>All your base are belong to Peng <LI>The Peng Challenge moves to the Northwest <LI>How The Peng Challenge Was Won And Where It Got Us <LI>***Peng, Challenge, Thread, there ya go**** <LI>PENG CHALLENGES a Thread <LI>I wanna be sedated by the Peng <LI>Wo ist Peng? <LI>Howmany "Pengs" doesittaketo "Peng" outtheforum? <LI>In How Many Peng Threads Will Mensch Obsess About Losing in 3 Turns? <LI>A DAY IN THE LIFE OF PENG AND THE PENG CHALLENGE THREAD....... <LI>I always wanted to start my own PENG thread... <LI>How much PENG is too much PENG??? <LI>I _am_ sedated by the Peng thread <LI>The Bloody Peng Loonies are Slowing Down the Server Again Challenge Thread <LI>How much PENG CHALLENGE is too much PENG CHALLENGE??? <LI>Welcome to Peng Challengeville <LI>THE PENG I TAKE OUR CHALLENGE PUBLIC REVIVAL!!! <LI>The past of Peng, so no more questions, OK? AKA The Peng FAQ <LI>Peng Bastids <LI>I Love Peng <LI>Peng, I Challenge You To Make Your Confessions Public! <LI>THE PENG THREAD AS IT SHOULD <LI>THE ANTI PENG PENG PENG <LI>Time for a separate "All Peng" Forum? <LI>PENG I TAKE YOUR CHALLENGE TO THE UNDEAD… <LI>How is this Peng thing relevant to CM? <LI>Go Tell the Outerboards,Stranger,That Here Obedient to Their Laws We Challenged Peng <LI>Im afraid to ask...but what the heck is PENG <LI>I stood in line all night for CM2, and all I got was this lousy Peng Challenge TShirt <LI>Peng just challenged my newborn son andwill still lose [ 06-14-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by WineCape: Would it make your nomination task easier if we could get not one, but *TWO* nominations from the cesspool for the PBEM Invitational Tourney of "Stars"? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ha ha ha ha .......HA HA HA HA HA, he he he he he he......would it make it....oh ho ho ho ho ho.....Ha ha hah .....EASIER??!!! ROFLMAO!! Purgamentum init, exit purgamentum.
  5. Origianally bleated by Baaaaaabra: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Me so hooownie. Me love you long time.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Estne volumen in toga, an solum tibi libet me videre? Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit materiari? My Latin may be crappier than your Latin - but at least it's funny! [ 06-14-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  6. It suites you slime rodent. After all, no one else does....amybe excepting th' Cappin', but then only when you've got the soap in the shower!
  7. Eeek - out with the traps - there's a moose loose aboot th' hoose!
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Adam Lloyd: Once your opponent gets better at placement and learns to guard his guns with significant infantry, heavy weapons, artillery, and even AFV support this will no longer be a sound approach. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Jeez - if he's busy doing that then it should be a cake walk into he objectives!! I'd haveno problem at all if my opponent is using all those resources to protect his AT guns instead of winning the game!! BTW the REAL reason for not usnig massed Puppchen is not he range, or the lousey hit chances....it's the taunting....I mean how could you hold your head up in polite company?? "Here puppchen, puppchen, puppchen... Where aer you puppchen?? Here little puppchen....."
  9. nothing complicated about it at all - Artillery* solves anti-tank guns. Except of course if it's my artillery and Kiwi-Joes AT guns! Also ATG's are often posted way out on the wings without infantry cover - in which case infantry solves ATG's. * = anything capable of throwing HE from 2" mortars upwards, on or off-table, and not self-propelled [ 06-13-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by rexford: If an equal number of Fireflies and Tigers faced off, who wins most often? <snip> It takes a Firefly to deal with a Tiger, it takes a PzKpfw IVH or StuG IIIG or Marder to deal with a Firefly (comparison limited to 75mm thru 88mm gun vehicles). Don't mention Firefly in same breath as Tiger. Blasphemy!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Quite right - imagine comparing a medium tank weighing 30-odd tons that can KO a 65 ton heavy with that heavy - the heavy is obviously a complete waste of space!!! Sheesh - what's the point of that extra 30 tons??? [ 06-13-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  11. Amazing how much ...er....let's call it debate.... has gone into who is going to "represent" peng in an outerboard tourney! As if anyone could!! What has peng come to when mere baubles and vino will make y'all actually competitive, and want to win, and all that stuff! Are you slimeballs trying to be competitive or something? Trying to figure out who is the best of peng?? Isn't that an oxymoron...with emphasis on the MORON! The glee and unseemly haste with which everyone is volunteering themselves to play in a competition is quite disturbing! If you want to join the real world then just say so and sod off - no need to drag us all into some sort of rational discussion or vote or rankings or anything else so revolting! Next some one is probably going to suggest a peng tourney or somesuch - good grief, and all this from the so-called kay-nig-hits and other old and disgusting members who should know better. There - you've all just been told off by a spokesgit - you should all be ashamed of yourselves! [ 06-13-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  12. Once upon a time there was a synonym for happy...the word was "gay" - so what dingbat is really saying is that we'er all poofters!! As my now deceased dear maternal grandmother once remarked - "gay used to be such a nice word!" Well there's some here who undoubtably resemble that remark, it is unconsionable to say that the whole "community" is "happy". Everyone knows that only 10% of people are gay - and that means Panties and GI-cream, who are, after all, always at each others throats!
