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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Vanir Ausf B

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Everything posted by Vanir Ausf B

  1. Given that they don't mention any way of getting a new link outside buying the game again, I think it kinda does. My guess, and I am just guessing at their thinking here, is that if they stated that you actually could download in perpetuity for 5 dollars that could weaken the customers' incentive to back up. For a lot of people 5 bucks is nothing.
  2. I agree. The actual implication is that if you lose your backup you have to repurchase the game at full price.
  3. I neglected to ask: using these guild lines do you and your opponents often use US forces, or is it pretty much all British all the time?
  4. I'm not commenting on BFC's policy, but any game I download gets saved to DVD or thumb drive in case they go out of business.
  5. The Panther models D and A have shot traps. Rounds striking the lower part of the curved gun mantlet can ricochet downward into the thin deck armor. The G model has a "chin" added beneath the mantlet to eliminate the shot trap.
  6. So why have unit prices at all? If something is worth doing it is worth doing well, and the perfect should not be the enemy of the good. The CMx1 QB points system was modified quite a lot by BFC. They never got it perfect, but it did improve and we appreciated that. For me much of the appeal of historical wargames is pitting the national characteristics and doctrine of different combatants against each other. I'm not sure what meeting engagements have to do with the discussion, as if that were a unique characteristic of QBs. I've played quite a few canned scenarios that were meeting engagements (Cats Chasing Dogs, Huzzar, ect). You can play attack/defend in QBs just as easily. It's always been a mystery to me why BFC does not do this. That is how rarity actually worked in the war, i.e. rare units were infrequently encountered at all but when they were they were most often encountered in platoon strength at least.
  7. I would think that playing with weather set to Random may also make people think twice about spending a lot of points on pricey tanks.
  8. Yep! That is probably true to some extent, but I have never specifically tested it so I can't say for sure. But I have confirmed that longer ranges result in more hits on the outside edges of the turret of a hull down Tiger, so it stands to reason the same principle would be seen for the hull if it were not hull down.
  9. I like Bag-ray-shun better. Rhymes with conflagration.
  10. I don't know if it's the best way, but one way would be to load up the PBEM, exit the PBEM and start a new game. Whatever the difficulty level is set at by default will be the last difficulty level you played at. Theoretically. I've never tried it
  11. You are correct. Frankly, if an entirely new nationality (UK) that plays differently than the others plus the 2.0 features don't hold your interest you probably need to look for something else to do with your free time.
  12. Most of the front turret area on the Panther is covered by the gun mantlet which is rounded and therefore gives variable protection depending on what part is struck. As mentioned previously, at 200-300 meters or less you can penetrate it reliably with US 76mm, but by 500 meters it becomes more of a gamble. The lower front hull can also be penetrated by US 76mm, but at what range varies with different models of Panther. In both cases M10 late HVAP ammo makes these two areas more reliably penetrated and at longer ranges, but does nothing against the glacis plate. The Panther glacis plate, i.e. the "Upper Front Hull" can normally only be penetrated by the British 17 pdr gun, and even then only when using APDS ammunition. Lower quality armor sometimes seen on D model Panthers may allow penetration by "regular" 17 pdr ammunition.
  13. That is interesting, as I have no desire to play a QB smaller than Large. Rarity can cut both ways, though. The rarity for M10s with HVAP is brutal, while Panthers are mostly unaffected by rarity. I'm undecided on that subject. So then why do you allow two Panthers but only one Tiger I?
  14. That's fine. B-10 for Fausts, RPG-29 for Schrecks and Bazookas. We have the bases covered. Now we wait for BFC.
  15. Given that the B-10 is 1950s era tech and CMSF 2 is going to be about 1st world armies going at it, it almost certainly won't be included. And that is fine with me. I don't actually care about the B-10 or how many guys it takes to haul it around. I'm just using it as more evidence that the prohibition on AT rockets fired indoors in not realistic. Speaking of which, it would be interesting to know exactly which model of RPG is fired in that first video. The RPG-29 does not have a small initial charge to push the rocket out before the main charge fires. It has one charge that fires as soon as the trigger is pulled, same as a Panzerfaust 100.
  16. I like this idea. I have a list of scenario maps that I want to convert to QB maps. Huzzar!, for example, would be a good map to allow big cats. This could be combined with poesel71's foxholes in negotiations. You could also change the price of things based on nationality of the opposition. For example, Big Cats are more effective vs US than UK because of the 17 pdr. You could say on Huzzar! vs UK they are regular price, but if the allied player picks US they are +50 pts (or whatever value you decide on). On a more open map maybe they are +50 vs UK, + 100 vs US. Lots of possibilities. The only hard part may be finding a reasonable opponent. Maybe that's why we didn't get it
  17. True that it does not show how it got there, but there is no evidence that I can see that it was being "carted around on wheels" either. They appear to be shooting it out of a building several stories off the ground, so it can be reasonably assumed that it was lugged up there by someone, whether one guy or two is anyone's guess. I do not have any primary sources on hand at the moment, but in the thread linked to ArgusEye, whom I have found to be fairly knowledgeable about such things in the past, claims the B-10 has a backblast 12-16 times greater than the Panzerfaust 100.
  18. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xtzvrg_baba-amr-homs_news It can be lugged around and fired by one guy. Indoors even. Yes, but still smaller than that of the B-10. Agreed.
  19. The B-10 recoilless rifle seems to be not all that much different, yet they apparently can be fired indoors. The modern Russian RPG is an evolution of the RPG-2, which was based on the German Panzerfaust.
  20. I know. The decision that this was unrealistic was apparently made during development of CMBN, after CMSF had been out for several years and they did not go back to change it, presumably because it might break existing scenarios. But if they don't change their minds back it will not be allowed in CMSF 2.
  21. 10:00 - 10:17 RPG fired from inside enclosed building. Are you seeing this, BFC?
  22. Were the screen shots too low-res and hard to read? Editor: Editor: QB purchase screen:
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