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Everything posted by dieseltaylor

  1. Affy - I never suggested CGI. Just on location, interviews etc. As for good programmes - I give you the BBC : ) Of course Time Team is not BBC but some commercial company but its production standards are high.
  2. I think you are being too kind Affy. Not only are their maps to add to the comprehension, but there are the recollections of those involved, which could be dramatised or not. I have never seen actual views. As in this view is from the xxxx battery and we have a fishing boat at .5mile out da da da etc. Or how about this is the crappy views out of a Sherman, The trouble is that the people making the programmes ARE just churning out to a coats, and to fill a schedule, - they are not trying for greatness. The fast-food approach to nourishing TV : (
  3. Thats pretty horrific. One know in warfare, in the heat of the moment humans can be both brutal and irrational. Doing it in cold-blood away from the battlefield is a different kettle of fish. What makes me feel slightly gutted is that we have prisoners in the UK and US who committed and convicted of terrible terrible crimes but they are treated like normal human beings whereas these guys are essentially held on suspicion. And they are out of play and no danger.
  4. VAB- You make fair points regarding informants. I have to admit it is the only part of Wkileaks where I have ambivalent feelings. You do however make the Government of Iraq sound very correct. Some might have viewed Quislings's government as official. Or what about Vichy France. Were the true patriots informing on the Resistance? Perhaps Wikileaks makes it clear to informants that real names should be avoided. I would be pretty certain MI5 informants in N.Ireland would not have their real names recorded but only be known to a few individuals at most. In the specific example you give I think it a heroic deed. And I appreciate it when people take sides like that for "our" guys. However have I missed anything that tells me how many informers were named, how many were killed. How closely where they identified? Or is this horror of named names hyped up to discredit Wikileaks more than it is an actual danger to informers. Where are the figures? If it were not run directly by an honest Western officers I suspect some would disappear, not because they ever got shot but simply handlers were pocketing back-handers from friends , or they were inventing them. Seems always to happen
  5. Must remember not to accidentally abduct people and send them to countries who are known to torture prisoners. : ) Not making any moral point!.
  6. I never realised he had gone.! : (
  7. Sorry, did you mean - EeK! : ) Any meat can be ruined. My wife disapproved highly of pork belly to the point of never having eat it or cooked it, and todaY I pointed out one of her favourite chefs said : http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2009/oct/11/nigel-slater-recipes-pork-belly
  8. SO - I think you are deliberatley , I hope it is deliberate, looking at this arse about face. PS3 GT5 may have made him better but it without a doubt did find many better than average drivers. Compared to having parents rich enough to support you through karting and up through the ranks here is a cheap method of finding who has the savvy, reflexes, and desire to race. Not perfect but what a talent pool. Wiki on gearing [part]:
  9. Can I recommend Google. The site where this quote comes from turns up on the first page of my search. I have to say I think it is a very comprehensive view provided: http://gva.freeweb.hu/weapons/introduction.html
  10. But winning a war - surely that is a matter of framing your war aims to be realistic. Frame them stupidly and you are stuffed. The trouble with the US I think was not sticking to smack Al-Quaedi and force a regime change if necessary. If boots on the ground were required it should have been for as short as time as possible. The garbage about building a new society bladiblah was a fatal mistake as it tied US prestige to something essentially unwinnable in the short term , the medium term, and possibly unwinnable in the longer ten year term. Thei blog here has some very interesting articles, it is new to me but I am very impressed. http://www.fpif.org/blog?type=Blog&start=10 anyway here is a flavour if the story
  11. My first internet was AOL - boy did that suck. I suppose that was 1993-5 sometime. Before that was the brilliant Mattelevision, then by the really good AtariST. That was a stonking machine loved by musicians and had a rock solid black and white monitor. Happy days.
  12. OM Tell him my Mazda time [9th Time Trial Challenge] is 1.39.374 and I am currently the 11133 best player! : ) The detail to get really good times involves understanding [if you wish] suspension variables, deciding whether to alter gear ratios, toe out toe in, camber, brake force distribution, and using your LSD. Educationlly its probably quite useful! Unfortunately currently 97% is above me.
