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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by dieseltaylor

  1. Quite a major problem - especially for AI plans. If I played the AI rather than humans expect me to try and inflict wound damage as a matter of course to degrade AI squads. Not funny to play on game engine weaknesses.
  2. Source? I am a great fan of the Churchill but have never read any particular exploits in the bocage. Well I do recall some Crocodiles going into laager and flaming the field perimeter before bedding down. AFAIR they netted 45 prisoners. And probably of all tanks the Churchill would have been most capable of clambering over. The downside of any clambering over is when the equilibrium changes and the front end comes crashing down being no fun for tank or crew. However my feelings on bocage, research, and feelings about the "plow" are long standing and written up in the Archive a few times : ) BTW I thought the British sector was reasonably free of bocage. However going for the Falais Pocket may have provided opportunity.
  3. I was reading a piece yesterday saying a victorian postman would do a daily route of 16 miles. !!!!!! Anyway I looked for some evidence and: http://www.somersethistory.co.uk/book-silas-a-victorian-rural-postman.html That is quite fit methinks.
  4. Good point. I tend to forget light-years are history. The speed of dark is known to be greater than that of light. It must be, otherwise the dark wouldn’t be able to get out of the light’s way. from http://freespace.virgin.net/ianstewart.joat/MATHDW/light.html
  5. ERROR Yep. Well I say yes because I sent Turn 47 version 1 and got back turn 48 version1.01. Film ran the same result. Two dead crew one dead 88mm. I was a bit surprised. Dang it! The shot penetrated neither time as far as I know as I got a top turret hit for the second shot when I nailed the loader who had taken over from the deceased TC. I took it to be a glancing hit both times. Lat newsI apologise for not making it clear that the loader was standing in the turret when he died. Actually if he were throwing the TC's body out of the turret it would have made some sense to be standing there. ERROR OVER LATE NEWS I was looking at the wrong version. My apologies. On the correct V1.01 reply my crack 88mm crew missed and despite the +2 commander were all dead meat by the end of the minute. My apologies. I was impressed how quickly they recovered their morale though as with two dead and two wounded they dropped backed to nervous before they all died. Seemd to mostly die to the co-ax MG. This is possibly due to my oppo not placing it in entirely the same place
  6. But then if he fled from a hedgeline defence is thta not mission accomplished ... I mean in the actual sense, : ) Of course if you await for a firefight to develop you will have a definite area to draw your type of fire. You know the line of fire along a hedgerow so that anyone lurkng there will be seriously pissed off.
  7. I had previously in V1.00 complained that I had decapitated the TC and the loader of a Sherman within the same minute and yet the gunner proceeded to nail the 88 mm Flak about 12 seconds later. Whilst admiring the incredible sangfroid of the gunner I have problems with two extra bodies lying around the turret compartment spurting blood. From my readings I understand it is very cramped inside the turret, and ignoring the glancing turret hit as inconsequential, I still think BF has not modelled the effect of surplus bodies impeding a tank firing - and especially firing accurately. Anyway with the advent of V1.01 we re-ran the prior turn and then generated the following turn orders and film. No difference whatsoever in the result. Should there have been?
  8. I left of reading this because the title seemed unpromising however I must admit that it is a great story of what can only be seen as corruption of Government. And of the importance of a jury that is prepared to kick back against "the law". Unfortunately it does not seem to have done so in this case but this guy should be a hero for highlighting the murkiness of the BLM. If I were an Ameriken I would be lobbying for this guy. Unfortunately the length of his speech here precludes the average joe reading it or it being covered in soundbites - I wonder how much is known through the mainstream media. http://www.alternet.org/story/151803/environmental_activist_tim_dechristopher_sentenced_to_prison%2C_tells_the_court%2C_%22this_is_what_hope_looks_like%22?page=entire#disqus_thread Less ongoing and rather distasteful in showing how the big guys stick together regardless of it means breaking rules: http://www.alternet.org/rss/breaking_news/640194/exclusive%3A_fired__army_whistleblower_receives_%24970k_for_exposing_halliburton_no-bid_contract_in_iraq/
  9. OK I lied about the clouds. : ) It is an absolutely mind-boggling mass of water vapour. And if you think water is important to life then the idea that this exists out there raises the chances of life-forms - and even intelligent life-forms much higher. But then I am behind the curve on info on water in space judging by the Wikipedia entry. So just multiply that out by 140 trillion and make it a cloud. Woweee.
  10. I thought we had done this to death on the GF before. A couple of years back - I still have a copy of the post-war report on the mass-bombings of Japan which I am re-typing from a scanned copy. There is no doubt that the peace party would have gained in strength, and were almost there prior to the nukes. As for invading mainland Japan - are you crazy - you have the Japanese troops in three of the largest PoW camps in the world and you want to go and mix it! Letting them stew for another month, leaflet a few more towns to be evacuated prior to firebombing so the civilians realise who the good guys are. Piece of cake. However I if wanted to show I was a real tough guy and had a wonder weapon - well tricky. The question I think last time was how aware was the US of how completely knackered the Japanese economy was and therefore the nukes were justifiable. I think I got the impression that the US had not really comprehended how weak Japan was - certainly in terms of any offensive threat if nothing else.
  11. No and yes in that order. : ) However I do realise in the movies the Krauts are too stupid to nail the guy clambering up the back of the M-10 and swinging this big machine gun towards them. I have a suspicion that nobody has written up all the incidents where someone started something really gallant and got nailed immediately. Just never reads so well in the military histories.
