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Stalin's Organ

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Everything posted by Stalin's Organ

  1. A very interesting read indeed. Grisha - I think he's talking about infantry regiment artillery, not artillery regiments. And to the ...um..person who thinks mortars are useless because they need a coomand element for firing blind..........er.....what planet are you on?? That's a GOOD feature!!
  2. It's not us lot that's the problem you twit! Do you really think... ...no...hang on.. ....we know you don't...soooooo It's not that we've changed - it's that your sesnses have finally become atuned to a better level of talent.
  3. Er...the Russians liking the Sherman better makes the Sherman better?? lol A better finish, better transmission, better optics, more comfortable accomodation and mechanical reliability also feature. I don't know that the gun was better - the ammunition maybe (pointy AP vs blunt), but the 75 was pretty much comparable to the 76.2, and the American 76 comparable to the 85.
  4. Good points - the gun armour of the early T34's WAS weak though - which is why it was uparmoured in 1942!! IIRC there was a thread about this a while back discussing the relative area of armour weaknesses at different turret aspects - ie from front, side, etc. as well as another on just how "curved" armour is represented - both sort of concluded that CMBB is a bit inadequate - turret front weakness gets hit too often, and curved armour isn't really representative - it seems to have too great a proportion of hits at close to zero degrees. The flat vertical plates protecting the gun recoil mechanism were known weak points for the Germans to aim at, but are probably best represented as weak points IMO - and only for gun hits when hit - not complete penetrations.
  5. Even tho' the once mighty MBT has descended to peurile idiocy....errr....even more peurile idiocy than usual I mean...I feel behovin' to mention that Leo the Limpid has just come to his senses and realised that he's no match for my tactical genuis. How do you start a scrap yard? Give 30 tanks to Leo-piddle and anything at all to someone else. Even easier if the tanks are 2/3rds uber-Sov T34's and all I have is the usual assortment of inadequate German paraphanalia. But that's not important right now....did I mention I beat him?? 86-14 for the math grogs among us. [ January 31, 2003, 02:03 AM: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  6. There's gonna be a sacrifice?? Goody - will we get to see that the King has a heart - prefereably still beating as it is torn from his bloody and butchered chest??
  7. Getting is not the same as using! They got lots of things that never made it to the front lines - bazookas appear to have been one of them. [ January 26, 2003, 03:28 AM: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  8. The Americans did send bazookas - the Sov's didn't like them. Indeed post war the Russian infantry AT systems were based on German designs!!
  9. The "20mm tungsten only" gun was the 28/21mm squeeze bore, and yes some were fitted to 250/10 and 251/10 h/tracks in place of the 37mm gun. It was also fitted to some 222 a/cars andvarious other vehicles. The "normal" 222 had the same gun as the 231, which I think was the same as the Pz-2.
  10. Lower hull sides tend to be very thin on most tanks, especially those types whos service predates WW2 - just loo kat hte figures for Pz3 and -4's. As for tracks - so you put a 8mm or 15mm hole in a track or a wheel - what do you expect to happen then? It's not like there's crew to be hit by splinters, or that such a hole is likely to cause complete failure of that track or wheel!!
  11. IMO the ricochet factor is probably vastly over-rated. Think of the conditions for a ricochet - an oblique strike and little or no deformation of either the armour or the shell seem the best to me. If there's a strike at close to 90 degrees then there's going to be no ricochet. If hte armour or shell deform significantly then some of hte energy is used in that deformation lowering the energy left to propell the shell back into the space. The shell has already lost a heap of energy coming into the vehicle - it seems to me that the chances of a significant riochet - ie one with enough energy to do further damage - are quite slight. Armour and shell splinters are another story entirely - here larger shells have a huge advantage over smaller ones - the volume of armour displaced by a penetration increases with the square of the diameter of the projectile.
  12. lol - yeah - all the German 20's are auto-cannon - there's no single shot ones there!! In fact appart from the Solothurn 20mm ATR what single shot 20's are there in the game?
  13. I'll bet he didn't put the HE through the same hole! He probably fired AP because that's what was "up the spout" and would normally use HE agaisnt an APC because punching holes in them isn't as good a guarantee as punching a hole in them and then exploding a lump of high explsive inside the tin can. And you'll see this in CMBB - guns will often fire HE at light armoured vehicles - and they NEVER have to fire twice after hitting! (well not often anyway!!).
  14. I suspect the prohibition against AP or anti-concrete shells was due to the increased charge that would be used for such projectiles - hence increased strain on the turret ring which might've failed, or possibly given the height of htegun above ground the chances of hte tank tipping over??!! lol Just speculation on my part
  15. Starting with his good points - an intersting variation..... Feel free to sit down.
  16. Seperation of Church and State? What State? Around here the only State is a permanent state of insanity. Which seems like the same condition that any Church that'd dare be seen inside these precincts would have to be in. so how can you seperate the insane from the truly crazy?? [ January 20, 2003, 05:11 AM: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  17. Hey! It's working! Josef's Thingie is suffering from brain strain trying to follow the internecine drama! Keep it up, gentleworms, for God's sake, KEEP IT UP! Steve</font>
  18. Once upon a time there was this thread full of humour and challenge........ ......then all this drivel appeared. Someone protested the blatherings of SSN's a wee while back - and yet all this billious blathering of barely breathing bald bandicoots is worse than any mere SSN could dredge up!! Bah humbug, and a pox upon both your privies!
  19. The only Cheat code that works is Alt-F4, and it's variation Del-Alt-F4 (IIRC - I usually don't need it but I think that's the more powerful version) - these get you out of any dodgy situation - guaranteed!
  20. Oh? WEll if you hadn't worn them then you wouldn't have to do that! You really should hurry up and pass them onto his Itchiness - he looks damned silly with no pants and I believe in sharing the good things of lice.
  21. Divinity? An unholy trio if ever there was one, but I say the only divining going on with you three is the presumption you take - being silly old tossers makes you about a celestial as a bag of waste left in orbit by an Apollo mission.
  22. He may be king to a few easily led fools.......but the rest of the world shall for ever know him as The Hamster that Burned [ January 17, 2003, 11:09 PM: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  23. This was a major problem for the Pz-4 in CMBO because of it's small turret - the chance of hitting the small turret with it's weak armour was greater hull down than if the whole tank was exposed! I think somethign was done about it - there was a fair bit of discussion about turret profiles a while back, but I'm not sure what hte outcome was. Certainly vs 75L24's the T34 turret is weak enough to get it killed and so you want to avoid turret front hits!
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