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Everything posted by dieseltaylor

  1. A truly linteresting site found by Cranky at WeBoB. A Ukrainian who has done a series on things in the Ukraine including her forays into Chernobyl Rather touchingly someone is paying for the website for free because of the content. http://www.kiddofspeed.com/ And this is the Kiev stories http://www.theserpentswall.com/page1.html
  2. At last a video that does not sexualise women : ) BTW I feel quite confident in my view that men are meant to react to women in order for the species to re-produce. Therefore it is entirely normal to lust after women. But one has to keep a sense of reason such as not all women will like you as much as you will not like all women. And most importantly what you see portrayed in the media abou women's desires and behaviour has very little relationship to the majority of women. This is the bad part is where it is made a commercial/media business to tantalise men relying on their innate instincts to subvert their grey matter. That is just tacky. Also its the lack of subtlety that really offends. Sheesh. Now back to my ho for some good loving. PS She is a porn star ... but she is going to be really pissed when she finds out.
  3. http://file.wikileaks.info/leak/novas-scarman-audit-2009.pdf the juicy bit is off course the end few pages though where a charity misses a few millions goes bust while the chief shags the staff on company time and pay. I was looking for Barclays Bank "defrauding" the UK taxpayer and got sidetracked into this case. It seems to me most people are very unaware of all the dirt that is usefully dished by Wikileaks. A citizens duty is to his country not his Government. And bear in mind the "Government" you may have voted for is probably as equally unable to deal with the entrenched hierarchies as you and I. Those at the top only get to hear what people want them to know - generally. Here is an example of a firm using the English legal system to bar its affairs being discussed at all in the UK. In fact you are not even allow to say there is a gagging order! http://mirror.wikileaks.info/leak/bbc-trafigura.pdf Freedom of the Press my eye and Fanny Adams
  4. I thiought you could tell wisdom comes with age. : ) I lived in Toronto and went to High school so going on holiday to the US was no big deal. It is an interesting point that ignorance was bliss in the 60's but I think it had perhaps a lot to do with the US at that stage had a lot of people had shared experiences. The biggy being the WW's Korea, and the Depression. They also only a few TV networks to watch. So there was a cohesion. And also external threat from the Communists. What has happened since then. interventions of dubious national interest more blatant consumerism disparity of wealth increased multiple channels of "information" more calculated and scientific manipulation of people justice is not seen to be done -Simpson complexity of life has increased and arguably more information of wrongdoing is reaching [some of] the people OR there is more criminality in society As to whether you need an Imperator. I hope that is not the answer but without constitutional reform the vicious war between Republicans and Democrats will likely only get worse. And let us not get to political by looking at Wisconsin but try to think of a means for the US to improve the current situation. I think it is has to be constitutional reform or a a leader of such stature that he can command change through the Senate/Representatives. Of the two the last looks most likely of two unlikely events. All the evidence shows money talks, and that first past the post leads to polarisation. Anything else electoral that people think sucks? I realise there are plenty of contentious points such as whether limited choice of national TV channels are good for society cohesion. I personally think the complexity of modern life is actually perhaps one of the big problems as people have only a limited capacity or desire for problems and dealing with their own is enough. What is happening elsehwere in their name or corruption in the local community they allow to pass by. So is ife more complicated can be the easy starting point : )
  5. I grieve because I bought into the US as a great democracy idea. SO I am doubly disappointed as there is nothing I can do as it seems to sink into an abyss of corruption and influence peddling. And perhaps most galling the home of management text-books seems incapable of planning and executing an invasion without dropping a bollock on the next phase. - when we win. And management 101 warring security services. Financial sabotage in the world's smartest capitalist society A polarised society What is going on? Theres plenty of analysis available. But apparently nobody can do anything without getting tied up in legal shenanigans. A country brought to its knees by law!? ANd how corrupt is the system? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/andrew-kreig/new-facts-call-into-quest_b_659333.html Ok sso I idealiased what the US was like when I holidayed there in the 1960's and civil rights were going forward. ANd the gallant US was saving us from the Commies etc. However I bet on virtually every parameter the US in the mid-sixties was a happier better place. And more innocent of artifices manipulating the population to buy this and want that, Progress - normally progress is thought to be good but I think perhaps progress is not necessarily good at all. I know there are some very good people in the US and it may yet recover its reputation but whilst power is becoming more and more concentrateed into the hands of fewer and fewer people I doubt it. from here in 2003 http://multinationalmonitor.org/mm2003/03may/may03interviewswolff.html but some neat graphics here http://www.businessinsider.com/15-charts-about-wealth-and-inequality-in-america-2010-4# It is depressing.
