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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by c3k

  1. ...and then he'll get drunk and "dance the night away" with the ISU-122 commander's girlfriend. Ahh. Flyboys.
  2. This type of event is what makes the CM series, to me, the pinnacle of milsim gaming.
  3. You should thank that Sturmovik pilot for ridding you of a lousy Hetzer commander. Hitting trees shows that his heart really wasn't in the fight. Your force is definitely improved now that he's gone. Carry on.
  4. You're missing something. Give 'em a FACE command where you want it. Then give the POP SMOKE. It should go right...there.
  5. As well, if there is rubble or debris by the door, that door may not function. Send a scout.
  6. If you select the enemy tank, is the jeep highlighted? Is any other friendly unit highlighted? Is this wego? What is the difficulty level?
  7. Bil has now sliced Elvis' defence forces into separate splinters. That's generally a sign of impending doom.
  8. Resistance is futile: you will be assimilated. Very nicely executed.
  9. This would be an EXCELLENT time for a counterattack! Or an inquisition. No one ever expects an inquisition. When does the armored kampfgruppe reinforcement arrive?
  10. ^^^ The mg42 is far more deadly than it was. The firing rates seem better, and that induces more suppression and kills. Otherwise, small arms modeling has stayed the same, as far as I know. SMG's have a reduced eagerness to open fire. As others, I still feel that SMG's are a bit too accurate. However, hitting uncovered man-sized targets at 100 yards is not too difficult. (Range conditions, not battlefield.) I don't remember how effective the Stens were at killing Bil's halftrack gunners at range, or if it was the Brens or snipers. The paras have a beautiful balance of weaponry for defensive battles or close terrain. They have as many Brens as a rifle unit, more snipers, and Stens for everyone else. If the defender has MG42's covering the approaches, infantry alone has a very hard time taking them out. They are nasty. As they were...
  11. Hister, look at his specs. (Very close to one of my machines, but with a better GPU. His is GTX 690, mine is GTX 670.) Same ram and speed. SSD as well? My experience is similar, as you'd expect. The bolded is good advice. The game DOES slow down when rotating a large number of units into view. But it's very playable. No framerates available atm. If you have extra cash, buy a video card and let us know if it helps. If you're not eager to spend the money, I'd spend some time looking at background processes or other software that may be taking resources away from CM. Just my .02. Ken
  12. That's a wide open question. If you're starting with an existing system, it all depends on what you've got. If you're clean-sheeting a new build, then your budget would (imho) dictate the best components, based on a balanced build philosophy. Then again, maybe a budget build is just a stepping stone to a future medium/high end system. That would change hardware recommendations. CM stresses CPU FAR more than other games. I wouldn't buy less than 1gb of video ram, and that'd be for a single monitor with a resolution of 1920x1080. Anything more, and the extra ram can help. (There's a point when it doesn't, but it depends on your monitor(s), AA settings, games, etc.) 2gb is common. Higher end cards have 3gb or 4gb. (An argument exists that 4gb is overkill.) My preference is for a minimum 2gb card. I would NEVER go for a single core. That is obsolete. You're correct that CMx2 runs a single thread. Well, is your machine doing anything else while CM is running? (Hint: the answer rhymes with "Bess".) A single core machine, in this day and age, is not a good strategy. The price for quad/hexa/octa cores are pretty low. The debate gets into AMD vs. Intel. I have 2 homebuilts of each. They each have pro's and con's. Don't buy a single core. All the above is purely my opinion. (I've been building pc's for 15 years. I've learned a few things and forgotten more. There are far smarter people out there on other websites to offer better advice.)
  13. I don't think it's a gpu horsepower issue. But, I could be wrong.
  14. Nice setup. I have one close to yours: AMD 1090T, (I -think- I have it running at 3.5ghz, but I forget..), 8Gb Ram, HD6870 gpu. It runs the game very well. (I have another, newer, computer with a 4Gb GTX670; it, too, is very smooth.) Yet another runs with an HD6850 gpu (I include that because it is very close to your 550ti in performance see http://www.gpureview.com/show_cards.php?card1=647&card2=636 ) I think it is smooth, but it is running an old, small monitor (768). I'd hate to think you'd spend money and see no improvement. The GTX590 is a bit long in the tooth, no? A 6xx or 7xx card would be my recommendation. Or an R7/R9 from amd if the bitcoiners stop driving up demand.
  15. Real life spotting can be very erratic, even for two observers adjacent to one another. A quick example... I was walking down the street with my wife when I noticed a young lady approaching, texting as she walked. Her heels elegantly shaped her tanned calves, blending into thighs which could only have been formed by hours of bareback horseriding. The flouncy white miniskirt emphasised the athletic proportions of her buttocks, tapering into a waist which only highlighted the swell of her bosom. Her breasts were magnificent specimens, showcasing the wonders of fluid dynamics and oscillating properties. She had the face of an angel, enshrined by titian hair moving in the wind. As she passed, her perfume was a perfect balance of spring and sexuality. My wife seemed oblivious. I immediately thought of the situation outlined by the OP. I looked at my wife and asked, "Did you see that young woman?" "Who?", was her response. Obviously, her LOS check was different than mine. We had passed within inches of the young ladyand my wife never noticed. Of course, my wife may not be the best example to use. Her powers of observation seem to be a bit weak. In fact, that evening, despite having said earlier in the day that we had some steaks in the fridge, she said there was just the one for her dinner. I had to get fast food.
  16. That's a can o' worms. The tech forum may be better suited to get an answer for you. However, I think a LOT depends on the rest of your rig. It'd be best to find someone with a comparable setup but a better video card; that way you could see if the video card is the chokepoint, or something else. (Like RAM, CPU, etc.) Ken
  17. Artillery on your own men? You know you just earned my stamp of approval with that move. Your men will thank you.
  18. Bah. I use my artillery to mark where I want MY men to go! I set up a concentration about 250m distant and charge towards the spotting rounds. My men don't get lost and any enemy there are suppressed. Sure, while I'm yelling "ceasefire" some of my men take hits, but that just motivates them to move to the NEXT objective that much more rapidly. It's all in the outlook...
  19. Of course, you'd probably want to tell him to keep the Soviet body count rising. That confusion may be what led to the barn bbq. (The locals hereafter referred to it as "the smokehouse".)
  20. I force my German crewmen who are manning Soviet tanks to wear Soviet uniforms and speak Russian. I feel it allows them to get more out of the captured equipment.
  21. You can ASSIGN enemy TOE to your side in the editor. So, right now you can have T34's being used by the Germans. (Okay, "you" can't, but "I" can. ) For Germans to use T34's, do the following: In the editor, go to Mission/Data/Force vs. Force. The default is "Axis vs. Allied". (In the Units menu in the editor, the top choice corresponds to the first listing in Force vs. Force.) So, I could buy a German rifle battalion. Go out of the Units menu, go to Data/Force vs. Force, change it to "Allied vs. Allied", go back to Units, choose the top "allied" listing, purchase units, go to individual units, select T34, make sure my German battalion on the right (purchased) window has the little yellow arrow, double-click on the T34, and it's assigned to my battalion CO. Back to Force vs. Force, change back to "Axis vs. Allied" and Bob's your uncle. For small arms, well, you could buy enemy units and use them. Maybe assign scout teams to individual platoons. Can't really get the PPSh's into a German squad. The above is true for all CM games.
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