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Vanir Ausf B

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Everything posted by Vanir Ausf B

  1. WW2-era infantry certainly did have less potent anti-armor options than their more modern counterparts, but there are nevertheless two issues that artificially restrict them. 1) They cannot fire fausts, schrecks or bazookas from buildings. In reality these could be and were fired from buildings. 2) They cannot shoot around corners. Watch any footage of urban firefights in any era WW2 to the present and guys popping out around a building corner to fire and then back into cover is one of the most commonly seen images.
  2. Do you have the exact quote on that? I would like to know what evidence he has of that since what I have seen so far strongly indicates otherwise.
  3. I think foxholes in QBs should be free for the defender, as they were in CMx1.
  4. I wonder if schurtzen have any effect on tank spotting in-game. From just looking at the pictures it would appear that on some vehicles with large panels they would render the vehicle completely blind to the sides when buttoned.
  5. Hmm, I just came across this little snippet in a book I do own: -- Germany's Panther Tank: The Quest for Combat Supremacy by Thomas L. Jentz, pg 35
  6. The trigger event for the addition of schurtzen could have simply been their invention. To best of my knowledge they had not been used by anyone prior to 1943. We know that they were effective against ATRs, so there seems to be an assumption in your theory that the Germans knew of the effectiveness of schurtzen vs. ATRs prior to 1943 but chose not to use it. I find that hard to believe given the evidence that the Germans specifically tested ATRs against schrutzen immediately prior to their introduction.
  7. Hitler's involvement is besides the point. What weapons the Germans tested schurzen against to measure their effectiveness is much more interesting.
  8. I don't have access to the original source listed, so I will trust in our old friend Jeff Duquette
  9. Yes it has, particularly at night. There are sound contacts in he game, which you would know if you played it. But AFAIK there is no difference in sound volume between different tanks.
  10. For machine guns there normally is only 2 men who deploy or pack-up while the rest of the team can do other actions, so the medic should not preclude deployment unless he happens to be the gunner.
  11. There's nothing on it in the patch notes or the manual that I can find.
  12. Yeah, but it's odd that this is only the case for 3 weapons. If an MG 42 can move 4 action spots without packing up I don't see why a Vickers couldn't move 2 or 3. Similarly, some of the smaller towed AT guns such as the Pak 38 could be pushed around fairly easily. Seems arbitrary.
  13. They are not merely eye candy. What is merely eye candy is the occasional missing panel, according to Bil.
  14. Perhaps, but I don't think data is available broken down by caliber. If by "enable to fight effectively" you mean suppressed for a time, I agree. But to suggest all or even most of the men must be hors de combat for the rest of the battle is highly speculative and not really supportable by evidence. In addition to that, we are talking about a single event, which statistically speaking tells us very little about how the game models such things. We know that the number of casualties per tank penetrated varies greatly in the game and there is no reason to suspect bunkers are any different in that aspect.
  15. I think a lot of the WTF moments are simply due to the fact that units in CM do not spot continuously. Spotting checks appear to be done for each unit every "x" number of seconds, with "x" varying depending on the unit and situation but previous tests have suggested an average of 7 seconds. So if an enemy unit moves into LOS 1 second after a spotting check a lot could happen in the next 6 seconds. This is a simplification of how it works as tests have shown that checks are done more frequently in some situations, such as when a unit fires, and there is undoubtedly a lot we don't know about how it works, but in general I think this is the main reason. It would be nice to have more frequent spotting checks but BFC comments have suggested that they are very CPU intensive.
  16. http://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/Germany/HB/HB-2.html Also a good source: http://www.bayonetstrength.150m.com/German/german_army.htm
  17. I don't have any numbers regarding the number of soldiers killed/wounded by AP shells penetrating bunkers, but in the general category of AP shell effects on soldiers in enclosed spaces I think tanks are a reasonably close comparison and we do have some data on them. The US Army did a study on their tanks lost in the ETO between June 6, 1944 and November 30 1944 that came up with a figure of 1.16 casualties per tank lost.
  18. I too am curious as to the proper number of Ranger that should be killed. Apparently one casualty is impossible.
  19. Iron is a little more realistic in that friendly units do not automatically spot each other when in LOS, although my own experience is that the difference this makes in gameplay is minor.
  20. Hmm, I just loaded this page on a different computer than I had been using and they all show up. Is anyone else not seeing them? Further testing shows that the no-pack-up-if-moving-less-than-five-action-spots rule only applies to the following crew-served weapons than have a Deploy button: MG42, MG34, US M1919A4. All of the following weapons needed packing up for a move of any distance: German 81mm mortar German 50mm AT gun (Pak 38) US .50 cal. machine gun US 1917 HMG US 60mm mortar UK Vickers machine gun UK 81mm mortar UK 57mm AT gun The UK 51mm mortar is a special case in that it has deploy and pack-up times listed in the UI but never packs-up and has no Deploy button, but it does deploy automatically.
  21. Not directly related to maps, but it would be very nice if we could adjust the QB points for both attacker and defender rather than just the attacker.
  22. Ok, I did some more testing. It looks like the packing-up time issue and the auto-deplpy issue may be intended behavior because they are range dependent. Specifically, if you order a move of 4 action spots or less in length there is no pack-up time and the unit auto-deploys, but if the movement is longer than 4 action spots the unit has to pack-up and will not automatically deploy at the destination. I need to test this on towed AT guns, but right now this looks like it may be a cool new TacAI behavior that I don't recall warrenting a mention in the patch notes. However, as for the LOS issue when deploying...
  23. I saw the same LOS issue in the same spot testing MG42 and 60mm mortar. I can provide more screenshots if that would help Except they can, immediately. I guess I should have taken the screenshot a couple seconds later to show them walking away.
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