  6. Are you trying to sideslip the point. Wars, or meddling in the internal politics of a country for the benefirt of business is wrong. I explained the difference between this and fighting expansionist powers. Mentioning what the UK has done in the past does not in some sense exculpate the US or make it any more palatable, Smedley Butler is right - whatever country you fight for. I just thought you might like to see his complaint so beautifully illustrated as to the war profiteer and the soldier. Who can justify it, nobody so it gets buried in some hick nespaper whilst the nation watches"America has Talent" I can understand the Tea Party members who know there is something stinking in the country. The trouble is they are not sure what and every point of power is occupied by someone with a vested interest in keeping the status quo. The US was the poster girl for the benefits of democracy and now its beginning to look like its becoming Italy. Perhaps that is what happens to Republics modelled on Rome : (
  7. I think you are missing the point. Butler was talking about "small wars" for economic purposes being run for the benefit of an elite or by the pawns of the elite. I am not overly familiar with all of the US's interventions but I suspect they were internal actions. That is different in a considerable degree to wars against aggression where not taking up arms may leave you without any friends. There is also the matter of scale - a police action into Afghanistan to aprehend Al-Quaedi operatives is probably Ok if the Taliban was unable or unwilling to oblige. A long-term invasion is a different kettle of fish in that the mass of effort required and the profits made, and the men sent to dies are all out of propoortion for the logical original aim. But .. In 1997, Robert Oakley [ex-US ambassador to Pakistan, now on Unocal's ad hoc advisory board] advised Miller to reach the Taliban by working through Pakistan's government [then led by Benazir Bhutto]. He also suggested that Unocal hire Thomas Gouttiere, an Afghan specialist at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, to develop a job training program in Kandahar that would teach Pashtuns the technical skills needed to build a pipeline. ... Unocal agreed to pay $900,000 via the University of Nebraska to set up a Unocal training facility on a fifty-six acre site in Kandahar, not far from bin Laden's compounds. ... Gouttiere traveled in and out of Afghanistan and met with Taliban leaders. ... In December 1997 Gouttiere worked with Miller to arrange for another Taliban delegation to visit the United States. ... —Steve Coll, Ghost Wars[13] Unocal seems to have had a deeper role. Intelligence "whistleblower" Julie Sirrs claimed that anti-Taliban leader Ahmad Shah Massoud told her he had "proof that Unocal had provided money that helped the Taliban take Kabul [in 1996]".[14] And French journalist Richard Labeviere said, referring to the later 1990s, "The CIA and Unocal's security forces ... provided military weapons and instructors to several Taleban militia ..."[15] IN 1998 AMERICA WANTED NEW GOVERNMENT IN AFGHANISTAN TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF OIL PIPELINE America has wanted a new government in Afghanistan since at least 1998, three years before the attacks on 11 September 2001. The official report from a meeting of the U.S. Government's foreign policy committee on 12 February 1998, available on the U.S. Government website, confirms that the need for a West-friendly government was recognised long before the War on Terror that followed September 11th: "The U.S. Government's position is that we support multiple pipelines... The Unocal pipeline is among those pipelines that would receive our support under that policy. I would caution that while we do support the project, the U.S. Government has not at this point recognized any governing regime of the transit country, one of the transit countries, Afghanistan, through which that pipeline would be routed. But we do support the project." [ U.S. House of Reps., "U.S. Interests in the Central Asian Republics", 12 Feb 1998 ] "The only other possible route [for the desired oil pipeline] is across, Afghanistan which has of course its own unique challenges." [ "U.S. Interests in the Central Asian Republics", 12 Feb 1998 ] "CentGas can not begin construction until an internationally recognized Afghanistan Government is in place." [ "U.S. Interests in the Central Asian Republics", 12 Feb 1998 ] So perhaps the mission got smudged up with things beneficial to the "US" or at least US interests. Also do military chiefs like action , just a little bit? . Body armour ring any bells for profiteering? http://www.the-richmonder.com/2006/07/bush-and-allens-america-war-profiteers.html
  8. : ) Too kind. When you think might what have happened to South Africa I think it dodged a bullet. However the latest govt is a remarkably corrupt shower.
