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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Soddball

  1. There was a hint in a post I made where I asked whether the 'light armor?' picture should differentiate between wheeled and tracked vehicles (eg greyhound and halftrack) that this would be picked up on and altered for CMBB. Hardly earth-shattering, but I hope someone finds it useful. Can't find the link at the moment.
  2. I went through battle 2 the night before last against the AI, playing as Allies, much the same as you. However, I got assaulted by over a company of Fallschirmjager up the main road! I was able to bring a barrage of 155mm arty and a pair of Shermans to the rescue, and their attack was repulsed (and cut to pieces). My losses were around 50 casualties (including a full platoon). It's now dawn on day 2, and I have some reinforcements to push on to the bridge. My setup now leaves me in control of the village/town but with 550m of ground to cover to get to the bridges. Glad to see someone else is having as much fun as me!
  3. Can't make it - I have to go and sign stuff for my new car Bollocks.
  4. I would agree with Rex - towed guns have their place. My personal favourite is the 6pdr AT gun, towed by a jeep. It's a bargain, very fast, hard-hitting (through the front of a StuG at 300m) and easily concealable, along with its quick prep time. Take one or two 6pdrs along, attached to jeeps, and see how it goes.
  5. Get updating, you whore. If I had any skill in mod or scenario making, I'd send you some stuff. My only real skill lies in pasting the witless cretins in the Dorosh thread. Will send you money and lists of cool porn sites if I approve of your update
  6. I have a screenshot of something similar - around 20 axis vehicles around a building, none of them firing. As a result one of my stuarts got half a dozen tank kills
  7. For those of us not in the know, what's it do and and look like?
  8. Iron Chief Sakai said: <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> my only point was i think more shells should bounce off the german heavy tanks is all. the shermans had a realy hard time knocking out the german heavies, they had ot get dangerously close ot do so wich ended up in the germans losing 1 tank to the western allied 5 shermans is what is basicaly came down to <hr></blockquote> Don't we play at 'dangerously close' ranges in CM? I'm playing a PBEM game where we have 6 tanks and 4 companies of infantry slugging it out, and the tanks are within 150m of each other. From what everybody's said, I assume that probably isn't the norm.
  9. I don't normally comment on these - but that's a beautiful piece of work. Will be downloading that pronto! Incidentally, can anyone tell me whether the wheels are hard-coded or not? If not, a wheel mod would be cool.
  10. Just dug out one of my books - which confirms 12,000lb AP bomb was used to sink the Tirpitz. The 22,000lb was used to destroy the viaduct at Bielefield in March 1945.
  11. Gustav, truly you belong in the grog thread. I for one welcome the fact that you are ensconced in there rather than disturbing reality out here. Although you are out here - so Avaunt! back to where you belong.
  12. You do realise that the Taleban have hired Finnish infantry - the only ones proven to resist Daisy Cutter attacks. They use the blast to cook their rancid salted fish. Incidentally, wasn't the 22,000lb "Earthquake Bomb" used by the British in the war one of the largest? I know it doesn't come close to the Daisy Cutter in terms of explosiveness, but it's still a whopper. Used to knock down a viaduct, I think.
  13. Ergot and St. Vitus' Dance <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> Many symptoms of ergot poisoning and the plague are similar. They probably coexisted. The worst plague damage occurred where ergot suppressed the human immune system and made people vulnerable. Records of plague deaths show huge regional variations. The plague probably followed pockets of rye ergot. And what about witch hunts? The symptoms of bewitchment are consistent, but the way those symptoms were received was not. Crazy behavior was commonplace in the medieval plague years. The mad "Dance of Death" is a theme shot through medieval iconography. The spasms suffered by ergot victims were called St. Vitus Dance. <hr></blockquote>
  14. Oh, that was a question? Right. I understand now. Sorry, us old-worlders like our english clear rather than mangled, you'll have to bear with me. Will let you know - and where's the link to Clever Hans for the uneducated masses? Really, Mr CessPoo, you're not playing the game. Highlander - LOL. The greatest work of fiction since vows of fidelity were included in the French marriage service.
  15. The Holy God Squad's List of Saints St. Vitus is the patron saint of dance and epileptics, apparently Easy. So, who was "Clever Hans" and why was he famous? Your turn smartarse. A hint: It's not you. Edited to get rid of St. Hanns disease - St. Hanns is the patron saint of f***ed-up posts [ 11-06-2001: Message edited by: Soddball ]</p>
  16. 1) It's not a holiday. If you'd read the website kindly posted, you'd know that. 2) Not quite sure what relevance bringing wars into it has, but you carry on chest-beating. Ignorance is no barrier to rhetoric, eh?
  17. Gustavus Adolphus died today in 1632. Gustavus Adolphus web link
  18. Only because there are four pieces of software written for Linux, and one of those is a Vic-20 emulator
  19. Cubbies Phan sez: <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> No offense, but what makes you think we care? <hr></blockquote> It wasn't a matter of caring, I just thought it might be interesting. Since we in the UK have to suffer the plaintive bleating of "Happy Thanksgiving" (which has no relevance to us) amongst the other myriad aspects of American culture, perhaps it might be interesting for you to learn something outside the Gude Ahld Ewe Ess of Aye. I apologise for attempting to broaden your horizons. Simply saying 'no offence' doesn't mean you aren't giving offence - it just attempts to excuse it.
  20. *applaud* Won fair and square in 3 minutes by Panzerwerfer42 I'm off to bed now. You all play nicely.
  21. You're faster than a whippet with a bum full of dynamite - and if you can find a website which tells the history behind it, the award's yours I should have guessed a man who lists 'fire' and 'fireworks' as his interests would have been on the ball for this one.
  22. "Gunpowder, Treason and Plot." So, why is November 5th commemorated in the UK? The first non-UK citizen who can tell me the right reason, and provide an informative hyperlink to educate the unwashed masses, will win the coveted and roundly worshipped Soddball Smug Bugger of the Week award. (Yes, I know it should have gone in the general forum, but I wanted to educate the unwashed masses. Hi, mum)
  23. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> god your so funny... <hr></blockquote> And you're a sourpuss. Lots of people have been asking the same questions lots of times. I was just larking about. I will remember to disable my sense of humour, just to please you.
  24. Can I play as the Welsh? How about the Inuit? Or the Banga Banga tribe of the Upper Volta?
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