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Everything posted by mike_the_wino

  1. Gautier looks on the up and up. Hell, they even SOUND like Frenchies. Full product line here. I have never developed a taste for cognac. Prefer my liquors of the Scotch or Tequila variations. Unless it is warm out, then it is gin and tonic, with bit of lime to ward off scurvy. The proof is in the glass so pour yourself a bit and see what all the fuss is about.
  2. dalem, cognac is a brandy from a highly respected, albeit French, part of the world. What you bought was most certainly not true cognac. More likely some swill even a hobo would gag on.....so enjoy your 'find'.
  3. What? None of the maggots want to play in this thread any more? I see Snotwad poking his nose around on occasion and of course there is the ever present liberal nut job Dave H. What about Axe? Did the migratory mooses finally trample your hovel into the tundra?
  4. Wow, some one was digging deep in the litter box to uncover this 'gem'. :mad: Now where are the rest of the maggots? :mad: :mad: :mad:
  5. Steve What about recoilless and RPGs with back wall and front walls removed? Shouldn't those weapons still fire? [ January 15, 2008, 10:27 AM: Message edited by: mike_the_wino ]
  6. What about ATGMs not firing from roof tops? I have been playing around with ATGMs inside and on the roofs of buildings but they are not firing within 400m of the target. With 1.05 I have now seen AT-14s fire from the roof top but not from any other level, even if the front wall and back wall are removed.
  7. SgtMuhammed have you seen one go off? I have been testing this and only today have I been able to get any AT weapon to fire on armor. I think it was a recoilles rifle but I was on my lunch break and time was short. Should I bitch again about not being able to directly purchase those items I want, rather than the random grab bag approach one is stuck with by the poor to excellent choices for equipment. :mad:
  8. Thanks to Sixxkiller I am now 1.05 capable so I started dinking around with AT assets in buildings again last night. Preliminary tests show no Syrian units firing any AT asset firing either from inside a building or a roof from 113m out to 390-ish meters. I will extend the map and see if that helps but I am really surprised by these initial test runs. All units were set up in mission editor and then set to hide on first turn with short firing arcs to allow me to selectively activate each Syrian unit for firing.
  9. Traveling for the holidays but I will re-check with 1.05 after the 7th or 8th and let you all know what I see. Is there reference guide for minimum distance for AT weapons to arm before striking target or all weapons 'live' straight out of the tube? The test range I set up has 3 lanes with buildings at distances ranging from 56m to 348m. Each lane has a single story building, then 56m to a two story, another 56m and a 3 story building. Then third lane has the single story building at the 112m mark, and same distance for each building further back. The third lane has the single story at the 174m mark, same buildings/ distances as the previous two lanes. I hope these distances are providing enough distance for all of the AT assets to operate properly. I will post screenies when I am back. Does any one see any problems with the trial parameters? I tried to put a barrier between each lane but the 2 and 3 story buildings allow roof LOS to other lanes so I target the AFV for each AT team.
  10. So how do we make them want what we want? Hookers? Booze? Boozed up hookers? This is what I want........or sumfink like it.
  11. Still working on the scripting so we will see. Au contraire, it is hard to see but I left an entry way on the left side of the stadium, at each end, in the top screenie. The effect I was going for was a way to simulate the tunnels that NFL stadiums have that lead into the locker rooms. I have since put in some buildings behind to simulate locker rooms and offices. Thanks, I will replace with 1 story buildings when I get home tonight.
  12. Um....how about 'no'? That will not be happening. Think more, general admission.
  13. Tested this during lunch and no AT assets would fire: recoilless or ATGM. Recoilless on roof wouldn't fire. Teams did engage with small arms if shooting from an elevated position (2nd story) Going to have to test some more tonight. Buildings at 56m, 112mm and 168m tried so far. Doors facing forwards, one building with the backside eliminated/ destroyed did not act effect AT assets firing. Pre-patch....of any kind. Straight out of the box.
  14. In CMX1, letting a 'zook or a 'shrek loose inside was not the thing to do because of back blast. Is this still the case with RPGs? Is there an equally lethal weapon that doesn't fry Syrian troops who are too lazy to go outside? Do destroyed walls mitigate the back blast? What I am looking for is a way to get some rpg crews into places that will allow them survivability and multiple shots. I was thinking of removing the back wall, or using the broken wall, setting the remaining 3 walls with doors and windows to see if they can fire out. Has anyone tried this?