  9. Dietrich - I had the first one you mention. I had perhaps twenty or so belly dance tracks but I lost them in a recent HD failure. I might still be able to get them off. : ( I am very partial to bhangra - its the drums! ANd the dancing
  10. Bugged - I had not really felt I had been insulted. On these forums everybody occasionally words something badly, or in the heat of the moment actually says what they mean : ). FB can be good. My children have FB pages. I have a feeling they are originally for friends and I want them to feel that anythng posted there is safe from parental scutiny. I have access but do not look. If it is important they will tell me. However perhaps I am strange in that our family only talks to each other when we feel like it. Unlike some who live in each others pockets, or where there is a regular calling schedule. I was at a chippie [fish and chip shop] yesterday evening and as is my wont [long felt - trad. English] I chatted to the owner and we had fun discussing Hodja Nasreddin stories. And also found out he is a Turkish Kurd marrried to a Siberian Russian and they met in Estonia. I wondered to myself if I were the type to Twitter or FB would I have ever bothered to chat to someone I have no real kindredship with ... apart from we are humans. And humans tied to there fry-pans on a quiet night probably get bored.
  11. Perhaps Smedley Butler's views should be considerd Whole speech. In it there are some interesting wrinkles such as everyones pay is made the same as the men out fighting for their country. Butler thinks this will make war very unpopular with rich folk like Senators, CEO's, etc. Secondly those with a direct interest should not be allowed to vote on war measures .... not as clever an idea. And I add Ron Paul as he seems to be Butlers heir. I suspect that within military people and civilians there is a spectrum of personalities. There is also for both classes a group think mentality which is a danger. However it is far worse for in politicians as thye actually believe people voting for them like and respect them. In most cases its the least eveil one chooses. Now and then there are genuinely popular leaders like Mandela but they are a rarity. Serving your country I think is a good thing and my preferred method would be each year, before university or work people go into a two year programme where they are like conscripts in terms of bunking and hard work with short leave. It can be a mix of construction work, orderly in hospitals, reclamation works etc. After that being completed successfully then you get a vote, and a place in university if that is where you were going. Actually a passport also might be a good idea. : )
  12. OM I read that as 25% approximately of French atomic power generation which provides 77% of their electricity is seaside : ) As for the UK that appears to 100% of eleven active stations. The link to cringely was interesting. The Toshiba designs sounded fine for a mesh grid - until the problems were pointed out. I will need to look at other designs.