  13. I've had this too, with artillery of all sizes, and both in and out of sight of the aiming point. It is NOT the delayed countdown due to not being able to see. I don't know what it is, but yes it's frustrating when the countdown doesn't even start!
  14. Is that the opening movie is it?? I thought ppl were talking about smoething that actually, well,,....moved!! I tried that already, but it didn't work - from a windows shortcut. Do I have to do it from the "run" command or file manager? I'd try it now but it's at home and I'm not......
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by pre-pubescent voyeur: Maybe if Americans spent happier childhoods, they wouldn't be so defensive.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Let's have some common sense here - c) 'Merkin's will spend anything at all as long as it's on something trite, trivialnd/or from California XXIX) 'Merkins are not defensive. They are offensive. They hate each other, they hate everyone else and everyone else hates them. The only way they could possibly be more offensive is if they were actually in my presence!
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jerkshardoff: I have been insulting those of the pool long before you were a wet spot on the collective pool concious. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well there's the lie from his own feeding tube! If he'd been here as long as he claims he'd know that hte only collective thing about the pool is it's inability to collectively do anything at all.....except caterwaul and defecate! The pool is no more capable f acting in concert than a herd of cats - nasty flea-ridden mangy scrawny alley-cats at that! Clearly joe-shagger-dork is a fake, an imposter - even worse than a SSN-spokesgit, lower than an outerboard pubescent FPS addict!
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Laughing Gas: My member's bigger than both of yours! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> If he's got two then he's way ahead of you buddy!
  18. I'm trying to get the PBEM Helper programme working properly, and it looks like the opening screen (Battlefront.com presents) is getting in the way. The author of the programme says that he doesn't get that screen, so I'm guessing that the programme (PBEM Helper) is getting thrown out of whack by a screen it's not expecting. So how do I set up CM so it goes straight to the main screen?
  19. Ah, ewll that's interesting - I have to click the mouse or hit "enter" to get to the game start screen! I'll ask about this in the tech forum
  20. I vaguely recall reading many years ago that they would sometimes dismount the co-axial or hull MG and mount it for AA use when on trains or in convoy.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanbeanwannabe: ...blah....blah....blah.....On the whole, at this point, I'd rather come up with justifications for the existence of cockroaches than ...blah....blah....blah......<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I was quite looking forward to reading this treatise - cockroaches being the standard form of life armound here 'n all, but no.....instead we have democracy inaction and piss-poor plagiarism. So I guess I'll just have to do it myself. Reasons to be cockroach, part 3: viii) Crunch. Where would the pool be without crunch? Imagine only being able to step on things that were soft and squishy and made no sound at all?? 42. Evolution Cockroaches provide inspiration for the continued existance of the pool, by showing that being an evolutionary dead end does not necessarily mean extinction. D. Nuclear winter Cockroaches will carry on what passes for intelligent life arund this place after the nuclear winter wipes out all ower forms of pengvillians So there we have it - 101 reasons why cockroaches are actually more useful than the peng thread! And it didn't hurt at all.
  22. Thanks - yes I'm using 3-digit numbers, and I don't have the opening movie enabled - it starts up with "Battlefront presents"....
  23. OK - I've got PBEM running, but it doesn't do some things that I presume it's supposed to: it doesn't select the game file or enter the password when I "run" a game - CM opens but stops at the intro screen. Any one got ideas what might be wrong?
  24. Panties - you should really stop fantasising about other pengsters as pre-pubescent girls - the only one's stupid enough to consider you male! Firstly of course they're all far too young for you you disgusting old goat-shagger!! But secondly, and more importantly, the mere thought of you breeding makes a steaming lump of elephant **** dropped from a great height appeal as a means of contraception. Should any of your offspring manage to accidentally grow to maturity it will undoubtably due to their unstoppable desire to exterminate the sire who inflicted their horror upon them. Probably by drowning you in a pile of steaming elephant ****. But you're a ball-less wonder, so there's no need for us to panic, let alone investigate flying elephants......
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