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Everything posted by Lordfluffers

  1. Madmatt!!!! Please update CMHQ. I need another download fix!!!
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: Huh? May 1945, lots of Churchills to use. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Really, I just started a QB in May 1945 and couldn't get a single one. Maybe I'd chosen Polish or something. I'll try again, thanks.
  3. Considering IMO, that the Churchill was one of the best Western tanks available, why did the British stop using it towards the end of the war, or is that just a glitch in CM??? Thanks
  4. Just tried and its back up but not updated. Just letting ya know.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Splinty: The BEF was also the boys pulled out at Dunkirke. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Unfortunately the BEF in the Second World War wasn't quite as effective due to incompetent leadership, a lack of training, and almost no cooperation with the French. As Splinty said, the most famous BEF event in WWII was the withdrawl from Dunkirque. (By the way John Keegan has written a definitive text on WWII as well as WWI!)
  6. I was thinking today (very rare), should vehicles that can't hunt ie. half tracks etc. have an extra mid-speed between 'move' and 'fast move'??? I say this 'cos I find 'fast move' too quick if HT's are either in convoy or entering unknown territory, yet cant keep up with escorting tanks if I order them to move. Should there be a hunt/mid speed order??? Also would a convoy order work or is that getting bogged in micro-management and over complifying everything. Its just I find it frustating watching a convoy driving into and around each other etc. It would much nicer to see a better all-round cohesion. What ya think?... ------------------ What signal? I see no signal! Horatio Nelson Battle of Copenhagen (1794)
  7. Thanks Kump, as soon as those Half tracks are downloaded I'll be adding those sexy little rivets!!!! Cheers...
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kump: updates your UK, Poland, and Canada batch files. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hey Kump, what happens when you have the Firefly mod DLed? Will it adversely affect the batch file?? ------------------ What signal? I see no signal! Horatio Nelson Battle of Copenhagen (1794)
  9. If I was an Allied tanker and came across a Tiger, Panther or something similar I'd be loading those Tungsten rounds up as fast as I could. Stuff the 'waiting for a better target' ****. Tungsten was intended to be used against enemy heavy tanks. And facing one of these guys I would not be commanding my crew to fire AT rounds so we can 'save' our Tungsten. Look at the problem from a real life perspective. ------------------ What signal? I see no signal! Horatio Nelson Battle of Cape St. Vincent (1796)
  10. Tiger, These are as usual, fantastic. I want them now!!!!!!!!!
  11. How do I get hold of this mod????? Thanks in advance.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon: PLEASE do a Greyhound. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I don't think a greyhound mod is thaqt urgent. Its current scheme is quite smart when compared to some of the other default vehicle bmps. I think the Stuart needs a new mod and British/Commonwealth vehicles in particular. By the way anybody working on any new Panther mods. The Lehr ones are excellent but I'd like a change and ~I don't like the other oners available at CMHQ.
  13. Sorry everybody!!! The system seemed to seize up. I didn't mean to post that last post 3 times. forgive me
  14. [This message has been edited by Lordfluffers (edited 11-07-2000).]
  15. Oops [This message has been edited by Lordfluffers (edited 11-07-2000).]
  16. THanks Chupa for the reply. But.. Ive wondered tanks up to their kills, identified them and the kills screen still doesn't register what the unidentified vehicles are. One more point. Do all squads with the same experience rating have the same skills? For example, will two crack units have the same stealth value, given that they are in the same platoon? I think it would be much more realistic for different squads to have individual abilities, based on past experiences, training, character of members etc. For instance, some squads operated far from their platoon HQ because the commanding sergeant was competent and in command. Also do smaller units have a higher level of remaing undetected??? Both these things may already be mirrored in the game, I dont know. Please clarify for me!
  17. Im just wondering about a few things so could anybody tell me wots wot if they know... 1.) is there a bug with unidentified vehicles in the kill screen?? I say this cos several times, Ive had units kill enemy vehicles which weren't identified. Later on though, the destroyed vehicle might be identified but the kill screen still lists the vehicle as unidentified. Is this a bug and will it be patched. I like knowing the tally of each individual AFV. 2.) Will CM1 vehicles, textures and scenarios be compatible with CM2?? Will it be possible to have hypothetical, joint US/Soviet ventures for example?? Thanks for answering these questions in advance and I'm sorry if I've repeated anything already mentioned in other forums. I did try a search. Finally are the mods that darken everything(cant remember the names) worth it??
