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Everything posted by gunnergoz

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Subvet: Ok gunnergoz, it looks like my picture above shows up ok. So just get a free homestead account and upload your pics to it. Then just link to them in your posts here. By the way, I'm the one on the right. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Damn, you can use a computer already? They start you in pre-school? Thanks much, I'll do that.
  2. OK, it was cached. I don't know how I'll post photos here now...any ideas? I tried Yahoo's photo feature but that doesn't seem to allow referenced photos.
  3. That's interesting Panzer Leader because they are posting to my update...wonder if it's a cache thing or is it my cable modem?
  4. Hi guys, Lost my photopoint account and am trying this new possible way to show off photos. Here's a new grass under development, hope this works: So far so good, here's another snap: Next time I'll lighten them up beforehand. Any interest and I'll try to find a host site. [ 06-19-2001: Message edited by: gunnergoz ] [ 06-19-2001: Message edited by: gunnergoz ]
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Arith: Where would i find compupic? Thanks guys!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Try http://www.photodex.com/
  6. Don't forget that there were a few dumb, shell-shocked or untrained tank gun loaders out there, I'm sure. Whenever CM throws me a curve like that I figure I've dipped into the equivalent of the shallow end of the human gene pool and my digital troops are merely mimicking the original Sad Sack in action...
  7. A small suggestion... If you have a drawing/painting program like "paint", look at the demo files in the "bmp" folder. After a while you'll figure out how they go together to "skin" the 3-D model beneath. Mods are just customized skins. Each 3-D model has certain bitmap files associated with it and it is the swapping and altering of these files that is the basis of modding. Once you are comfortable with this, download a small mod for one vehicle say, and compare it using your paint program, with the equivalent original file. This should give you a good idea of what modders are doing. BTW, an image managment program like compupic is ideal to look at entire directories of .bmp and .jpg images. That's how I manage my mods and decide how to switch and swap. Just an idea...
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bertram: Do, please, make some difference between the US of A and Europe, for starters . Bertram [ 06-18-2001: Message edited by: Bertram ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hey, Bertam, thanks for standing up for our European vassal markets! Dubya luv's 'yall, y'know! Now he even knows where you are.
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by vonkluge: Will their be Railroad Guns in CM2 because the Germans mostly at the begining of Barborossa had used quite a few RR guns like the K-5 gun and Leopold and so on so will their be a RR gun Spotter? :confused:<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'd be surprised if the railroad artillery came into play in CM2. It was extremely rare to begin with and was generally used in siege conditions...hardly the CM type of scenario. Also, the rate of fire of one of those beasts is abysmal...one round every 2 minutes would be realistic and in some cases pushing the envelope. Could you see one round volleys every two minutes in CM? I don't think so. Personally, speaking now to the BTS gang, I'd rather see programming effort going into more improvements in the AI, so it is even more diabolical (and a help to my own grunts when they sally forth on their own every minute.) Lets put such talent as we have where it will have the greatest possible impact upon gaming satisfaction!
  10. Something about the Russian sights that I wonder about is the influence of postwar Russian exploitation of the captured East German optics technology that they'd found in their new vassal state at the end of the war. I suspect that many improvements were made in Russian sights after they'd had an opportunity to reverse-engineer German sights and to apply technical improvements into their existing array of optics. It might take 5-10 years to see significant benefits from such engineering endeavors and this would help explain the differential we perceive between wartime and post-war Russian optics. I'm sure that the wartime optics were serviceable and state of the art for the Russians at that time. I'm equally sure that there were quantum leaps made after the war due to this likely infusion of captured technology, manufacturing dies and know-how. Thus you could have that T-34/44 with one set of sights in '45 and a different set (say after 1950) that replaced the old and that included all the post-war upgrades that significantly improved the weapon effectiveness (especially in low-light conditions).
  11. Wow, a very interesting bunch of replies to my inquiry, thanks all!
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra: Everyone has their own opinion. You can't force yours upon everyone else. CM isn't for everyone. Fair enough.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No! They must submit...Borg rules ALL! CM is GOD. We are not worthy...
  13. Grisha - You may be right, CM is very expensive by their standards. My wife's young nephew in Ukraine works full-time and earns about $7 for the month. My mother in law is a retired physician and her pension is about $15 a month. I don't know how they live... [ 06-16-2001: Message edited by: gunnergoz ]
  14. Welllll, if newbies are'nt scared off by the strength and vehemence of our enthusiastic replies, then they deserve to get sucked into out little black hole of CM ecstasy! Ya gotta love it...if we were pushing a religion we'd be under investigation by congress by now! Pacific islanders had their cargo cults...we have a grog cult.
  15. To Jeff Duquette - A very interesting reply. I'd respond except I'm too busy playing with Magua's Normandy modded terrain! How many fairies was that...?
  16. Well, there's a few of you out there. I suspect there are others, though, we'll bump this to see...
  17. How much of a following has CM built up the the former SU? Anybody know? I'd think that those lucky few over there with access to PC's and the internet would have by now have heard of our game and it's community. And with the advent of CM2:BTB, there will be even more for them to enjoy. I'd love to hear from anybody from over there by the way...
