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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. I'm sorry if I bothered you . . . I saw that YK2 posted here and thought it was ok. I was just responding 'cause I thought one of your posts was amusing. Sorry, again. Kitty </font>
  2. Did anyone invite you? We have enough trouble with crazy loons. We dunt need nun more. :mad: :mad:
  3. ScanChunker: I loathe you. I can't bear to see your appearance on the forums. Every time I see that you've created a thread, I think to myself "Ye gods, what can of worms has this whining pustule opened this time?". Do us a favour. Just go and rot in a box. Please. No, really. I can't bear the prospect of another whining post from you about how it was better in the good old days, or how poetry was better with Iambic pentameters or some old warty ****e. I'm not interested in half-breeds. I'm not interested in shorties - what you might term 'height disadvantaged'. I loathe you. Every time I see your name on the interweb, I feel the urge to bathe myself in a large iron pot filled with chlorine. I porked your entire family. I diddled them one after another, and they begged for more. I still hate you. I hate your pet weasel's quiet life inside its cage, so I inserted it into a meat grinder. I hate the way your goldfish swam happily around its aquarium, so I smacked it over the head with e polo mallet. I hate the way your Aunt Susan went shopping on a Wednesday afternoon, so I arranged for her to be slain by a strafing P-51 (early model, 6x 0.5 cal, 300 rnds per gun, water-cooled (for the grogs)). So, I am calling you out. Here's the important bit. You are a sad little crud of a man. "Junior Patrick" you are not. I rule. I will crush you totally and utterly in PBEM. I demand 1,500 points, QB, PBEM, a meeting engagement in Italy, during the day. The remaining feeble parameters are yours to fix. Your punishment when you lose? You may choose from: 1) Six months of Sig ownership - for six months, your sig must include the words: "Soddball rode me like the Cheery Waffle bitch I am. The Cheery Waffle Thread Rules.". 2) For one month, you must leave out the letter 'N' from every post you make to this forum. GRGARGAGRAGRGARGAGRRAG
  4. Purged due to a sudden onset of borderline sobriety. I still hate all of you though. [ December 05, 2003, 08:39 PM: Message edited by: Soddball ]
  5. Good. In other news: My scenario building is already underway. I am frisking the unit rosters for adequate flamethrowing equipment to produce a CM:AK version of Inferno, and I am testing the game to its limits with a max-power Campaign (8km x 3.5km) :mad: :mad: :mad: I'm also going to do some CM:AK tactics primer scenarios and would welcome input on the sort of things you would find useful. So far I have: Dealing with machine gun nests Shoot and Scoot Infantry vs Tanks Reconaissance Flushing out infantry from towns These scenarios are designed to give the player a chance to practice one particular situation that crops up in CM so if you have any suggestions for the kinds of primer scenarios you want, let me know. I still think you are a bunch of worthless cockknockers.
  6. It's all the crazy old fogies sitting around in the same old folks home shouting "WHAT!" and "NO RESPECT, IT WAS BETTER IN MY DAY!" and stuff.
  7. :mad: I'll pork you, and yo mamma, and yo pappa, and yo little Hortlunds all in a row. Pork, pork, pork. :mad: Expect a setup when I get home, bidge. :mad:
  8. Yeah, ship it over to me, you warty todger. I owe you a smackdown anyway. :mad: :mad:
  9. I received six juicy copies of CM:AK in the post this morning. They arrived precisely 45 seconds before I was due to leave the house for work: :mad: :mad: :mad: However, I am bunking off early to begin scenario development. My first one is going to be Jim Boggs in the Prison Showers with Bubba. :mad :mad: :mad: You are all a bunch of worthless cockknockers! :mad:
  10. Great. It's turned up in every country in Europe except the UK - which is the closest to Ireland. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  12. You're lucky. My account was debited for $200 for all six copies and it looks as though everyone in Europe and the US has received their copies before the UK.
  13. I'm not married, you dancing muppet. :mad: My girlfriend is too skinny for me to slip into her pants. Does anyone have any of their wife's pants they want to post to me? :mad: :mad:
  14. My god, CM:AK is so close, I can feel my sister's pants beginning to chafe in my crack. :mad:
  15. You shouldn't live in such an icy hellhole. I bet you plan trips to Hoth for your summer break. :mad:
  16. The Brood howls with delight, knowing that the horror of Soddball's scenarios is but a postal delivery away. :mad: :mad: :mad: 'Inferno' in the desert. I can hardly contain myself.
  17. Jim BaffledbyUBBoggs strikes again! :mad: :mad: :mad: Were you born that stupid or did you have to whack yourself over the head with a polo mallet to achieve it? :mad:
  18. I hate you all. I have already been up for ten hours and I have another seven hours of work today. :mad: :mad: :mad: I wedge gigantic glowing christmas dildos up your corpulent, zit-spattered arses and plug them into the mains. :mad: Half-hearted ARGH. :mad:
  19. Jesus, you are a helmet. I was trying to explain why some people might feel that way. Clearly you can't respect their right to have a different point of view, and I have no more to say to you on the matter. Take it to the General Forum if you want a flame war.
  20. The lack of understanding concerning mods which make the game appear more historically correct eludes me. </font>
  21. :mad: :mad: I and The Brood hate you and all your kind.
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