  18. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Funniest post I've read in ages!!! Let us know if your dad believes you!
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by WW: I tried to access the Scenario Depot today but it wouldn't load. Is it down? Thanks.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I've tried it several times in the last few days and I've had the same thing. BTW I presume your talking about CMHQ's Scenario Depot.
  20. Guys!!! Please!!!! I am only inviting debate and discussion. I just wanted to know that BTS are being fair. A couple of things in my defence to ponder. 1.) A lack of supply does not neccisarily mean generousity. The new Bentley is priced at $125 000 and they've already outstripped supply in pre-orders!!! 2.) Running out of supply can also be caused by a lack of accurate predictions etc etc. 3.) BTS I am not pissed off aI've given you $55. when CM2 comes out will be queuing tio do the same!!! I am merely questioning the prcie structure. If you feel its justified fair enough. There is no need to get so defensive unless you have something to hide. 4.) The general, popular, PC games market is very price elastic. A game selling for $10 dollars more than its competitors would sell disastrously unless the game was something very special. 5.) CM appeals to a unique audience. That's why ppl say they'd buy it at twice the price etc. It appeals to a very defined market group. BTS, unlike someone releasing another racing game for example, know they have a winner. 6.) I know the profits are being plowed back into CM2. Don't get so offended. Steve, you and the guys are doing a great job. I'm so thankful I chanced upon a review in PC Gamer and DL'ed the demo. There is no other software developer I support so much or wish to see succeed. I hope you guys make millions, because the vision and guts you have, deserve to be rewarded. Finally I am NOT CHEAP!!!! I am happy to pay a price as long as its justified and I dont fell ripped off. With CM I dont fell ripped off. Let me repeat I was attempting to provoke a reasoned discussion. Now Im not sure if ppl can discuss this without becoming emotional.
  21. [quote9 Cost/unit do not have jack to do with price/unit. Price is established by willingness to pay on the part of the customer, and a prediction whether there will be enough customers to cover your total cost.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lt.Col.Kilgore: I Think you are charging too much for the Combat mission game... $45? I mean... id rather go pick up Half-life, or Diablo2, or Close combat, for that price.... i would not mind paying $20 for the full version.... but not $45... may i ask why you charge so much?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I agree, CM is the best game I've ever bought. It ranks along civ and Half Life in terms of all time classics. However, it is sold only by internet, unboxed and without extensive marketing. This massively cuts costs. I feel that although I would have, and did, buy CM for $55 (inc. delivery), it's overpriced. I do agree with Battlefront's philosophy, small time distributor etc etc. Yet I'd rather not have payed extra for shipping to the UK, nor did I want to wait 3 weeks for it to arrive. Furthermore the development is not as high as for something like Quake 3 etc. The margin for CM must be collosal!!! The costs to Battlefront.com simply do not reflect the price it's charging.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jeff Heidman: How do you know? They might have all gotten kills. Jeff Heidman <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You can tell, Jeff, by highlighting a unit, pressing enter, and clicking on the kills button in the top right corner. Try it! And don't be so clever!! ------------------ What signal? I see no signal! Horatio Nelson Battle of Cape St. Vincent (1796)
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KiwiJoe: If snipers are set up right their 10 rounds can play havok with enemy tanks/hq's/mg's etc. Plus they are excellent spotters placed on a hill with good los across the map. If you gave them too much ammo they would be supermen. I think their role is to pick off "important" targets. Limiting them to 10 rounds insures this happends. Give them 25-30 rounds and you'd have them firing at any old squad that walked along. As for the AT teams... its simply a matter of wieght I'd think. They are only 2 guys... 1 has to carry the launcher.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The fact is, in reality, snipers went into battle with a lot more ammo than a measly ten rounds. CM is an excellent game, as we all know, but also one that attempts to model history realistically. For this reason snipers should have much larger amounts of ammo. Contrary to belief they dont hit their target every time, but also some snipers coul dpick off whole squads in battle. As it is snipers are under armed and thus under appreciated. As to PZ fausts, Bazookas etc, the ammo for these weapons was bulky and cumbersome. Unless there was a depot or something nearby, these squads went into battle with few of these weapons.
  25. Thanks Kingfish, I didnt do the spoiler bit but I removed any specific info. I hope thats right. PS how do you put things in Italics or Bold them??
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