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Everything posted by gunnergoz

  1. The bottom line is that the Allies got ashore and stayed there. The issue of smoke and bombing effectiveness probably would have saved a good many lives had they been executed differently, but in the end the outcome would have been much the same. I'm glad someone mentioned the "not invented here" mentality of planners who overlooked the Pacific assault experiences. This was partly the fault of the military dynamics of the day...European and Pacific theaters may have well been on different planets. The JCS in Washington did little to coordinate and disseminate information between the two war fronts. Also aggravating matters was the fact that the Navy was overwhelmingly involved in the Pacific and the Army held sway in the ETO. Of course, we all know that Admirals and Generals speak in different tongues... An interesting aside is that US Marines almost made it to Normandy...The ship's company of one of the assault command ships were ready to reinforce the hard-pressed Rangers at Pte du Hoe (sp?, sorry!) but the Army nixed their volunteered support for fear of bad P.R. in what was supposed to be an Army show. Individual Marines were present in several Army commands and units, however, in both the Normandy and Med assaults.
  2. One reason I'd read why smoke wasn't used on the beach barrage was that it would have obscured targets for the destroyers and cruisers that were close enough in to execute direct fire missions. Indeed, some DD's came in so close that they risked beaching themselves. A bigger question is why the pre-invasion aerial bombardment was planned so far back from the headlands over the beaches. As it was, the preponderance of the bombers struck miles inland, tearing up orchards and killing livestock but precious few Germanans.
  3. Compupic for image management, Paintshop Pro for general editing, Photoimpact for effects and Morpheus for cranking out variations. All well worth the bucks if you get serious. If I only had one to buy, I'd get Paintshop Pro. Hope this helps.
  4. Well, here's a guy who started out on Mac's in '84 and bought his first PC several years later solely to play Harpoon. There are fanatics out there and if BTS raised the bar, I'd probably belly right up to it! Right now, this is pretty much moot because the CM2-BtB requirments are set in stone pretty much. I'm MUCH more interested in what will be the standard by the time we're looking at CM II. That baby is the one I'm REALLY looking forward to, even if it's a couple of years away. Given the latest hardware and price trends, I would think that BTS could up the ante a bit on a game title that far down the pipeline. They could take advantage of the better performance by designing a game with super graphics and superior AI, including relative spotting. Given enough advance warning, CM players would, I bet, begin planning to buy or upgrade to a suitable system. For instance, if BTS announced say: "CM II minimum requirements will be 1 gig processor, 256 MB RAM and 32 MB video card, I suspect a lot of us would start saving the old pennies, pfennigs and pence. What say you all?
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hanns: Don't forget the Davey Crockett warhead for the 90mm recoilless rifle. Nominal yield of .01-.02 kt nuclear warhead that could be fired from a Jeep <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The only problem with Davey Crockett was that the blast radius exceeded useful range...making it the Army's first official suicide weapon! BTW, the Davey Crockett launcher was not a regular 90mm RR, it was purpose-specific and had AFAIK no other ammunition other than practice "shapes."
  6. For the infantry, RR's were the best way to shove a usefully large shaped charge out of a weapon that could be lugged around in the boonies. The US fielded 57mm, 75mm and 106mm versions, but the latter had to be carried on a jeep or tracked carrier. My favorite RR story has to do with the first ones captured by the Chinese Communists in Korea. Supposedly, the Chinese troops all crowded behind the weapon to see the fall of shot and were baked by backblast for their trouble. For a while, the Chinese wouldn't go near the captured ones again. Later of course, things would change...
  7. Actually, no, if you simply look at "shells" as the projectile with it's explosive filler. The iron casing, gain and explosive filler combinations in modern rounds are not that much changed. Fuzes, that's part of the difference, though. Modern fuzes are more responsive and accurate. Of course, improved conventional munitions (ICM) rounds, with their multiple sub-munition bomblets, are incomparably lethal to WW2 rounds. Only WW2 VT rounds could compare, being the precursor to modern electronic fuzing and sensor munitions. Fire direction is perhaps the second biggest difference on the battlefield. Modern artillery is almost instantaneously responsive, escpecially in counter-fire missions. Assuming your radars are up and on-line, of course! But if we are speaking only of the shell, exclusive of fuze and special munitions, then I'd have to say they are much the same.