  13. I really this is wasted. Assange is a warped tit, Fine I have no problem with saying that, and I do not think it has any bearing on Wikileaks. So lets look at the more important part. Should Wikileaks redact names as there might be an element of risk to those so named. In the spirit of starting from an extreme position: I here there is a guy running Iraq, ******, who kills his own people in horrible ways. I understand that ******** has billions in a Barclay Bank in the Cayman Island Branch number **-**-** Ac *********** Now how dangerous is Wikileaks. How useful is the information? Does it make evil men cringe? I doubt it. So do we start censoring the information so that only information that cannot possibly lead to someones death is redacted. But that requires surely some divine guidance as ******* with the Cayman account may have some very unhappy people quite motivated to kill him now they realise where the loot went. It also means taking a side. Fron an Iraqui point of view people informing to the US may well be criminals. Is the West the arbiter of what is right or wrong. After all some of those informers could be stitching up neighbours because they want their land, or very possibly because they get paid to deliver names.* And by-the-by it seems a trifle coy to worry about informers dying when tens of thousands have been killed by countries who do not believe in the death penalty even IF guilty. * And lets get it into proportion: Catalyzed Reportage (more: news, blogs, twitter) Big Pharma caught spying on the WHO Toll Collect Vertraege, 2002 Egads! Confidential 9/11 Pager Messages Disclosed Ratiopharm: Geld und Geschenke für Ärzte Guardian still under secret toxic waste gag Ivory Coast toxic dumping report behind secret Guardian gag Verfassungsschutz soll zur Polizei werden Gmail may hand over IP addresses of journalists Turks and Caicos former PM to fight British rule Transparency after the Turks and Caicos Islands scandal WikiLeaks victorious over corruption report gag order WikiLeaks releases suppressed Turks and Caicos report Big Trouble in Little Paradise: the Turks and Caicos Islands takeover Iran blocks WikiLeaks Serious nuclear accident may lay behind Iranian nuke chief's mystery resignation WikiLeaks wins Amnesty International 2009 Media Award US detainee interrogation: a road not taken Shadowy Bilderberg group meet in Greece - and here's their address Guardian journalist arrested for trying to penetrate secret Bilderberg meet Bilderberg Group Meets In Athens Amid Tight Security Australian Senate questions government on ACMA censorship and WikiLeaks Guantanamo's Immediate Reaction Force still terrorizing detainees U.S. Denies Incendiary Weapon Use in Afghanistan The Most Wanted Leaks of 2009 Groups rip secrecy over IP protection talks O homem-bomba da Suíça CRS Report Leaks Prove Tough to Stop Obama's Chilling Crew: The legal harassment of those investigating Tony Rezko East Timorese go begging as foreign advisers rake it in Correction of DPA article in respect to WikiLeaks and Steve Jobs HIV test WikiLeaks.de back in service WikiLeaks.de Theodor Reppe im Interview Interview with WikiLeaks.de domain sponsor Theodor Reppe Mehr Details zur Wikileaks.de Stilllegung More detail on WikiLeaks.de suspension Experten greifen von der Leyen an Deutsche Wikileaks Domain ohne Vorwarnung gesperrt Germany deletes WikiLeaks.de domain after raid Defence contractor suspended over neo-Nazi link Gericht: Durchsuchung wegen mittelbarer Links auf Kinderporno-Sperrliste rechtmäßig Western internet censorship: The beginning of the end or the end of the beginning? In Britain, Web Leaves Courts Playing Catch-Up A Blacklist for Websites Backfires in Australia Hausdurchsuchung bei WikiLeaks.de Domaininhaber Police raid home of Wikileaks.de domain owner over censorship lists Trade agency pledges to review its transparency It certainly looks like the ACMA blacklist, eh Senator Conroy Dentist's website on leaked blacklist Leaked Australian blacklist reveals banned sites Burning Toxic Waste is Making U.S. Soldiers and Iraqis Sick, But the Pentagon Refuses to Admit It There is no bigger issue than net censorship Banned hyperlinks could cost you 11,000 dollars a day Whistleblower exposes insider trading program at JP Morgan The mother of all media leaks Wikileaks, IT pro not 'in any danger' in Coleman leak, lawyer says Missouri report on militias, terrorists draws criticism Patents Being Abused To Put Your Life In Danger The Big Bad Database of Senator Norm Coleman Intelligence failures crippling fight against insurgents in Afghanistan, says report UN urges probe into Kenya murders Raila now attacks security agencies Cooperate with FBI, Raila tells Kenya police Two Kenyan rights activists shot dead How to Hijack an EU Open Source Strategy Paper Wikileaks cracks NATO's Master Narrative for Afghanistan Clearstream et le mystérieux compte « Bank Madoff » An insight into child porn Einblicke in die Kinderpornoszene UN probe indicts Kenya on police killings United Nations