  15. ok, here are screenies of what I have so far. The bulk of the heavy lifting is done, now it's just going back and making sure all the interior walls are set up correctly. click, click, click....etc Widest view: Side view: Stands:
  16. I am thinking that the tiles/ grids are 8 meters by 8 meters, yes? (40 tiles = 320 meters) I am trying to represent a stadium with a bank of 1 story buildings, then 2 story buildings, and then 3 story buildings. The 'field' is 10 tiles wide (80 meters) by 20 tiles high (160 meters). To allow for wide open movement, I have removed all interior walls. Does all of this sound about right? [ December 17, 2007, 04:55 PM: Message edited by: mike_the_wino ]
  17. thewood, Thanks. Apparently there is this fantastic thing called a 'search' function and when I used it, magical things happened....like finding this thread telling me about stuff I was too lazy to look up myself. I guess an almost year absence really took me out of the loop.
  18. Pete, Oh great, stick them all in a pit....actually that is not a half bad idea. TankCommander, The point system is not that big of a deal. Although it is a nice way to gauge how many units you are putting in a scenario. But not being able to pull out individual units, vehicles, weapon sections, etc. seems like a complete disaster. Have BFC said anything about this? Will it always be like this?
  19. :mad: :mad: :mad: [crotchity old man voice]Back in my time game editors were a lot different. I remember when unit purchasing showed point values. You could also purchase anything from a battalion down to a squad. Hell you could even purchase two man squads for everything from tank hunters to machine gunners and flamethrowers. You kids and you new-fangled unit purchasing systems ain't got squat on the old way.[/crotchity old man voice] :mad: :mad: I get the structure showing us the organization. But I don't like the restrictions it places on force selection and, what I view, the unnaturally high number of CO units you get when trying to make scenarios. The map I started has turned into a scenario that I flippantly called 'A Drive in the Country'. I was thinking of a dismounted platoon, 2 or 3 sniper elements and maybe 2-4 humvees patrolling along a dirt/ gravel road, through a mixed ag area, with some buildings for barns and houses. Then throw in some reinforcements for the inevitable sh*t store that was going to happen. Maybe if I turn this into a 3 part campaign I could still achieve my goal. Going to have go back and look it all over. [ December 13, 2007, 02:09 PM: Message edited by: mike_the_wino ]
  20. Nice, thanks for that DaveDash. Have you found any benefit to splitting squads, other than stretching out your units to defend more territory?
  21. In order to tweak my map and check LOS, I started with unit selection last night. At this point I do not like the way it is set up. Unless I am doing something wrong, my only choice is battalion or company. If I wanted a platoon I had to pick a company, delete the elements I didn't want but I still ended up with the company CO unit. Even more frustrating, or maybe it is just unrealistic scenario design, I can't just purchase 3 or 4 sniper teams, some vehicles, a platoon and go to work. Am I not doing something right? Did I miss something?
  22. Jay-sus...took me almost 4 hours to 1/4 of the map for a 480x800. It's sooooo pretty now. And the trees...which ones to pick? Orchards? Does my mix of singles, doubles and triples a) look kewl, give the right amount of cover? I suspect the better part of the next weeks worth of non-weekend free time will be spent tinkering around with this one map.
  23. ugh, I am getting my ass handed to me on a regular basis now. I would feel horrible if I got my ass handed to me AND I knew exactly what I was facing. Maybe I will have to learn how to stack the odds in my favor through scripting....and then release a more evil version upon the world.....MUHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAA
  24. Ok, Webwing's purty maps inspired me to crack open the editor last night and wow, it sure ain't CMx1, is it? I tinkered around with CMx1 quite a bit but never published anything, which is the most likely outcome of my tinkering this time around as well. Any hints, tips, tricks picked up by designers so far would be helpful. Plus...... 1) doo dads don't show up on the map editor,how do you manipulate them? I really liked Web's use of sacks for sand bags but I couldn't figure out how you did it. Lil help? 2) Unit cost...or lack thereof. How does one decide what makes a balanced force? The point system was a nice benchmark and allowed me to gauge force balance but I have no clue with CMSF, unless I try and play the scenario. Yes, I know I need to read up but I didn't see these questions answered while flipping through the manual last night. mtw some more tips along these lines, in regards to force balance, would be great
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