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Everything posted by Treeburst155

  1. Vader's Jester, I'll need an email. Subject: "Signup" In the body, type "Vader's Jester, your email address" Thanks! Treeburst155 out. [ December 01, 2002, 03:37 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  2. Visom, I now have your missing scores. Jim Liang sent one and you sent the other. Thanks! Fight On!! Treeburst155 out.
  3. OK, due to mutual consent, Cpl Carrot and Holien will be in the same section. Treeburst155 out.
  4. Hehe...that's right. The Justicar is in violation of the inviolable for even suggesting that a Lady is NOT exempt from violations. Just wait 'til Roxy hears about this!! Treeburst155, Squire to Senior Knight More-Arty, Defender of Lost Causes
  5. How about it's because we are playing a game of that old broken down jalopy otherwise known as CMBO. On the eastern Front, your bazookas would never have survived the charge across open ground in the face of half a dozen machine guns. Pillock. Steve</font>
  6. Minus 20 points for the Justicar because he IS the Justicar. Minus 5,000.683 points for MrSpkr because he failed to mention my game with him in his recent update. This is because he lost 4 StuGs to my zooker soldaten. Plus 20 points for Emma because she riles up Joe. Plus 20 points for Gargoyle Focker because he riles up MrSpkr Minus 20 points for OSGF because he talks funny. Minus 200 points for all Aussies because they talk 10 times funnier than OSGF Minus 20 points for me for posting this drivel. Plus 500 points for all those who Sod Off Now!! Treeburst155, proud Squire to Senior Knight Moriarty, Defender of Lost Causes.
  7. Space Hamster, Send me an email. Subject: "Signup" In the body type: "Space Hampster" and the email address you would like to use for the tourney. Treeburst155 out.
  8. Grog Dorosh, Because CMBB is quite different from CMBO when it comes to tactics, all the sections (6 players) and tourney groups (24 players) will be selected at random out of a hat. Everyone is considered a rookie when it comes to CMBB. CMBO performance means nada! Treeburst155 out.
  9. Hi WineCape! You should have a letter from me in your mailbox now. Holien, you didn't read my post!! I need an email from you for your signup to be official. Subject: "Signup", In the body type: Holien, and the email address you wish to use for the tourney. This necessary for organizational purposes, and to update my email addresses. Treeburst155 out.
  10. Play brand new scenarios by the Boots & Tracks Scenario Design Team, completely blind! Win six different bottles of fine South African wines, furnished and shipped at no cost to you by our sponsor and resident wine connoisseur, Charl Theron (WineCape)! Experience the new, improved Nabla Scoring System, which makes scenario balance a non-issue in competitions! Be amazed at the organizational prowess of Treeburst155, your tourney manager, who has never made a mistake in his tourney running life (shut up, Kingfish)! _________________________________________________________ Yes folks, the time has come to sign up for the ROW III, Boots & Tracks CMBB Tournament. This is how the signups will work: 1) ROW veterans in good standing will be allowed to sign up first, starting December 1st. On December 10th the tourney will be opened up to all. Any ROW vets signing up on or after December 10th will not have priority over newcomers. 2) To sign up, you must EMAIL ME at the address in my profile. The subject of the email needs to be, "Signup". In the body of the email, type your forum nickname, and the email address you would like to use for tourney related mail. 3) Signup emails will be processed in the order in which they are received. As soon as I get 72 players, signups are over. It is possible, though unlikely, that this could happen before the ROW veterans' signup period is even expired. 