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Everything posted by Canuck

  1. Ummm one problem...how does one make a curved dyke that is still symetrical in this game??
  2. Hmm interesting map. I'm having trouble seeing the dyke-embankments though...are they incorporated into the rail line? I'm going to have to find a map with smaller scale too. There's supposed to be a railway road crossing in the general direction of the Black Watch advance yet I'm having trouble seeing it though. Maybe I'll go scan what I have and post it here.
  3. I think I would like to do a scenario on this. Apparently the Germans viewed the holding of this village as essential because if they lost it they would lose access to their force on the Island of Walcheren. It was at this location on October 13 '44 where the regiment the Black Watch marched forwards to their deaths, an event that is referred to as "Black Friday." Does anyone know where I could access more information about this battle or terrain? Photographs and topographical/contour maps would be really important.
  4. This isnt on topic but i dont feel like making up a new thread- ok this sounds stupid but..theres all this talk about how american tanks can go through bocage and germans cant-yet when I go to create a scenario I cant find the bocage "sprite" or whatever Please help!
  5. Yes I was under the impression that he was supposed to have said it while in Africa-but the Canadians didnt fight in Africa so I was wondering how they came into the equation
  6. hehe yeah I was really interested in doing a scenario or operation for the Moro river crossing but then I realized that the game was built specifically around the Normandy campaig. You could still make one I guess it just wouldnt be terribly accurate. All though the Italians basically surendered before the Allies could even make it off the landing craft so most of the tanks and such would be German
  7. There are some really great mappers out there. However, no matter how amazing their skill, they all had to start at some time. I just got my first try at a map last night and I can tell you that it was far from a work of art! It was a default size map with the Germans defending a HUGE cliff. This cliff was unconquerable though because there was no way to get up it! The Allies however, had their own huge mountain on the other side of the map. This behemoth towered over the entire map and down near it's base two churches perched precariously. While it may seem strange for two churches to be positioned so close and so awkwardly they really weren't out of place. The whole centre of the village was littered with churches as I couldnt figure out why they had 4 different options for churches and I was trying to figure out what the difference was. These people needed a lot of churches to pray in however because there must have been a huge drought in the summer of '44 because the town was full of burning houses-burning big houses, burning small houses, burning light houses, burning heavy houses. The farmers, not to be outdone by the petty bourgeoisie in the towns planted HUGE fields of burning wheat completely surrounding the town. The pine forests in the background decided to get into the act as well and spontaneously combust. The rolling smoke which soon engulfed the map must have been quite a sight for the Germans and they must have been wondering why the villagers didnt just use the water that was pouring out of the cliff and collecting in a little puddle at the bottom to extinguish the fires. However the Germans were to preocupied trying to figure out how to put together a defense that consisted of nothing but Tigers, Tigers, and MORE Tigers!! When all was said and done I was quite pleased with my creation. Who wants to host my scenario? [This message has been edited by Canuck (edited 03-03-2001).]
  8. There! I had to walk all the way to the Wilfred Laurier University but I found a fabulous book all about the battle of the Scheldt written by Terry Copp. You may have read someof his works. He recently wrote a book all about Canada and World War 2. CBC turned it into an 8 episode series or something like that I think.
  9. oh wait I guess a roadblock is probably a fortification. what about Bocage? Did the germans specifically engineer mutant forms of bocage to act specifically for defensive purposes??
  10. Another mapping question. I cant find either bocage or a roadblock in the scenario builder...am I just blind? Also why isnt there a mapping forum? U think that would be a hot topic...actually maybe there is-I just havent taken the time to look lol
  11. I need a reference for something that that Rommel was reported to have said. It had something to do with, "If I had American equipment, British generals and Canadian soldiers I could win any war" or some can someone please provide some basis for this?
  12. I want to try my hand at making a map. I think I have the basics down so now I'm looking for a particular battle. I am thinking of doing something along the lines of the Canadians and the battle of the Scheldt Estuary. Right now I know basically nothing about this battle so I'm about to head out to the library and find a book on it. I was wondering though if anybody knew of anything that would preclude the possibility of making a scenario like this? Maybe it has already been done or maybe there are some particular landmarks that CM just can't do or it's the wrong scale for a scenario, etc. Suggestions like that would be very helpful Thanks!
  13. I admit that when I got the bill for the game (last week) and found that it was $82 Cdn(S&H inc) I found myself asking just what the hell I had gotten myself into! But these guys have converted me. To be quite honest I would pay the $82 again just for the scenario editor! plus the random map generator-that's what bugged me about CC-I could change different things within the game but what it came down to was that I was always playing on the same maps. I'm going to rush over to the Library right now and find a book on Canadian battles in France so I can try to reproduce one!
  14. well not only do you guys look kinda weird you're all old too!! So I thought I'd inject some youth and beauty into this thread. Feel free to write me all you CM playing beautiful ladies!! And no pranks either!!! [This message has been edited by Canuck (edited 03-03-2001).]
  15. Really? I guess it's been a while since I played it...I thought it was a Panther
  16. God does that main gun ever look puny!!!
  17. Ok I know I'm a little late for this post but LOL@Mensch!!! ahhaha (third post)
  18. oops we posted at the same time Maximus! yeah they call them rhino teeth but I just couldnt get a good picture? So why is it that the tanks in CC5 just plow through the bocage like it's not even there? hehe ok forget it-im sure im opening up a whole other can of worms with that
  19. hmm maybe I'll look up bocage on the net for pics Ok other question-how do these rhino teeth work exactly? I didnt find that the manual described them to well. Are they serated or sharp and cut though it? or do they just kind of push it out of the way?
  20. Ok I have a few questions for you more experienced players out there. I'm pretty sure it's not in the FAQ-so please don't yell at me! First, I'm reading through the manual and I find it hard to believe that a tank can pass through a 1m high stone wall that is impenatrable [sp?] to a tank round and yet can't get through bocage-how is this possible? Secondly, I've heard time and time again about the hull down position and I get the purpose of it but i just cant figure out how to do it. It seems that when I position my tank behind a hill with just its turret peaking out, it ends up that i can't see what's on the other side of the hill!! Perhaps someone could explain this Thanx!
  21. top!! I say we sticky it and close it so it doesnt get filled with stuff which belongs in the peng thread
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