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Stalin's Organ

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Everything posted by Stalin's Organ

  1. And I want you to know that we are all anxiously awaiting the scene when your severed, tortured and maimed head is flung over the walls of Minas Tirith in Return of the King. We have great hopes that it will involve no CGI or anything other than the real thing. Not only would this be the CHEAPEST solution but also the most satisfying for everyone involved. </font>
  2. Yes it was the 2 pdr - 40mm L52. I'd be interested in the info about the 2 pdr HE shipped to the USSR too if anyone can remember it. I don't know whether any Matilda CS's were supplied to the USSR. Spoiler alert: . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. The Valentines are in the CD scenario Approach to Sevastopol - Valentine IV's.
  3. It's a strategy game by definition?? I'd like to see what definition you're using then. Let's see what a definition of Strategy turns up from an on-line dictionary (www.yourdictionary.com): 1/ The science and art of using all the forces of a nation to execute approved plans as effectively as possible during peace or war. 2/ The science and art of military command as applied to the overall planning and conduct of large-scale combat operations. 3/ A plan of action resulting from strategy or intended to accomplish a specific goal. See Synonyms at plan. 4/ The art or skill of using stratagems in endeavors such as politics and business. It's not using "all the forces of a nation", it's not "large-scale combat operations", nor is CM a "plan of action resulting from strategy", although it might just squeeze into intending to "accomplish a specific goal". Compare to "tactics" from the same source: 1/ a)(used with a sing. verb) The military science that deals with securing objectives set by strategy, especially the technique of deploying and directing troops, ships, and aircraft in effective maneuvers against an enemy: Tactics is a required course at all military academies. (used with a pl. verb) Maneuvers used against an enemy: Guerrilla tactics were employed during most of the war. 2/ (used with a sing. or pl. verb) A procedure or set of maneuvers engaged in to achieve an end, an aim, or a goal. So Rudee I think that tactical is clearly a better definition of CM than strategy. [ December 26, 2002, 08:50 PM: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  4. WTF do people keep calling this a strategy game?? Nice review of course, but the grog in me rebels at the continued inappropriate use of "strategy"!! :mad:
  5. I notice that Valentines with 2 pdrs get HE ammo - I'd always thought one of the things that brassed the Russians off about these was the absence of 2 pdr HE for them. In the west HE for 2 pdrs was only issued in hte Pacific AFAIK - to the Australian AT regiment in Malaya in 1941/42, and to Australian Matildas and New Zealand Valentines - the tank ammo was "locally" manufactured, while the AT gun ammo was issued because the official doctrine was there would be no tanks in the Malayan jungle so the guns would be providing fire support for infantry.
  6. KG you've missed the point - no-one has said that the Sov's invented combined arms tactics - rather they are saying that they saw the German inplementation of them, then applied lessons that they had learned and figured in their own limitations and came up witha better implementation of htem than the Germans did. And the germans did not learn from the change of Sov tactics to improve their own. as for who invented what - AFAIK the earliest known combined arms forces date to Summer and Akkad about 2500 BC - so you'd better watch out for those Iraqi's 'cos they've been doing it longer than anyone else!!
  7. Kevin I think you missed Gyrene's point. He's saying he already has his copies, so he has no need to buy the staff-discounted ones from compUSA.
  8. That's the trouble with 'bit' part actors, or worse - "extras". They lose their "bits" over nothing. That's all we get..."Read all about it ! Lookie here, i'm a star" or..."if you rent it on DVD and freeze the movie at 1hr 35min 6 seconds - you'll see me in the top right hand corner, waving a spear" </font>
  9. OK you lot - I've got an important announcement to make. The good ladies may not get Smeagol for Christmas - but since I feature in the Twin Towers I thought that I would brighten up their day anyway 'cos I'm such a nice guy. The rest of you may kiss my ring. If you ask nicely. Yes - that's right - yours truly - extra extraordinaire, is there at Osgiliath. By some mistake of the director it's a bit difficult to say just exactly which of those Gondorian spearmen I am....but I know I'm one of them. Bow down in the presence of greatness you scum and worse - your plaudits mean nothing to me - but send them on in anyway. Oh - and Merry Christmas to you all - especially me, since unlike the rest of you I deserve it!
