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Everything posted by Sig

  1. Hello, Just to be sure we see the same picture: you speak about the german soldier running, half-bent, with his rifle in the right hand? If yes, then I remember I saw this picture as a cover for the german war-time magazine Signal. Can't be you more precise, sorry, was long time ago and I'm not "groggish" enough to file these kinds of info . Sig
  2. A thanks to Mike and a *bump* for those who missed this very useful chart. Sig
  3. Hello, What most probably happens is that your *tank* has to detect the target. You, the player, know the ennemy is here, but your tank commander no. This lag is the time it take to detect the ennemy tank. It depends on crew experience and things like buttoned up (bad for detection) or unbuttoned, size of the target. Sig
  4. Hello, In scenario #2 (the medium one), the only slowing down I experienced was when I was near the big wheat field on the soviet side of the map. I have quite a good system, with the exception of the graphic card. AMD 1.4GHz (thunderbird) 512Mb RAM 3D Prophet SE, 32Mb (Geforce 1 chip ) Win 98SE All in all, CMBB works well. I had some freezes and returns to desktop, but I just deactivated directX gestion of the AGP (I know, it's weird but it's the only way to solve my 3D problems...) and all was OK. Sig
  5. Yahaaaa, done! Coffeine load: check Croissants: check Rainy sunday: check Demo downloaded: check Unbearable suspense: check Ready to fire the demo! Sig
  6. Hello all, And welcome to this rainy sunday. Perfect! 3 hours download to go: time for a café. some croissants and the sunday's newspaper. *yawn* Yes, it looks like a perfect day . Sig
  7. Hello, Found a place were many books about the soviet spy rings are cited. It includes documents about the Rote Drei (the Red Three) who operated in Switzerland. Here is the link: Soviet spy rings in Europe Another place with some information about Sandor Rado, alias Alexander Radolfi. Contains alot of links: A master spy in Switzerland during WWII I looked around, but could not find additional information. Sig
  8. Hello, Concerning the weight of MG ammunition: ooooh yes it is *heavy*!! I had the dubious pleasure to help a HMG crew transporting additional ammo (3 boxes of 200 fitted in a sort of crude rucksack). It was in the alps and I was in top physical condition at that time, but I still painfully remember I suffered a lot! So much for mobility when you have full ammo allotement to transport... On another subject (the drum vs clip story): I seems to remember that some of the reasons why the Thompson was fitted with a clip and not a drum had something to do with a/ increased risk of jamming as the drum empties esp. when the spring gets older and weaker, and b/ noise: if the drum is not totally full, the ammo inside has a tendency to rattle when the soldier moves (not good for stealthy movement). Can someone confirm or infirm these two points? I read that long time ago, and am not totally sure of the accuracy of this info. Just remember I'm talking about WWII vintage drums, not modern equipment. Sig
  9. Hello, Just to give my opinion: the point, I believe, is not so much the few little thingies which will differ from the "west-european" version when compared to the US-version. It has more to do (I think) with the restriction of choice as to where you can buy the game. I have already been confronted which such thing in the past, and as far as I'm concerned, it touches a nerve. Bah, I'm probably a bit spoiled , but I hate to have this feeling of returning to the "good" old days of active protectionnism. On the other hand, I feel BFC has every right to protect its best interests and success in business is all what I hope for them. So, I'll (grumble, grumble) accept this restriction to my consumer's frenzy, and like a regular bug or bacteria, I shall mutate and adapt... Sig PS: Oh forgot, Switzerland being not a member of the EU, do we have a special status, mh? Mmmmh? Like being some kind of extra-european country?? (Hint, hint)
  10. Aaaarrrgh, heathen! You forgot SUNDAY when God got a little nap! NO work that day, you ultra-liberal globalizing CM fanatic . Sig