  8. I'm impressed with the imagination and the talent...thanks!
  9. OK guys, the new fieldgrass dark has been uploaded to DerKessel and Mensch should have it on line fairly soon. FYI, my screen snaps include buildings by Magua from his Normandy set; rough and straight road, trees from same (Magua is a TRUE ARTIST!) I couldn't tell you where the AFV mods come from, I have too many and swap them all the time... My tree bases, water, swamp, bush, bocage are all available at DerKessel. Enjoy! BTW, I'm always looking for good hi-res .jpg images of terrain landscapes, grass fields, meadows, trees, etc. Hint, hint...
  10. None of my readings to date have led me to believe that the 25 Pdr was ever officially issued or carried on the TO&E of any US artillery unit. However, I'm open to the fact that odd things happen in wartime and it's possible that at some point, US servicemen may have been using the weapon. I just doubt that it was ever "official" use and was more likely a matter of using what was at hand. BTW I've been reading this stuff for 40-odd years and never tire of it. Guess that makes ME odd...
  11. OK, for the number-needy (and we all are at times ): Inf Div: truck 1/4 ton: 612 3/4 ton: 209 1 1/2 ton: 106 2 1/2 ton: 356 2 1/2 ton dump (could carry troops): 27 4 ton: 18 This is the 15 Jul 43 TO&E Of the 2 1/2 ton trucks, 114 were in the artillery component, 33 in each infantry regiment (x3 = 99), 51 in the QMC company. Does this help?
  12. A tough question, because it could vary so much. If a WW2 US Infantry Division tried to move as many combat GI's as it could with its organic trucks, it could move about a regiment's worth by stripping the other elements of their support and resupply vehicles. A corps could provide enough truck companies to motorize at least a couple of regiments. The most extensive, prepared example of this motorization came during the breakout phase from the Normandy lodgement,when several regiments were motorized for the specific purpose of going as far and as fast as they could. Most of the time, the trucks were used for their intended purpose, however, so the supplies kept going forward while the doggies walked.
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rommel22: Looks good, but I like your previous grass mod better. (lighter color one)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's why I make so many different grasses!
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt: CombatMission2.com is the secure domain of our new ordering system. No secret there, go to the Products page and you will see the new order pages for all Battlefront.com products. Madmatt<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Bah! More BTS disinformation and maskirovka in action! I tell you it's a secret site where the favored few play CMB2B before the rest of us get to see it! :eek:
  15. Thanks, Maximus, point well taken. I'll do so in the future; sometimes I forget what living was like B.C. (Before Cable). :eek:
  16. That's about as unintuitive a command as I hope I ever see in a CM related game!
  17. Hello fellow grogs, It's time for another grass to grace our battlefields. I have another series ready for release which is called fieldgrass dark. You can preview 10 new snaps at: http://photos.lycos.com/PhotoCShare/PhotoAlbum.asp?CG=rlqjer622dt4rf9pb7c82bon4s&AID=239707 They are on the 2nd page listed as "FD 1" through "FD 15" although some numbers in the series are not present. The grass works well with my previously released "shadow" tree bases, water and marsh. Here's a tease: If sufficient interest is there, I'll upload the files to DerKessel. Hope you enjoy!
  18. I think that's where the priests and acolytes exchange secret incantations...not for us mere mortals!
  19. Isn't it amazing the way these topics keep resurrecting themselves as neo-grogs discover the game and the forum? Coming in only a year ago myself, I've now seen threads do a full 360 several times. It's too bad the search engine is out of order or whatever because it really is easier to point to old threads, than to rehash the ideas over again. Now, about that quad .50...
  20. LOL! Wow. You have waay too much free time, son! Nice try, though!
  21. Nice work, Andrew. Now how about putting that excellent talent to work on THE GOOD GUYS! :cool:
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr: Point taken, gunner (may I call you gunner? Thanks). Just a bit bored and having a bit of fun with the Col. -- then reacted strongly when he didn't see it that way. Apologies to those who took offense.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Where do we find such men? Seriously, common decency doesn't seem that common somedays. Still we have to keep the idea alive. I had to apologize to someone for going over the top myself today. It felt a lot better than living with the bad taste in my mouth. In the end, what counts most to me is when someone can recognize human frailty in themselves and can grant the same latitude to others. So thanks MrSpkr, for caring enough to say what you did above.
  23. Having read through the thread I conclude: A. Not all CM players are grogs B. Not all CM players are polite or patient C. Grogs can come in either variety D. If we treat sincere questions with rudeness, we encourage more of the same tone in return then get to bemoan the low level to which the forum has fallen E. Even the best mannered of us can have a bad moment...So &%$#@@ off you rude *&^%$#!
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