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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by dieseltaylor

  1. Agree totally. The added designing possibilities are both marvellous and very scary I would think. I do have concerns that the maps are small and edgehugging may become the problem it was in CM*1. My feeling has always been that cleverly placed features can deter edgehugging and mines might be relied upon as they seem more vicious in CM*2. Making maps substantially bigger than the apparent physical "flags" has always been a favourite with me as it does mean the attacking player has the opportunity either to pull a stunt or more likely misjudge his approach timing : )
  2. I am not sure from your comments as to whether you have read the article. However just to look at the drug barons south of the US border. If there is legal farming and production of drugs in the US and distribution through State or Federal shops then might make the economics favourable for the home product, and incidentally fund government revenue shortfalls.
  3. Is this not the essential weakness of democracy - or the current forms at least. The short-termism of four year terms just aggravates the peoples instinct for self serving policies, and the politicians desire for re-election. The Presidentuial system is the worst possible system as the Presidential candidates, at least in the US, do not get honed by a party system where a track record and working with others of your party is unnecessary to be put forward as a Presidential candidate. Witness Reagan or Palin. As long as they could be sold to the public it was not necessary for anything else to be considered. The UK seems to be going that way with Cameron catapultd from nowhere to leadership of the Tories. The great benefit of a Parliamentary party electing its leader is that they can get rid of him even if he is the Prime Minister. So perhaps war is not required but a more rational form of government. Length of term being an important premise but with other changes to improve the quality of the politicians and the government apparatus. One of the previous benefits of the House Of Lords prior to being politicized was the number of apolitical peers who would discuss and examine Bills without partisanship. And being unelected the desire to please a segement of the population was not the necessity it might be to a political party eager to please a pressure group.
  4. Irfanview - been around a decade and probably the most downloaded free package. Easily does screenshots* and annotations. And does a multitude of different graphic types, sound and video modules. *one of the screenshot choices allows you to choose the area you want to save rather than the whole screen and UI. http://www.irfanview.com/ At Cnet who record Product Ranking: #2 in Image Editing Software Version: 4.28 Total Downloads: 57,340,610 Downloads last week: 122,297
  5. You might think I would have known this but new to me is the most dangerous drug is legal: Makes you wince that whilst Mexico and other central american countries are being torn apart by drug trade funded violence the US pharmaceutical industry is churning out legal life destroyers. http://www.alternet.org/story/151166/america%27s_most_dangerous_pill?page=entire
  6. Good one BD6. The flipside of this is the US public probably have a suspicion that any space program will have a lot to do with enriching some military/aerospace corporation, its shareholders, most particularly some bosses. and politicians.
  7. These bridge incidents. Are people plotting at level 6 , and driving slowly,having problems or is it people reporting a problem after the event when things have gone wrong [as opposed to all navigations of bridges]. With limited visibility and a wide vehicle crossing most bridges would not be done at speed I guess. I imagine a lot of old stone bridges in rural areas would be built for a horse and cart.
  8. Lots of interesting stuff. Gunnergoz - I am confused as to who moved the Panther turret around after it burned. I would have thought the turret might have become fixed after the fire, Someone being tidy?
  9. Sandy - you must be playing at the easier level if you are getting all that ID. And the tank crew behaviour is one that has been flagged to be sorted.
  10. It struck me that I could offer my services for anyone who is doing a scenario and wants their text checked. Preferably send it to me in txt. form. You can have it in American or English as is your desire. I would simply check for spelling, strange phrasing, etc. And of course they are only suggestions for changes which you can ignore. I require no payment or acknowledgments!! : ) Just contact me through my profile and I will send my e-mail address.
  11. Knee high!! You cannot be serious! Well you may be but in RL knee high would not be a hedge really given you could skip over it. Hedges would be waist height or so as otherwise they have no practical value.
  12. Never heard of that. Do you have any references. Not that I doubt you its just I ahve never ever heard of it which makes me think uncommon or very very late war. The weight on the front would be excessive one would think!!
  13. I thought this behaviour was an acknowledged fault to be addressed.
  14. Just because the Israeli Army used Shermans is not a matter of good but necessity. It is true to say that they did improve them significantly other than just the gun. And bear in mind that using tanks defensively in good positions you would not be relying on your armour - more on your earthworks. And talking of necessity - the Churchill survived slightly longer than Sherman in terms of damage and more crew would escape when hit. And if I find the book that told me ..... As for the 3Rd Armored, and knowing what we do of the variability of armour in the earlier Shermans I do wonder if : a] they had the crappier tanks b] they knew it and deliberately sent back "damaged " tanks for exchange. c] they were not as well officered/trained ... most likely d] that acknowledging armour was variable was not acceptable to acknowledge during the war and immediately after
  15. I don't disagree with your conclusions. The alternative does offer the interesting possibility that the Germans will to resist may have been substantially impaired if facing M26's routinely. Ardenes offensive anyone? Would the Wehrmacht have had much more spine dealing with Hitler if losing on land and in the air to technically superior machines? I think the psychology of the M26 could have been fairly major.
  16. Hmm so possibly higher level does include longer rallying required?
  17. Well I suppose if I blew up in flames on my first or second hit that is no different from a MkIV burning after its fifth hit if they are examined a few days later. Or is it? Anyway without seeing the figures and how they deduced the figures it is hard to say. And in any event if this survey mentioned is for post-Normandy it should be markedly better than the North African experience with the earlier non-modified Shermans.
  18. I admire detailed mapmakers immensely, I am a great fan of maps in any form. I take it that rail icons have a very unsubtle choice of curves which is a shame. Is it likely BF will introduce new items to the editor in the future. I suppose I mean I am sure they will but will any of them be more refined rail squares!!?
  19. I think there is a potential problem dealing with a global market that an item like a Steelbook may be mainstream in the US but unknown to the vast majority of the audience. There is another company who make Metalpak, and bizarrely for both brands there exists a fan base who want all their DVD's in the same packaging! Go figure. I would have possibly bought the pack even knowing it was part plastic though the printed manual brown on brown was a bit of slap in the face with a wet kipper in terms of logic. The point raised about ready reference card is well made indeed. If anyone goes to the trouble of making up an A4 template for the important things can I suggest mentioning it here and uploading it to CMMODS and also boardgamegeek.com where they now have a video game section doing the same grand job. http://videogamegeek.com/
  20. I think that rather makes my point that if we are going to master alien planets light years from our resource base then perhaps we ought to prove our technologies for " terra-forming" here on Earth first. Anything we learn from living under the sea, or even subterraneanly, must be hugely relevant to living on a hostile planet.
  21. I was wondering if on the higher levels whether rather like artillery there is more delay in events happening like rallying. I would be happier if I were testing to try at elite levels just in case it is another undocumented feature.
  22. Yes the printing does really suck. It is not much of a secret that eyesight worsens with age and we are all getting on. Would anyone at BF like to say why it was thought to be a good idea? DO we have a hotshot young marketing genuis helping out. Sheesh!
  23. And in a current game a StugIII took a penetration from a .30 HMG. This was sufficient to make it retreat from and HMG about 200 metres away slightly front left. Now if "penetration" means aerial shotoff or something it is a clunky way to show damage ... but reversing back!
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