  10. AFAIK there was none. Nothing is mentioned in Jurg meister's "Soviet Navy of WW2" or in Fred T Janes' "The Imperial Russian Navy" (first pub 1905)
  11. CDV is a big outfit right? so if they're supplying distributors then they haev terms and conditions right? And those T&C's will presumably include the geographical restrictions agreed with BFC? So if the distributors break the T&C's with CDV what can BFC actually do? Sue CDV for not enforcing the T&C's? CDV then to on-sue the distributors for not complying? Can BFC actually sue the distibutors direct at all? There's no direct relationship there after all - the distributors haven't broken any agreement they made with BFC. I'm not a commercial lawyer or anything, so it all seems a little convoluted to me, but in these parts we have fairly active "parallel importing" where people other than the "authorised agents" import perfectly legitimate goods from distriutors in other parts and sell them - usually for considerably less than the "authorised agent". In these parts it is seen as an anti-monopoly measure - "authorised agents" being in a position to obtain monopoly profits if it doesn't happen - and of course they do make those profits - the differences in price betwen the parallel imports and the agent's products see to that!! Also hte screams and howls of outraged profiteers.... Is it a crime or a civil suit?
  12. You puerile pubescent pillock!! Firstly an organ is a musical instrument capable in skilled hands of making the most fabulous sounds you'll ever hear. Or a Soviet rocket launcher. If you can think of anything else then toodle off to hte Peng thread. Lastly we've only had hte damned thing 17 hours and it's Christmas - give us a little slack to get things moving!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  13. Flip a coin and let us know! Hang on - no, on 2nd thoughts I had to suffer the ignomy of being the Axis last time - it's Snicker's turn to be the German, so I AM!
  14. Why thank you Dale - that's not what yuo said in the Peng thread!! For the sake of completeness the A/c destroyed 1 KV-2 and immobilised a KV-1, another KV-1 was destroyed by a 50mm Pak 38, leaving 1 KV-1 and 1 T34 to roam the map at will - which was still fairly scarey but they could only be in 2 places at a time, and it's a big map! I agree!! Without the stukas the Russian armour would certainly have been a major problem - but I think upgrading the German AT assets a tad might've given them enough of a counter to make a game of it.
  15. Send it on in you TNT dribbling fool - anyone up for another test of MG's creative talents??
  16. They are quite common, and are accounted for in CMBB - some AP shells have small or large bursters too, making their effect less or greater respectively. Try searching Google for somethign like "armour piercing ammunition"
  17. Darlin' you're hardly in any position to talk about special battles - being teh scardy cat you are - my 6 h/tracks, 1 P3, 1 Stug and 1 ammoless 38t have got his 3 companies of brave Russian peasants cowering in woods. So he surrenders!! Sigh - where's hte spine, the grit, the rallying of both remaining dogs and a hampster for the final counter attack? 90-10 to moi. Snickers will also be deligted to learn from this post that he lost too - but merely 60-40 IIRC. Both games go to prove that the REAL skill in this gameis selecting the side with the most points. I seem to have that in spades......sometimes. Alas Nobby's hordes of T34's have managed to find forward gear and decided to drive down the road to capture the objectives defended by the brave aryan defenders of civilisatoin. If it wasn't for the T60's he's got I probably wouldn't have killed a thing yet!! I hate Sturmoviks and am probably going to get my posterier paddled by the gamey Aussie git. But like that whale of a man sang - 2 out of 3 ain't bad! [ December 21, 2002, 10:10 PM: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  18. Combat Mission 2?? When did it become Combat Mission 2?? As for piracy - I think it can be taken as read that it's going on somewhere!!
  19. I thought these companies were deployed as part of German infantry regiments - which would make them Regimental artillery...... It is true that trajectory makes a difference to blast - I'm not sure it's worth a change from 248 to 299 pts tho, especially when for example: German: Onboard 105mm How blast = 114, observer = 114 Onboard 75mm how blast = 45, observer = 45 Onboard 75mm IG blast = 47, battalion level observer 75mm blast = 45 russian 76.2mm onboard blast = 49, observer blast = 49.
  20. I'm not asking about individual buildings. When you set up a map you can chose a "dmage level" for the map - this gives cratering and destroys buildings. The levels are somthing like none, light, medium, heavy. AFAIK there is no other mechanism to set craters and other damage on the map, and there's no way to change the damage level you select. So if you build a map that you liek but you'd like to change the damage level you have to start from scratch. So I'm asking am I right that there's no other method, or (hopefully) am I wrong?
  21. The numberof tanks in a panzer division steadily decreased througt the war as Blitzkreig became bankrupt and the "hammer" effect of armoured thrust was lost. Effectively they became motorised/armoured infantry formations with integral tank support.
  22. Fair enough - we'll see To me it's a "walkover" because I'm not under any pressure rather than the score - in fact my opponent just offered to surrender and start again - I'll let him pick the scenario this time!! At the moment the score shows 47:33 to me 'cos the central flag has just changed to Russian - apparently because a couple of Sov squads ran 5 yards towards it before being forced to hit the dirt - I expect it to change back shortly!! But then I show 2 flags as neutral which are undoubtedly Sov....so reality will be something a bit different. [ December 21, 2002, 04:22 PM: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
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