  13. Fundamentally I refuse to believe any major building* is earthquake proof. You can lengthen the odds but any building sufficiently close must be suspect. Rather like watches are very unlikely to be water-proof but nowdays are water resistant. * to rule out yurts, single storey bamboo structures ... However neither of you seems to want to visit system redundancy or rising water levels. Incidentally rising water levels is not just - the water is a foot higher but what happens to coast lines and storm surges at the higher level. If things do go titsup and sea-levels do rise rapidly then what are you going to do then for power? I do not expect you to have the answers, you can popoo the speed that sea levels may rise, the attacks/disasters with centralised power generation, but taking everything together you are adding three unlikelys to happens together to justify a nuclear power based system for electrical generation. 1. Earhquakes cannot damage reactors 2. Grid distribution is not likely to breakdown under attack/disaster 3. Sea levels are not likely to get to a level to affect power production * * I should point out that France cut power to the UK as their nuclear reactors one hot summer were having difficulty cooling. And yes seas are warming : )
  14. Did you want to add - so far? The fact that this one survived may be a tribute to massive engineering in those early days, but then why not ask if the quake had been 50 miles closer - answer me that. My main gripe is that I am in favour of de-centralised power generation as it is inherently better for catastrophic events if the power is not taken down. Nuclear power is the complete opposite as it can only ever be massive investmnets and sites. Catastrophes, civil insurrection, sabotage could all take down a country's power infrastructure. The infestation of the Iranian nuclear plant with Stuxnet is a warning of what might be possible regardless of physical attacks. The UK is heavily reliant on the French for power balancing the electricity supply currently. When you consider that virtually all nuclear power stations for the UK and France are on the coast, and we have rising sea levels it does seem almost moronic not to be looking at distributed power systems. Incidentally Australia with huge amounts of land and solar resource has plumped for eleven nuclear reactors - who was paid off? : ) The public were 80% strong in wanting renewables. And Australian neighbour Indonesia:
  15. Pro Republica is news for grown ups and the editor has chosen his favourite long articles from the serious Press. This is one of them: From the New Yorker and is about how the CIA possibly contributed to the 9/11 attack. Possibly is actually polite. http://www.newyorker.com/archive/2006/07/10/060710fa_fact_wright
  16. I was listening to te radio this morning when a financier just baxk from Tokyo how it felt. He said they often get quakes and they last 10-30 seconds. This one went on for 4:30 so every one knew it was seriously major. It is kind of scary to consider that parts of Jpan are now 4 metres further west. And how do we feel about nuclear power vis a vis renewables now?
  17. hands upon Black Earth - ambient, I bought it through Magnatune but unfortunately they now want money in dollars and a subscription model. Great music and most of the subscription is direct to the musicians.
  18. Trilok Gurtu & The Frikyiwa Family : Funky and Trancelike excellent - I need to look into them more. The only track I have is from a world music CD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjxVWMwqttE
  19. That list above is for the history for the last couple of weeks - I had to have a new HD and mobo. I thought it would help if I did some easy links as some of the talent have no videos to see. In reverse order the first is: Yulduz Usmanova was born December 12, 1963 in Uzbekistan. She is one of the most popular female singers from Uzbekistan. Her father is Uyghur from Kashgar, her mother is Uzbek. She sings in Uzbek, Turkish , Persian and Russian. She has also become famous her neighbouring countries, especially in Iran, Turkey and Kazakhstan. This is a funkier pop number which I would not bother you with but the vidoe is of roads etc and is actually quite interesting. One thing that does cross my mind is that having lyrics in a foreign langage means you do not have to analyse the message 0 however banal or moving, and secondly that the vidoes can influence you and in terms of objective music appreciation a bad thing http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xgvibw_bu-yollar-yulduz-usmanova_people