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan: You actually met that particular woman? That's cool. Whenever I see war photos I always wonder what happened to those people. I think I saw a preview of a new show on the History Channel that does just that.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> My Bad Pvt. Ryan! I meant to say when I visited my wife-to-be and that's the "she" I was referring to. I haven't a clue who the lady soldier is, but you know there were a large number of female combatants in the Red Army. What's interesting is when you see postwar photos of gatherings of Red Army veterans, all proudly displaying chestfuls of medals on their drab civvie Sunday best, there's often a woman or two in there with a similar array of combat decorations. This brings to mind a different question, for another thread...
  19. I'm looking forward to seeing some cool war movies out there, folks! I'll bet our more creative types will put together regular comic-book style composite stories with dialogue frames interspersed with "combat footage" from CM. Neat!
  20. Pvt. Ryan I gotta tell you that's a super photo of the T-34 crew. I know that many will wonder what the woman soldier does...well, according to my sources, she probably pushes the tank out of bogs. Seriously, when I visited her in Ukraine in '99 I couldn't get her into the cab before me to save my life...no matter what I tried in my Western chivalrous mode, she insisted on making me enter the cab first. Finally, one rainy day when we pushed and shoved to see who would go first, she literally flung me in ass over teakettle. Ukrainians are strong! Even petite blonde lady ones! Anyway, once we were in, I asked the cabbie why women in Ukraine insisted on getting in the car last. He told me, quote "someone has to push the car sometimes..."
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan: I didn't mean to offend anyone, but I think there are fewer people (playing CM) that are familiar with the cyrillic alphabet than there are familiar with the (whatever the heck we call it) alphabet. What is the English alphabet called anyways? Latin? Times New Roman? Man I am really making myself look stupid here. [ 06-15-2001: Message edited by: Pvt. Ryan ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And you did it all by yourself! I think it's called the Latin alphabet. OK, if I'm wrong, I may be showing off my deteriorating memory as well...at least you have company in the dummybox, Pvt. Ryan! And I agree, not many people are familiar with Cyrillic...but our hardy group of CM grogs will immediately bone up on this subject as soon as CM2BTB rears it's lovely head, and soon we'll be surrounded by Cyrillic experts in no time. I love it!
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan: I'm no expert on Soviet armor, but is that a BT-7?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> More like a BT-747! IRT the issue that all Soviet tanks are the same green color, it seems that a lot of them were camo'd and the green did vary enough that we don't need to feel compelled to make them all boringly uniform. There's the dirt and dust to replicate and finally there were also geometric unit insignia painted on many that will be unaffected by the mirroring problem of the skins. Overall though, I agree that the Soviet AFV's will bring out the best skills in our modding community due to the challenge posed by the uniform paint scheme.
  23. Terence - keep in mind that a panzer recon battalion rarely fought independently and usually was parcelled out to do it's recon and screening work in small task-oriented platoon and company sized groups. There were numerous changes to the organization during the war and no two panzer divisions had identical configuration and equipment except when initially fitted out. For sake of brevity, a typical '44 battalion would have (as issued): -HQ company with 10 -251 HT's, and 16 8-wheel armored cars (13 with 20mm, 3 with 75mm short) -Light armored recon company with 30 250's, 2 of which had 75mm short -Light armored car company with 25 250's of which 16 had 20mm and the rest mg's. -Panzergrenadier company with 23 250's some bearing infantry, mg's and 2 80mm mortars, some towing 7 20mm AA and 2 75mm infantry howitzers -Armored heavy company with 6 251's with 75mm short, 6 251's with 80mm mortar Frankly, I'd be amazed to ever encounter this density of 250's and 251's on a CM battlefield. I'd pick a company sized slice of this, mixed up by proportion, and set it out in a meeting engagement. It would pack quite a wallop, especially if accompanied by assault guns or tank destroyers for AT defense. As an economy of force unit, the German recon battalions were only matched by their US equivalents. As a counterpoint, consider that the US operated numerous non-divisional mechanized cavalry (read: recon) groups and squadrons, in addition to which each armored division had an organic squadron very similar to the independent ones. The US infantry divisions had a small recon troop (company) that was not really configured to do much but scout and screen, then withdraw if opposed in force. BTW my source for the German organizational info is Nafziger's The German Order of Battle, Panzers and Artillery in WWII. Hope this helps!
  24. Auguri, Massimo- For one thing, I'd assume that the extensive rough terrain typical of Italy and parts of North Africa would take some tweaking of the current engine. As it is now, CMBO models rough terrain very sparsely, with one specific tile and a relatively gentle slope capability. Perhaps BTS will polish this up with a greater variety of rough terrain types and elevation rule modifications. I for one would like to see the more constricted streets of Italian towns and villages better replicated. CMBO models town streets basically as broad, straight expanses, nothing at all like Bella Italia outside of a few big cities that didn't see too much street fighting anyway. I'd also like to see the Italian CM better model stone walls, bomb craters and gullies, all of which were in abbondanza in Italy. Incidentally, ciao Massimo! I'm from Trieste, where are you from?
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