  11. Hello, Seanachai, thanks to a far better command of the english language than mine, you have basically summed up in a milder and more sophisticated way my own feelings after I read the ...mmmh.. let's say... acidic comments by some of our comrades. So: amen, mylord! I shall wait, and be happy to be teased, like a child waiting for a wonderful gift. Anticipation is half the pleasure, especially more so because I know and understand the dedication of the CMBB team. Careful, and precise work (often confused by the impatient as seemingly slow) is to be highly valued when it's reason is respect for the customer and desire to reach perfection (an illusion, but nevertheless a noble goal). My opinion only, but ready to fight for it. And now BACK TO TOPIC: tease us, you lucky bunch, or I start to whine (and hold my breath till the game comes out) Sig
  12. Hello. OK, tested from home ("regular" PC): got a light grey text on a white background. Ah, the mysteries of the Digital Ages . Sig
  13. Hello. Very dark background? Very DARK background?? Ack, I must have slipped in an opposite universe: I see a white background... :eek: I just tested on 3 different browsers (just in case): IE 5.5, Netscape Communicator 4.79 and Netscape 7.0 (pre-release 1)-> same. Bah, I suppose I'll have to test on a "regular" PC, at home . Sig
  14. Welcome Back ! Happy to see you again. Just one thing (sorry ) : the text (under July 1) is in a very faint blueish color I find quite difficult to read. This was on a laptop, so it may be a screen issue. Sig
  15. And don't forget to have your gun under the control of a HQ unit. It really increases it's survival under bombardment: the crew is far less prone to abandon the gun. Another trick is to use a steep slope to position the gun. When the bombardment starts, very few rounds will hit at the same level the gun is and most of the blast "waves" will be either under or over the position. Lethality seems significantly decreased. Just be careful not to position the gun too close from the ridge: CMBO blasts pass through terrain feature situated at the same level (if I recall correctly). Under control a good HQ (green, +2 moral), I had once an AT gun with a green crew survive the full 81 allotement of an american FO (was in the open in a foxhole, so, no tree bursts). The crew had 2 casualties, but stayed firm and was a major contributor to my victory. The gun was positionned as I described earlier. Now, I agree: not statistically significant , but worth a try (or further testing). Sig
  16. Hello. Just curious: how long does it take approximatively to a/ repair a track with say, one broken link? or b/ to tow a tank (battle vs calm situation)? Additional questions: does the time it takes depend on the type of track? And if yes why? (barring the weight difference of the links). If some panzer-grog or former tanker could answer, I would be very interested to know. Thanks. Sig
  17. Who were "Normandie Niemen"? (Pardon my ignorance)[/QB]</font>
  18. Hello, No ammo scavenging in CMBO. However, this is sometimes abstracted: an infantry unit with 0 ammo can still fire (rate of fire drops however): its soldiers are scavenging ammo right and left. Again: this is abstracted and it only works for infantry units. Sig
  19. Hello, Just a little info regarding definition used in a foreign (for anglo-saxons) language, i.e. French: like with German (with Scharfschützer), French uses "tireur d'élite" (elite shooter) to define sniper and marksman. However, I do remember a little more subtle distinction used in the swiss army were you could receive the "médaille du bon tireur" (translates roughly as: the good shooter's medal), indicating you are identified as a marksman. No special sniper training existed however. "Military" english is too rich when compared to French and German, it seems. Ah, these aggressive anglo-saxons . Sig
  20. Hello, It's an abstraction: buildings with 2 levels represent in fact buildings with 2 and more levels. Sig PS: don't be too annoyed with the little joke about your name. The vast majority of us don't bite. Some people simply like teasing a bit I suppose.
  21. Hello, Could this be related to identification? The tank doesn't know which kind of bunker it has in front, so he just assumes it's the most dangerous one (concrete AT) and drops some smoke. Just a possibility. Sig
  22. Hello and welcome Adam. Not a bug: happened to me quite often. Look carefully at the replay and you will probably see the PzIV opening fire just before it is hit by the ennemy shell. Sig
  23. Ah, time to counter-attack : you can keep the white letters. Perfect with me. Sig
  24. Hello, Positive feedback here: I like the new look. Sig
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