  20. ZPB Infected Mushroom I did not like or Machinae Supremacy. Plejk may take some more listening to, could be interesting. Ditto Cueto Nox Black Angels OK Late Night Alumni - I liked but probably not great : ) Dead Can Dance - there is a lot of similar which I prefer Pinback -OK but the video was far more interesting than the music Mogwai - interesting but a quick listen to some others made me think perhaps samey. The Morning Benders - liked Not that I expect anyone to like what I like either : )
  21. I use Jaangle to play my music which is free and has some neat bits. There is even a game identifying tunes against the clock. It also does random play and history so I thought I would cut and show what it had picked of my computer. I do like most types of music - or should I say some tracks from from most genres, The Dave Matthews Band I discovered this week and he shockingly has been around 20 years. There is so much music so little time. I think Air our a great but make me feel sad and I do like up-beat music so Shooenglifty is great. Even better is bellydance music here is a more instrumented bellydance number http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Myb7zeNANIg&feature=related Air have some magical tracks and I found Air through this particular video http://www.youtube.com/user/Paulikk#p/u/10/kAkutaqf8Ko It shows when a great song really has legs if others can take it a different but great way. It is rare that any group/someone turns out a uniformly great catalogue and all the greater if they can. But One hit wonders should not be despised at all. Adding a good song to the worlds store of music is great. acoustic version I even like banjo music : ) and mashes 10cc 4Hero ABBA Abdullah Ibrahim Adam Kay & Suman Biswas Afro Celt Sound System Amici Forever Amy Studt Anthony Godwin/Palm Court Theater Orchestra Barbara Carr Barbara Dickson BBE Be Bop Deluxe Benny Benassi pts. The Biz BERLIN - GERSHWIN - PORTER Biyuya Black and White Minstrels Bloodhound Gang Blossom Seeley Blue Asia Blur Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band Boozoo Bajou British Sea Power Britney Spears Britney Spears vs. Felix Da Housecat Buzzcocks vs. Destiny's Child Cab Calloway And His Cotton Club Orchestra Canteloube Canteloube and others Capercaillie Cardigans Carlos Gardel (1887-1935) Cathy Dennis Charles & Eddie Charles Trénet Charming Music For Playful Cats Cheb Khaled Cheika Rimitti Chesney Hawkes Chinese Choir of King's College Chris Rea Christina Aguilera vs. Ulrich Schnauss City of Prague Phil. Clash,The Classical Music Counting Crows CSR Symphony Orchestra (Bratislava)/Ondrej Lenard Czech Radio Symphony Orchestra Daniel Bedingfield vs. Zero 7 Daniel O'Donnell Danyél Waro (La Reunion) Darius Dave Dean Dave Matthews Band David Sneddon Debbie Harry & Iggy Pop Debussy Deep Dish vs. Bryan Adams Denise Leigh & Jane Gilchrist Destiny's Child vs. Ace Of Base DJ Shadow Djelimady Tounkara Dolly Parton Doris Day Dr. Hook Eddie Cantor Edison Lighthouse Eels Elton John Elvis Presley Eminem Enya Eric Clapton Erik Satie Etta James Faithless Fatman Scoop vs. Kelis Felix Mendelssohn Fine Young Cannibals Floyd Smith With Andy Kirk And His 12 Clouds Of Joy Frank Sinatra Fred Waring & His Pennsylvanians Freddie & the Dreamers Fugazi Gang Of Four vs. Coco Gazebo Geoff Love Singers George Gershwin, Leonard Bernstein, Aaron Copland Girls Aloud Gomez Green Day Green Day vs. Oasis & Travis Gwen Stefani vs. Step Three hands upon black earth Haydn Hayley Westenra Herman's Hermits Jack Emblow Quartet/The Cliff Adams Singers Jam vs. The Beatles James Last Jan & Dean Jason Mraz Jeff Beck Jet Jet vs. Girls Aloud Jethro Tull Jim Reeves John Williams Johnny Cash Josh Wink vs. Coldplay Joy Division Kennedy, Jaz Coleman and the Prague Symphony Orchestra Kid Creole And The Coconuts lajkó félix Led Zeppelin Lesley Garrett Let the Trumpet Sound Lighthouse Family London Symphony Orchestra Louis Armstrong Luciano Pavarotti Lulu vs. The Zombies Madness Madonna vs. Mick Jagger Magnatune Compilation Manic Street Preachers Manu Dibango Manu Dibango (Cameroon) Maria Muldaur Mariah Carey vs. Jamiroquai Maroon 5 Mary Mary - Mash Massive Attack Matthew Wilder MC Hammer Men Without Hats Mgababa Queens Michele Crider, Markella Hatziano, Etc.; Richard Hickox: London Sytmphony Orche Miles Davis Mud Natasha Bedingfield New London Orchestra Nicolaus Esterhazy Sinfonia Night Music Nina Simone Oasis Orchestral Works