Sexual Assault/Harassment Reports on Wikileaks Decommissioning the arms trade Euro MP expenses 'can reach £1m' Secret report reveals how MEPs make millions Geographic Survey Project of the Sierra Juarez Mountains Stirs Protests Davenport Lyons Threatens to Sue Wikileaks Over Publication of Extortion Letter Anthropologists Adopt New Language Against Secret Research Afghanistan: Slipping out of control UN group to probe poll chaos deaths Demonstrators accuse police over disappearance of kin Wikileaks releases NATO report on civilian deaths Tax Gap: Rare glimpse into offshore world of big money and low taxes Tax Gap: Isles of plenty Report: new Fairness Doctrine would face high legal hurdle Thousands of Congressional Reports Now Available Online Parts for 'dirty bomb' found in slain US man's home GOP's Stimulus Talking Points Contradict Congressional Research Service Wikileaks posts 6,780 Congressional reports -- fun, but no smoking gun J.Baer confirms trading incident, shares off lows How One Fund's Profits Ended Up in the Caymans Nuevos audios ilegales quedan en poder de juez Anticorrupción Counterinsurgency A royal offence Commission blushes as banks are stripped bare Lists of allegedly illegal websites always leak Bank Fees: Banking on silence Sex, Waffenhandel, Korruption: Ungeheuere Vorwürfe gegen die Uno UN peacekeeping logistics not secure in 2008 UN finds 217 sex abuse claims against blue helmets United Nations confidential reports Swiss bank’s crafty strategy shows how difficult it is to clamp down on tax havens Hackers blow whistle on banks Competition body wants hackers prosecuted Secret gag orders undermine core Western values Die angebliche E-Mail vom BND-Chef 1,203 new websites censored by Thailand German spy chief threatens Wikileaks MPs accuse courts of allowing libel tourism Kafka comes to the British courts Bank Julius Bär Bank Julius Bär vs. Wikileaks How One Fund's Profits Ended Up in the Caymans Ex-Rock Impresario Tony Defries lost $22 million in offshore tax evasion scheme Rudolf Elmer files against Swiss banking secrecy at ECHR Exbanker klagt die Schweiz an Full correspondence between Wikileaks and Bank Julius Baer Notfallsäuberung des BND nach Wikileaks Enthüllung German intelligence scrubs European records after Wikileaks exposure Northern Rock vs. Wikileaks Changes in Guantanamo Bay SOP manual (2003-2004) Die Deutsche Telekom und ihr Kunde BND
  14. I think I am going to be busy for a while: http://www.gizmag.com/ordonez-2011-nissan-playstation-gt-academy/18045
  15. I enjoyed that. The memories. The fight between DRDOS and MSDOS, the playing around with memory to shift mouse drivers etc above Base memory. I think I have had all bar 2000 and Vista.
  16. placeholder for a long piece of typing from "England's Last War Against France : Fighting Vichy France 1940-1942" by Colin Smith which btw is a truly excellent read
  17. "In defence unbeatable, in victory unbearable" W.C. Churchill If we lose the war in the air we lose the war and we lose it quickly. Bernard Law Montgomery PS the longer quotes are actually the ones probably to go for as the short ones are easily found on the web
  18. Meant to be true the couple were visiting Britain and Madame De Gaulle , probably responding to query about his age, responded by saying: "He is very active, up with the cock in the morning" : ) How can you govern a country which has 246 varieties of cheese?Charles De Gaulle, in "Les Mots du General", 1962 BTW I will try to amalgamate any further posting with De Gaulle here, ditto Montgomery!!!, etc
  19. I thought that in response to those who are gloomy and downbeat we ought to have a continuing thread of anecdotes we find interesting. For instances I can think of a destroyer fighting a 75mm gun, something funny about De Gaulle, a German horse drawn artillery unit allowed to passthrough an Allied tank unit, anotherwords anyhting bizarre, or sad or funny. I would ask that we try to provide direct quotes with page numbers etc so pweople can seek ut the books. And there is a military connection Please also use the advanced reply with the subject in the header .... for future archive searches If anyone knows of this being done anywhere else please let me know!! Two samples where attribution not necessary/likely.
  20. Blimey I thought it meant more dangerous! BTW when looking at the US these days I always look at the fancy titles of the research institutes, business organisations, family groups, etc to try and work out who is pulling the strings. Neo-con really means a new way to con you : )
  21. : ) Actually I think they took pity on a minority member! There are very few Belgian CMers: )
  22. Is there a rash? Galliano and Assange? BTW I always thought when drunk people were expected not to be terribly bright about what they say and do. Therefore you charged them with drunken behaviour rather than treason or some such worse crime. I expect drunks driving now to charged with attempted murder.
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