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Everything posted by mike_the_wino

  1. Couple of things about your redneck conveyance: -Do you run the 110v wire separately from the original bus wiring harness or do you link them so your Schlitz stays cold whilst underway, betwixt trailer parks? -Did you run a complete new wiring harness? -Aren't you a tad concerned about wiring and the copious amounts of kindli...er, wood that you used for this project? -Why isn't this 'shelf' made with an easy to clean surface, say granite (it's a rock) or laminate countertop material?
  2. Thanks all, great advice.....except bboyle. The Jurys Doyle hotel room rates were $635 to $509 per night?!?!!?? Surely there has to be better rates than that in an area that won't involve elbowing past hookers and crack dealers. Just got back from Dizzyland, time to let my google-fu go to work.
  3. Thinking 2nd week in April. Want to spend 2 days doing the monuments, see the Smithsonian, and then........ Planning to spend 7 days in DC and would like some advice on lodging, meals, sights, etc. It will be my first time in DC, outside of layovers at the airport, and I would love any input from the locals.
  4. I noticed that almost every new, shiny, tiny hybrid has an Obama sticker on it, do they install those at the factory or the dealer? But I live in the extreme North of California, where even 30 inches of rain a year can't wash the stink off those damn hippies, so maybe it's a regional thing.
  5. Um, Abbott, you know he is in Qatar, right? Given your lack of geographic knowledge...oh hell, just knowledge in genera, let me enlighten you a bit. This place is what some refer to as a 'sand country'. Now I suppose that your past experience with sand has been scraping it out of the folds of yer belly after a lazy afternoon of tubing down the river with an accompanying tube filled with Schlitz or Lucky lager. Or perhaps you took your bass boat to the lake and there was sand on the shore. Well, sand also exists in a place called the 'desert'. This type of terrain lacks most of the things you are familar with; opussums, trees, your sister/ wife, moonshine but most importantly....water. Now see if you can follow along. In order to have mud you must have two things; dirt and water. The dirt part must have some clay content. As you increase the clay content, dirt becomes more cloying when wet. More of a quagmir..hmmmm, what is an equivilent hillbilly term...bog? As in mud boggin? Sand has no, or little, clay content. Even if you added water, all you would have is wet sand, not mud. So asking Stuka about the performance of his new truck tires in mud is akin to asking a salamander about quantum physics or Joe about good manners. Isn't this a strange and marvelous planet?
  6. Are you often finding yourself the recipient of pointy metally bits thrust at you? Who the hell carries 'QuickClot' outside of a warzone....or Detroit?
  7. True. Just ask this guy. Ex-marine turned photog gets impaled for not paying attention and still takes piccies. I give him a 10/ 10 for manliness and a 9/10 for stupidity.
  8. Apparently stabbing onesrlf in the foot whilst in a cemetary is good luck? Nope, that's just irony. Oww!
  9. This guy: bac = 0.491. This guy is all pro!
  10. Heresy!!! Bill Clinton was a saint and only Hillary can save us now!!!! You must be a Bush apologist. That's the razor's edge between enough and too much gubmint. Too bad we are getting such a wrenching gut-check. Was this because of bad working environment, sucky co-workers or did you see the meltdown coming?
  11. So...you have a dog from a country founded by convicts and let a convict train it......am I the only one who is concerned? Last thing I want is a criminal mastermind cattle dog on the loose. Stop the insanity.
  12. Here is my Australian Cattle Dog, Loki: He is 4 years old. My sister took this picture with her camera phone. She tried to get him to growl and show his teeth but all she got from him was this quizzical look: Here he is jumping:
  13. I am taking my new found winnings and blowing this taco stand. Check this out: Hello!! From Microsoft Award Team 2008!!! Congratulations Ticket Number 008795727498 Lucky Numbers 14-21-25-39-40-47(20) Serial Numbers BTD/9080648302/06 We are Happy to inform you that your E-mail Account has won you $1,000,000.00 (One Million Dollars) from the prestigious Microsoft MSW MEGA JACKPOT LOTTO program held in UK. Your lucky winning number falls within our Africa booklet representative in West Africa as indicated in your play coupon, In view of this, your $1,000,000.00 (One Million Dollars) cheque would be released to you by our Fiduciary Agent in West Africa. Please contact the claims director below for further details: NAME: MR David Moore Head, Winning Claims Dept. Email: davidmoore070@aim.com PHONE: +234 805 564 3037 You are to quote Your personal datas as specified below: 1.FULL NAMES:_ 2.ADDRESS:_ 3.SEX: 4.AGE: 5.MARITAL STATUS: 6.OCCUPATION: 7.E-MAIL ADDRESS: 8.TELEPHONE NUMBER: 9.COUNTRY For Prompt Response, Please Contact this e-mail only: davidmoore070@aim.com Sincerely, MRS. SUSAN LARS Microsoft Promotion Team
  14. This: Would suggest the answer to be no. website: http://www.ww1-world-war-one.info/world-war-1-information-History-Germany-Defeat-Warfare-Development.htm How the hell does one linky properly now that they hath removed that little bit which shrinks the links?
  15. I have found that by driving from work to home my hay fever is greatly relieved. I suspect I am allergic to the damn, dirty hippies in Mendocino. Try a spoonfull of local honey, twice per day, just make sure it's your 'local' not some one else's. I have also been told that the allergy shots work well but I hate both doctors and needles so I would rather sneeze and take OTC meds than let those feckers see, much less touch, me.
  16. Which one plays the banjo, which plays the jug and who plays the wash board? The one on the left looks thin....more beer for him and less for you, Father Christmas.
  17. I liked it...especially the hate. You Brits are funny. Keep up the good work.
  18. Abbott just when I think you couldn't get more hillbilly.......you....well, you do what you do best.
  19. Is that pine? Oh dear, that will never do. Shouldn't you at least use cedar on the closets to keep the moths from chewing through the wool blankets you have sewn into moo-moos to cover your hideously deformed carriage?
  20. He does have a point Senor Means. Not a single alien but the Yakuza kidnapping was a nice touch. War for oil? If either Gulf War had been 'for oil' we would be bathing in that goo now. That Saddam guy was a bad dude, now he is gone. Unfortunately for all involved it seems that bad guy was the only thing holding Iraq together. My only hope that the Iraqis put aside their differences and take control of their country before they tear themselves apart.
  21. It's back...wheeeeeee!!!!! My life was a soul-less, vapid existence without the GF....oh wait, it still is. But now I have an outllet to *****. Good times.
  22. That's 'too short' you sister-humping, inbred hillbilly. Thank Budha the forum is back.....I was really having a hard time looking busy at work without this crutch.
  23. Awwww, you noticed. <blushes>. No, not dead just living in Hopland with no TV, no internet access and the only soul for a mile in any given direction....lest you count the lonely security guard tasked to keep the 150 acre parcel safe from thieves. Nearest town, Hopland, is a thriving metropolis of 817 ruddy folk. For all of that I might as well be dead. Thanks for caring.
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