Organic Grooves Original Cast Otis Rush P J Harvey Peatbog Faeries Pentangle Pet Shop Boys & Superpitcher Philhamonia Orchestra, London; Enrique Bátiz Pilot Pixies Placebo Plummet Prince of Wales Brass Processor Public Image Limited Puccini Pulp QUEEN Red Hot Chili Peppers Restful Music For Contented Cats Romantic Sax Rosen Trio Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - Sir Charles Groves Ry Cooder S Club S Club 7 S Club 8 S Club Juniors S. Piliso & His Super Seven S.O.S. Band vs. Nirvana Salt N' Pepa Feat. En Vogue Scissor Sisters vs. Moby Seal Sheila E vs. Kelis Shirley Bassey Shooglenifty Simon & Garfunkel Simply Red Sir Neville Marriner Slade Sly & the Family Stone Soul Asylum Starship Steely Dan Stereophonics Sting Sting & The Police Suzi Quatro Swing Sisters Tangle Eye Taylor Dayne The Andrews Sisters The B-52's The Beatles The Beta Band The Chemical Brothers The Chieftains The Chiffons The Corrs The Drifters The Earls The Essex The Everly Brothers The Ink Spots The Kinks The Oscar Brandenburg Orchestra The Pasadena Roof Orchestra The Pixies The Platters The Platters & Doo Wop The Prodigy The Radiants The Rolling Stones The Smashing Pumpkins The Songbird Collection The Stranglers The Thrills The Tremaines The Verve The White Stripes The Who Thelonious Monk Tina Turner Tom Petty Tony Christie Trilok Gurtu and the Frikyiwa family Trumpet Voluntary Tryo Tunng U2 Utah Saints Wilson Pickett Winchester Cathedral Choir & David Hill Yin Chengzong / Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra Yulduz Usmanova (Uzbekistan) Zed Nkabinde Zog Zeki et les Criquets du Dimahi (Côte d'Ivoire)
  22. OM : ) Ignoring older relatives is of course a tradition. I was thinking more of offices etc , or villages, whatever where the possibilities of new friendships with physical people become redundant as one retains friends from your youth. Still the more insidious part is that you are capable of being tracked in great detail if you make heavy use of it. Come the revolution "they" will know who all your friends are : ) And as the unwise majority show: http://www.zdnet.com/blog/facebook/facebook-blamed-for-1-in-5-divorces-in-the-us/359 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/facebook/8274601/Facebook-increasingly-implicated-in-divorce.html Obviously the excuses are in the article. And rather like a gun, or a cigarette, or alcohol, it rquires human nature to take a hand. The more available something is the more likely it is to get used/abused. I am sure humans are animals, and pretty simple ones. So the question is does everything that becomes available actually work to mankinds benefit. Excluding things that help health and development to narrow the field lets see what is what. Cigarettes, cheap meant more smoking and cancer. Cheap alcohol leads to drunkenness increasing and in the UK it is a cultural problem. Cheap and convenient food has lead to an obesity epidemic. Does this this cheap and easy equate back to using a FB and Twitter. Yes becuase humans are lazy in thought and deed. FB obviously has its downsides in terms of privacy that the user needs to consider. And feeding in murder and Facebook to Google reveals it being used for arranging gang fights, murders from strangers, and couples. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/2803864/Cops-probe-first-Twitter-murder.html
  23. I can undwerstand that - it was very time-constrained. Essentially I am trying to differentiate between Libya and Iraq. They are not equivalent for the very obvious reason there is a popular uprising in Libya that could be supported simply by providing aid to the rebels. In the case of Iraq it was an invasion pure and simple. I see that there is a feeling that the US is being constrained by the DoD and the Saudis who do not wish for the concept of popular rule to apply to the Saudis or there client sheikdoms. You can see the problem. Gaddafi winning is not as daft as it seems and the use of Facebook and Twitter as weapons of freedom may actually be a way to get killed.
  24. " we saved a lot more people from a lot worse ruler " Reaching figures as to who killed more is a rather macabre way of justifying an invasion and then to rationalise the damge. I have been looking at various gigures but time is gainst me now .. but to make it brief He sure was an evil man and think how many lives we saved ..... ANd for fun and something I did not know:
  25. have cross-posted it also to my redudancy systems thread!
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