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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by gunnergoz

  1. Bovington was the closest thing I've ever had to a religious experience, next to the Chino (Calif) warbirds airshow I saw in '81. All armor buffs must make this pilgrimage to the Mecca of Mech!
  2. The simple fact is, if they made a movie about war that was absolutely realistic, no one would come to see it. First, the audience would be bored silly for hours on end waiting for something to happen. Next, they'd be sweating bullets with anxiety just before the first battle scene. Once the battle erupted, they'd be so confused, scared and ducked-down for cover that all they'd see is dirt and more dirt, or the dirt on the theatre floor at least. Finally, once they got their heads up and moved, they'd probably be hit (i.e. shocked by what they saw and felt) and subjected to such pain and suffering as they never knew. In the end, having survived the theatrical experience, they'd go home and never talk about it to anyone, but would advise all others strongly to stay home and avoid the experience. Due to poor audience turn out after the first day's showing, the producers would never make another realistic war movie again... That's my theory, anyway.
  3. If that's how you dress to play CM, I'd hate to see what you wear to play Panty Raider...
  4. OK, Matt & Hubert, thanks for your help. I figured out that my browser cache was forcing me to re-load the old 1.03 rather than download what was actually on the web site. Sneaky, huh? Hubert, thanks for noticing that one. Now excuse me while I go play some SC!
  5. Hubert, I'm at a loss...how do I get the 1.03 patch that has the SC executable dated 8/14? The 1.03 patch on the web site seems to have the 8/16 dated executable, which I know gives me problems.
  6. CM (I like your moniker BTW) The version number is on the lower right side of the title page where you pick your game choice. Personally, I have not been able to get either version of 1.03 working correctly, tho the install goes OK. I've been bleating about it all over the forums as you may have noticed. Hopefully, it's not just my problem and Hubert will address it in due course...
  7. I demobilize the French fleet and use it's MPP's as well as the French Air Force to build a ground HQ and armies ASAP. I use the Brit fleet and air units (along with one Canadian corps) to take and occupy Ireland (the MPP gain really adds up as the war grinds on.) I move the French unit in Algiers to S. France to hold of the Italians, and move the French unit in Syria to Malta, freeing the British air fleet there to be used in England. With any luck, the French hold out until Russia enters the war.
  8. At least this one wsa on a trailer... We got enough tanks running amuck in SD as it is!
  9. Anyone else reporting continuing lockup problems with the revised 1.03 update patch? I'm locking up, admittedly after more turns than the earlier 1.03 version. If this is a common problem, perhaps Hubert will tend to it (pleeeze!)
  10. I couldn't stand WTF's yuppie gen-x GI's all wearing their jeep caps on backwards. Give me a break! That killed it for me right there... :confused:
  11. Hello, Hubert, thanks for all your hard work. I am sad to report that 1.03 version 2 is crashing for me as well. True, I did get in about 20 turns before it locked up, but it did so. I had absolutely no problems with 1.0 or 1.02 BTW. Good luck to us all!
  12. Concur. There must be a reason why otherwise reasonable and player-oriented developers like Hubert all eventually go to the CD in the PC format. I refuse to think that piracy alone is the reason. Could it be that they cannot get development funding without copy protection? This seems to be a decision made by banking bean counters and not programmers or developers. Thoughts, anyone?
  13. There is a port at Odessa in 1.03, as I found to my pleasant surprise Also, there is a Russian cruiser in the Black Sea. Hubert (bless 'im) really does listen! Unfortunately, the current version is buggy, so you may have to wait for 1.035 or whatever. As to the Graf Spee, perhaps it is something that could be added, representing both of the pocket battleships as built and used as intended.
  14. I think that SC works as a game because of abstractions like the MPP system, including the balance of points Hubert has devised which seems to bring out a very historical-looking rsult in many cases. It can be played out to a very credible likeness of history, or can be played out to something else entirely in part based upon player decisions. As a simulation, it is way off base in many respects. Apples and oranges, so to speak. I have to keep reminding myself of this simple difference.