4) Do not post your desire to play to this thread. You must email me to reserve a slot! Feel free to bump the thread or ask questions however. This will be a big help to me considering the busy nature of this forum. _________________________________________________________ What You Are Committing To The tourney will begin sometime in the first week of January. You will be playing five PBEM games more or less simultaneously. The scenarios will run about 30 turns on the average, with a medium amount of units. You will have 100 days to complete your games. Assuming 30 turns per scenario, this means you will need to process about 45 files for each of the five games. This comes to 225 files that must be sent by you within 100 days. On average you must send 2.25 PBEM files EVERY day to finish on time. One third of these files will be "movie only" files so it's not quite as bad as it seems. _________________________________________________________ So then, if you have the time and the desire to take part in this event, you need only email me (following the instructions above). Newcomers are welcome to sign up before the 10th, but will not be assigned a slot until the 10th, provided there are slots left. Signups are now OPEN!! ___________________________________________ Here is the sign up list as of 1215 hrs, December 9th (GMT -6). I will try to update this list every 24 hours or so. I will be editing, not reposting the whole thing. The following tourney vets are signed up: 1) JAT (formerly Saport) 2) Michael Dorosh 3) Redwolf 4) Frunze 5) Cpl Carrot 6) Combined Arms 7) mPisi 8) Bimmer 9) a1steaks 10) Spanish Bombs 11) Thumpre 12)Tuomas 13) TABPUB 14) Mikeydz 15) Holien 16) Juha Ahoniemi 17) Pixelmaster 18) jjelinek 19) Tero 20) The_Capt 21) Ted 22) Bertram 23) Vader's Jester 24) Fate 25) Jon_L 26) Mick_Oz 27) John Kettler 28) Kanonier Reichmann 29) MrSpkr 30) TexasToast 31) U8led 32) Cpt_T 33) Kunstler 34) Enoch 35) Jeb 36) Scheer 37) Vadr 38) Heavy Drop 39) JPS 40) Sgt Gold 41) Gunnersman 42) WadePM 43) Lord Dragon 44) Ron A 45) Ali 46) Ari Below are the ROW newbies who have signed up. They are listed in the order in which they will be assigned any remaining slots on December 10th. 1) Nidan1 2) Frontovik 3) Red 6 4) Frenchy 5) Legend42 6) Cyrano 7) Jaws 8) Determinant 9) Sgt CDAT 10) Seahawk 11) Dave Turner 12) SpaceHamster 13) Sripe 14) Joakim Ruud 15) James Crowley 16) .............WITHDRAWAL 17) Slicer W 18) Nolloff 19) Steve Fielding 20) StoneAge 21) Joe Cz 22) Souljah1 23) SuperSlug 24) Ryddle 25) Major Victory 26) Flammenwerfer 27) Wellsonian 28) Zealotburner 29) Major Green 29a) Endit 30) Javaslinger 31) Lt Bull Presently, there are 26 slots remaining. ROW veterans in good standing have the rest of today to claim a slot. In TWELVE HOURS , the new guys will be put in. Any who miss out will be put on a replacement list in the same order. Chances are at least fair that there will be a withdrawal or two before the tourney begins in early January. Chances are downright good that there will be some withdrawals within 30 days of the tourney start date. Updated: December 9th, 1215 hrs Treeburst155 out. [ December 09, 2002, 12:29 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  11. As of now I show 36 of 66 games completed. I have prepared a scoresheet to send out to those who have finished. If you have finished, and you want a scoresheet, email me so I can simply reply and attach. All of the prize eligible players have finished their games. For this reason, I am going to score the tourney on December 15th or so. By then I will have enough instances of each scenario completed (15 or more)to get a good median. This does not mean that you HAVE to finish by December 15th. It just means that I would LIKE you to finish by then. If you don't make it, your scores will not be used to determine scenario balance. No big deal, as long as I have 15 or so completed scenarios for that purpose. I don't want to keep the prize eligible players waiting any longer than necessary, since they are all done. Fight On!! Treeburst155 out.
  12. "Zipping" the files solves some email problems, but it actually INCREASES the size of the files. Treeburst155 out.
  13. If you're sure your group is finished you may discuss the scenarios WITHIN your group. I have quite a few game results in now that I need to process. I'll be honoring the requests for scoresheets that I have on file after I record these latest results. This will happen tomorrow evening with any luck. If you're finished, and you want a scoresheet just email me so I can simply reply with an attachment. Thanks! Treeburst155 out.