  12. I found this WW1 slang site which was very interesteing but particularly this: I have to say I did not even know thye were fighting - much to my shame. An what did they do to Ludendorf? http://www.wakefieldfhs.org.uk/War%20Slang.htm
  13. http://www.elve.net/padv/home.htm may be useful for modders, may be not. And if anyone commences work on a Seelowe version this may be useful - though I know already there is an Eagle has Landed scenario : ) http://www.igg.org.uk/gansg/00-app1/st-furn.htm
  14. Nice looking. It does strike me even now from the comments that peoples gamma settings may be darker than mine! ME is right about the road markings. My gut reaction is it is unlikely for margins and centre : ) However I suspect I am wrong ... things where am I going to get that info!. I can tell you that the first centre white lines do date back many centuries. Anyone want to guess where? : )
  15. And if we knew which scenario you were referring to ..... : )
  16. Bigtime. You know when they talk of the Magellanic clouds ... I am beginning to believe them.
  17. Mounted for AA use! Like it needed it. The exceptional use and the common use are two different things. I might fancy leaping on to the back of the ol' M10 and blazing away provided I knew for sure there were no enemy, particularly snipers within 1000 metres. I doubt in Normandy I would ever felt that sure.
  18. Yep and you only joined in May 2011. Give it time : ) Posting pictures broads is never wrong in my book [oops excluding Palin etcetc etc]
  19. Well if guns per capita is not necessarily the answer do you possibly think we ought to look who has the most violent media? You know murders per day for childrens TV, etc etc. Perhaps comparing gun crime to TV watching in Wisconsin and Wyoming compared to southern states might be illuminating. Mind you I would also be interested in unemploymant rates, and social inequality profiles for the States. The US having the advantage that it is a homogenous society where we can compare States rather than looking at comparing countries.
  20. Oh dear me. Driving a car equals riding a horse for working the muscles Tsk someone must have given you a pedal car because without it I am pretty sure any daily horserider will be far fitter than a normal car driver. Those thigh muscles and the need to control posture ....... oh hold on you are thinking slump in the saddle riding for Amerikens. Nope. But even that I suspect is still much more muscle tone inducing compared to larding around in a car. : )
  21. Posted that almost accidentally whilst looking for accidental gun deaths, and suicides. I am concious that shooting a would-be assailant would not be included in murder figures! Or would it? ! An old study with all included The gun-related deaths per 100,000 people in 1994 by country were as follows: U.S.A. 14.24 Brazil 12.95 Mexico 12.69 Estonia 12.26 Argentina 8.93 Northern Ireland 6.63 Finland 6.46 Switzerland 5.31 France 5.15 Canada 4.31 Norway 3.82 Austria 3.70 Portugal 3.20 Israel 2.91 Belgium 2.90 Australia 2.65 Slovenia 2.60 Italy 2.44 New Zealand 2.38 Denmark 2.09 Sweden 1.92 Kuwait 1.84 Greece 1.29 Germany 1.24 Hungary 1.11 Ireland 0.97 Spain 0.78 Netherlands 0.70 Scotland 0.54 England and Wales 0.41 Taiwan 0.37 Singapore 0.21 Mauritius 0.19 Hong Kong 0.14 South Korea 0.12 Japan 0.05Culture plus access? Suicides feature very largely in European death figures with about 80% due to that.
  22. Murders with firearms (most recent) by country # 1 South Africa: 0.719782 per 1,000 people # 2 Colombia: 0.509801 per 1,000 people # 3 Thailand: 0.312093 per 1,000 people # 4 Zimbabwe: 0.0491736 per 1,000 people # 5 Mexico: 0.0337938 per 1,000 people # 6 Belarus: 0.0321359 per 1,000 people # 7 Costa Rica: 0.0313745 per 1,000 people # 8 United States: 0.0279271 per 1,000 people # 9 Uruguay: 0.0245902 per 1,000 people # 10 Lithuania: 0.0230748 per 1,000 people # 11 Slovakia: 0.021543 per 1,000 people # 12 Czech Rep: 0.0207988 per 1,000 people # 13 Estonia: 0.0157539 per 1,000 people # 14 Latvia: 0.0131004 per 1,000 people # 15 Macedonia 0.0127139 per 1,000 people # 16 Bulgaria: 0.00845638 per 1,000 people # 17 Portugal: 0.00795003 per 1,000 people # 18 Slovenia: 0.00596718 per 1,000 people # 19 Switzerland: 0.00534117 per 1,000 people # 20 Canada: 0.00502972 per 1,000 people # 21 Germany: 0.00465844 per 1,000 people # 22 Moldova: 0.00448934 per 1,000 people # 23 Hungary: 0.00439692 per 1,000 people # 24 Poland: 0.0043052 per 1,000 people # 25 Ukraine: 0.00368109 per 1,000 people # 26 Ireland: 0.00298805 per 1,000 people # 27 Australia: 0.00293678 per 1,000 people # 28 Denmark: 0.00257732 per 1,000 people # 29 Spain: 0.0024045 per 1,000 people # 30 Azerbaijan: 0.00227503 per 1,000 people # 31 New Zealand: 0.00173482 per 1,000 people # 32 United Kingdom: 0.00102579 per 1,000 people http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/cri_mur_wit_fir-crime-murders-with-firearms
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