  15. Not a pc game yet.............. but comming very soon http://www.a-d-g.com.au/ Jev The Jut</font>
  16. Noted from Matt's reply7 on earlier thread: Madmatt Administrator Member # 332 posted August 17, 2002 01:08 PM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Actually Hubert has discovered another bug in 1.03 which seems to be causing the crashes reported and I have removed the file. Hopefully we will have a *new* 1.03 patch ready soon to download. Madmatt -------------------- If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ! Combat Mission HQ Host of the Combat Mission WebRing
  17. I like the convoy route idea. I find the sub warfare to be waaaay to easy to dismiss from the scene. A concerted attack by the Brits demolishes 2/3 of the U-Boat fleet in the first couple of turns, for one thing. The Battle Fleet (as opposed to escort and ASW forces) did not hunt down and kill hundreds of U-Boats. While hundreds of subs did eventually die, they were killed off in a long battle of attrition that took years. Personally, I'd like to see the ASW elements re-done so that there is a dedicated ASW force counter (DD or whatever) that will have to be built and put on the trail of the subs. The BB's and Cruiser forces were primarily for surface warfare with bombardment and air defense as secondary missions. I would also make the ASW battle less bloody. Combat between the subs and DD's should attrit them both gradually. The sub moves, has to be re-found and hit again. If it isn't found, it can have a limited amount of strength restored the next turn via reinforcement (to represent new production boats hitting the wolf packs.) If it is in contact with DD forces, no reinforcement. Technology would be as present, sonar vs. sub advancements making both elements more powerful or stealthy as the war went on. In the interest of historical accuaracy, I'd take most of the ASW effectiveness from battleships and cruisers, though the carriers might still be a bit useful to help the attrition process against subs. Historically, carriers were not much help in the antisub war until the purpose-built escort carriers made the scene starting in '43-44. Fleet carriers were more or less another potential victim for the subs in the first years of the war, not having the doctrine or training to go after subs. The ASW escort carrier force would be represented by the later levels of sonar tech. By the end of the war, conventional U-boats were toast. The advanced Walther boats were a different matter and would have been very tough for even late war ASW forces to match. Again, I'm not trying to overly complicate an elegant game design. I'd just like it tweaked my way!
  18. I thought I'd ask around in the hope that the responses help Hubert isolate and fix the problem, be it memory leak or whatever. I'm posting here rather than the TS forum because of the wider audience that this forum gets (why go to the TS forum if your game works, eh?) Anyway, for me, this is the situation. What's your experience with 1.03? Since installing the 1.03 patch, the game hangs up or dumps me into windows. This is usually after half an hour to an hour of play (10 turns or so, sometimes less. I have only one CD-ROM drive in my system, but do have 2 hard drives, C & D. Game is properly installed in default directory. No previous problems with 1.0 or 1.02. I am not using any previous saves, playing a game begun from scratch in 1.03. On a couple of occasions, the game gives me a DOS style error message box which disappears too quickly for me to read. If it helps, most lockups occur as I'm accessing unit icons to add reinforcements. On one occasion there was a video ghost image frozen on the screen of part of the popup box for the unit. That particular lockup froze my entire system. The other errors have been mostly sudden dumps out of the game, sometimes with the too-hurried error message. BTW I'm running W98 updated, Matrox G400 card with 32 MB (or is it 64?). [ August 17, 2002, 01:12 PM: Message edited by: gunnergoz ]
  19. Care to share a little more besides the cryptic warning? I'm having hangup and lockup problems with 1.03 myself, have posted a problem report to Hubert on the TS forum...but can't say as I'd be posting dire messages to the entire community with so little info to go on, AND SO DAMN LITTLE TO SAY. Yes I'm irritated, but it's as much with your less than helpful post as with any possible bug in the patch. Anyway, what's your story? If you post more, you might be contributing to the solution, eh? :cool:
  20. Hubert, Help! Since installing the 1.03 patch, the game hangs up or dumps me into windows. I have only one CD-ROM drive in my system, but do have 2 hard drives, C & D. Game is properly installed in default directory. No previous problems with 1.0 or 1.02. I am not using any previous saves, playing a game begun from scratch in 1.03. On a couple of occasions, the game gives me a DOS style error message box which disappears too quickly for me to read. :confused: If it helps, most lockups occur as I'm accessing unit icons to add reinforcements. On one occasion there was a video ghost image frozen on the screen of part of the popup box for the unit. That particular lockup froze my entire system. The other errors have been mostly sudden dumps out of the game, sometimes with the too-hurried error message. [ August 17, 2002, 12:32 AM: Message edited by: gunnergoz ]
  21. Sounds reasonable to me. Also, a Russian port in the Black sea at Sevastopol would give the Russians the option of actually building a fleet there if they chose. It would also enhance the value of the city and just about force the Germans to reduce and take it, rather than leaving it cordoned and cut off in their rear.
  22. X-COM Remains the sublime PC game experience of my years playing these damn things. I can remember jumping out of my chair late one night (several actually) when I heard one of those creepy aliens moving around when I expected none! Not to mention seeing one pop up suddenly with my trooper caught with his space pants down and no action points for snap fire! If someone doesn't do that franchise and concept justice with a new X-Com release, it will be a great bloody shame...
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