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Posts posted by bobo

  1. If someone is interested to do, it would be possible to create a compendium with all official answers by bfc and bfc employees about the games, something like a collection of resources gathered on the forums and put toghether in a unique thread on forums or blog online.

    What and give reason for someone to not check this forum every hour? Blasphemy!


  2. All this ranting about a game! Some of you come across as if the problems are ruining your life. If so, then you really need a better life.

    I have enjoyed all of the games I have bought from BF, and feel I have always got amazing value for the money. True, none are perfect, and there is a long list of items I would love to see fixed but, so what. Even with their faults I still find CM to be the best game of its type that I have owned.

    Very well put! I share these opinions.

    Thanks Cymru!


  3. Are we seriously going down this road again???? How many times do we need to??? I am starting to really feel like this guy!!!!


    I am not sure what is more annoying. The person that is annoyed at BFC, the folks that are annoyed that the poster is annoyed at BFC or the ones that are annoyed at those that are annoyed at the ones that are annoyed at BFC.

    I think it is time to post about all these annoyances at another website dedicated to playing these games that start the annoying string. It's all very annoying.



  4. The best thing with this thread is that Steve seems to have the time to post on the forum. Which usually means he's got nothing better to do which in turn means that some kind of release is imminent! :D


    I was thinking the same thing... Usually that is the case but who wants another game release anyway?


  5. I sense a strange attitude here towards customers that raise

    If the information policy is perfect for you, fine. But do you think that makes mine (and others) dissatisfaction vanish?

    It's called a search.... took me 30 seconds... See below (why no tank riders in CMFI/GL)

    14 years as a customer of BFC and ALWAYS getting things fixed in successive releases and new games in an abandoned genre make me touchy when folks whine... they still whine anyway but I am sick of it.

    Will CMRT get patched? Yes. Will CMBS come out? Yes. Will there be

    a $10 Ver 4.0? Yes. Will there be a Bulge module? Yes. When? I don't know and neither does BFC I suspect.

    Apologize if it comes across as harsh. I would encourage you to read some of the archive threads here and see how BFC has supported these games. Pretty darn well.

    Read this too:





    Originally Posted by Battlefront.com View Post

    Unfortunately the scope of work for tank riders was too massive to be included in a $10 Upgrade. Each model plus (IIRC) 2 LODs has to be hand tweaked by a 3D artist, hand coded by Charles, and tested for problems. There are always problems (guys sitting above the deck, into the turret, facing the wrong direction, using the wrong animations, etc.) because placing these hotspots is more art than science. The assuredness that a certain number of hotspots will need some tweak or several means the development cycle is repeated for a subset of the total number of changes. To give you some understanding of the process we go through...

    From memory there is about 200 vehicle models between CMBN and CMFI. If we figure an average of 10 "hotspots" for soldiers per vehicle (some have more some have less), that's a total of 2000 hotspots that have to be created for the base models, times 3 to include the LODs. That means about 6000 hotspots have to be added, coded, tested, and tweaked before we're done. Knock the workload down by a small bit because there are a few models that are 100% the same between releases or nations (there's still some work to do, just not as much) and exclude the vehicles that don't need the feature at all. Oh, let's say 5000 hotspots. I dunno what each hotspot averages out to in terms of work, but 3 minutes each is probably very conservative. That means the cost of an Upgrade has to cover 250 hours of labor just for this one feature, plus the other features, plus the other testing, plus the sales related expenses, plus the "opportunity cost", plus our risk, plus profit.

    So yea, a lot of work. Which sucks but its what we got.

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  6. I think the communication policy has tremendous room for improvement. As a customer I feel like a customer of a multi billion $ company although it's such a small company.

    No infos about progress, about the progress in fixing bugs, about reasons for delays, about upcoming features, about NOT coming features, no feedback to customer ideas.

    Quite disappointing.

    Yeah it sucks that one of the two programmers posted just before you...

    And then after you...

    Terrible communication. NOT.



  7. Did a quick test myself last night. 4 Nashorns against a company (10) of T-34/76. Map was 4k by 1k and flat. Gave all the T-34s movement orders towards the Nashorns. Let the Nashs fire on their own. After 8 minutes all of the T-34s were destroyed or abandoned, most about 3200 meters out, the closest got to about 2200. The T-34s could see armored contacts but never fired. Total ammo expended was 43 rounds, some targets were hit twice. I would say there were 13 hits or about 3 and half rounds per hit.

    This is about what I would expect so nothing to worry about...

    Now try it with IS-2s... I did stationary "tests" and got results much worse than the Jentz data that Vanir posted for the Nashorn. As I did more "tests" I am more afraid of the IS-2 than any other tank in the game. King Tigers? Meh. Give me an IS-2.

    The forward observer spotting better than the Nashorn was interesting and maybe intended?

    Not sure anything is wrong just know that the Nashorn is not a death ray.


  8. So, we really are going to need 3000m+ LOS maps.

    Hmmm... I just set up a "range" scenario at 3000m+ with Nashorns VS T34s and IS-2 and the Nashorns had trouble spotting anything at that range. The IS-2s did not and were able to dispatch the Nashorns after a few minutes...

    The FO team could see the IS-2s and the T34s but the Nashorns seemed blind.


  9. They will give multiplayer for free. I would play single player but again the AI is still kinda dumb.

    I post the real arguments in the real threads like the no tank riders thread.

    So they released a "dumb" game a year ago and and because they "will" give multiplayer for free (allegedly) after charging $80 for a "broken" game you are whining about a $10 update to a 3+ year old game that originally cost $55? Huh?

    "real thread?" This isn't a real thread? I am offended sir!

    No tank riders on the western front? OMG I will never play again!


  10. Wrong- you just have to have equivalent. I can have as many

    Wait a minute - Bobo is that you? Did you just create Daroc to keep this thread going - oh you sly little forumite!

    Maybe I did, and maybe I diiiid....


    They say truth is stranger than fiction and that is bearing out here. I am not creative enough or have enough time to do what you propose.


  11. I was blackmailed by having to play only PBEM and you need latest and greatest.

    The game has day one bugs and you charge for makeup (ATV AI still is dumb as dirt).

    The game I am referring to is Matrix's CMANO http://www.matrixgames.com/products/483/details/Command:.Modern.Air.Naval.Operations.

    I have an investment in this game and forced to play by your rules and not allowed to state the facts. The fact is most of the stuff you charge for is not a full expansion. You justify the the upgrade yet not give all the benefits of the new upgrade (tank riders trying to sell it by historical rather then poor programming excuse).

    Just cop to the real reason you want to nickel and dime for stuff that should be free. Most of that big list of reasons for making another $10.00 upgrade are bug fixes.

    EA plays a better game of this then you with the Sims 3 but then again they are only fooling little girls mainly.

    You go girl!

    Send me a setup for CMANO! Let's do this! Oops single player only...

    Thanks for posting in the right thread!


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