  14. I just repeated the test using the "seek hull down" command for the KVs. No cowardice observed. EDIT: I'm not targetting the Mark IVs in my test. The KVs don't even know they are there until they come over the rise. Perhaps this has something to do with it. Treeburst155 out. [ November 29, 2002, 11:12 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  15. I just ran a test with three KVs coming over a rise on "hunt". On the other side they encounter three Mark IVs at 300 meters facing AWAY from them. IOW, the KVs caught the Jerries with their pants down. They proceeded to kill the Mark IVs. In another test I turned the Mark IVs around so they would see the KVs coming over the rise. Again the KVs did not back off. They fired at the Mark IVs, missed, and then died. Crews were regulars for both sides. Treeburst155 out.
  16. Thanks, Panzer Leader! I'm collecting your maps here. I intend to put them to good use when I get just a bit more free time this winter. Treeburst155 out.
  17. The issue here is the doodads and the fact that they must be turned on to determine rocky, steppe, and cemetery terrain without using the cursor. Not only that, you must be at level two to see the steppe doodads, and level four to barely determine rocky and cemeteries. This was my first and only real complaint about CMBB. If you like to play from the higher views you're just SOL when it comes to rocky, cemeteries, and steppe terrain. Rocky terrain is not "rough" terrain. Rocky is depicted by doodads ONLY. Rough is a regular terrain tile. Treeburst155 out. [ November 26, 2002, 11:00 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  18. Well, I just spent valuable sleep time reading this entire thread. Why? Because I think there is something not quite right with HMG's (maybe all heavy weapons?), the TacAI sneak command "stickiness", and the suppression level at which the TacAI generates the sneak command. I predict the issue WILL come up again later unless the Supersulo tweaks are implemented in more than a slight way. I won't be the one to bring it up however. I don't think I'll have to be. Then again, I haven't had much experience with 1.01 yet. Perhaps the auto-sneak thing has already been dealt with to some degree, as suggested by a few posts above. Treeburst155 out.
  19. Well now, Ted. I was just going to take over von Lucke's games myself; BUT, the job is yours if you want it. One of the games is mostly finished, another is only on turn 7, and I haven't received word on the status of the third game yet. Ya still wanna help me out here? Treeburst155 out.
  20. We're not at the panic stage yet, John. Do what you can to get going. Besides, a FEW uncompleted games among non-prize eligible sections will be OK because every scenario is being played 22 times. If that count slips even to 15 or so, we still get a decent median to work with. Speaking of unfinished games and withdrawals, von Lucke has had to withdraw due to severe computer problems. Judging from his posts to the technical forum, I'd say his hard drive is shot. I haven't yet decided if I should even try to do anything about his withdrawal. His opponents will each miss out on one scenario, but the effect on scoring the prize eligible sections is negligible as explained above. If you are in von Lucke's section, I will be emailing you. Fight On!! Treeburst155 out. I
  21. Keep your 1.0 execute file inside the CMBB folder until all your games are updated. If you are in a "movie only" phase, your opponent will have to update; or you can with the next file from him. This is because you can't save a movie only file. Treeburst155 out.
  22. I've experienced almost exactly the same symptoms with an IBM GXP75. The Drive Fitness Test actually found and FIXED the error. I still don't trust the drive as far as I can spit, but it does work at present. At this point I would back up my stuff, format and reinstall the OS with nothing but the video card installed in the slots. If the install doesn't work, or crashing persists after the install; I'd say it's time for a new drive regardless of DFT results. Treeburst155 out.
  23. LOL!! The Just-a-Creep is trying to blame his likely huge loss on the fact that our battle has been fought mostly on the unpatched CMBB. He wants me to surrender. What's even funnier is that he's probably correct, and will have to suffer ignominious defeat anyway because I'm a gamey bastiche. Die in the bloody grainfield, Joe! Feel the sting of my MG34s. Death and dismemberment is your lot, and you deserve it. Treeburst 155, Squire to Senior Knight More-Arty, Defender of Lost Causes
  24. Leave it to Vanir to figure it out. I missed the "shots" factor completely. I'm sure that's the answer. I'd still rather have the 134 with the up-armored turret and the gun. Thanks, Vanir! Treeburst155 out.
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