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Everything posted by Lordfluffers

  1. I agree!!! Its seems ludicrous that superior German tanks which were much rarer than Allied tanks have a similar points value. British and Yank tanks are so pricy that the advantage they had in WW2 i.e. numbers doesn't apply in QB's. The British Crocadile costs something near 250 points!! ------------------ What signal? I see no signal! Horatio Nelson Battle of Cape St. Vincent (1796)
  2. The next time you pose a question, please avoid ANY information that might give something away to a player that has not played that specific scenario. The surprise element in "The las reich" scenario is pretty much wasted after reading your initial post.
  3. Im not being scenario specific. I'm tryign to make a general point about the AI. By the way I haven't the patience to PBEM I would like to but I don't think I'd finding waiting ages for a reply rewarding. Just personal preference. I'm going to have to wait for the new patch.
  4. To add to my point, I just remembered, Playing another campaign, one of my Stuarts came across a King Tiger. I ordered it to move back and forth, in view of the KT, but behind some scattered trees. I managed to get two Shermans into position to target the KT, and for three turns they kept trying to knock its turret off (it was Hull Down). eventually they succeeded but stupidly, the KT never turned to face the new, greater threat, choosing to shoot at the little Stuart stil dodging around 600 metres to the West. Finally, on a yet another operation, I discovered the AI's entire AT guns on a slope, but too far down it to actually target anything on the road. I overran the battery, including the lethal 88mm AT, with my infantry, destroying three AT guns and an AA gun. At a loss for no vehicles of my own. What is up with the AI?? [This message has been edited by Lordfluffers (edited 11-02-2000).]
  5. Is it me or can the AI become a bit bumbling?? I say this 'cos I've been playing CM a little too much recently and have noticed some incredible displays of incompetancy on the AI's part. Sometimes it's so bad that in hopelessly outnumbered situations I find I can win relatively easily. Here's just two examples... Playing the Germans in one instance I expected to be pushed back easily early on. Instead the Yanks rolled their armour down the road unsupported and lost 4 tanks and a recon car in return for one pz-schreick and HMG team. After this the game turned into a dull battle of attrition for the next 8 rounds of 40 turns, whereby the Americans kept sending their troops down the same avenues of attack into my reinforced strong points. It became so predictable that I ended up ignoring huge areas of the map because I knew the AI would not think to flank or infiltrate through these areas. The operation was made even more depressing by the fact that the AI sent its AV's one way and allowed its infantry to attack the bulwarts of my defense without armour support. Needless to say I spent most of the time shooting down suicidal infantry. The final debrief showed US casualties as something like 1100 casulties plus 30+ vehicles destroyed, plus 50 plus captured compared to just 200 casulties and 12 vehicles destroyed on my side. I've just fininished playing another operation ). The scenario is based on the collapse of the Western Front. With 1 security company, 1 puma, and 2 20mm armed Pumas, I destroyed the entire initial recon's armour of 2 Chaffees, 3 M8 Greyhounds and numerous Half Tracks and other vehicles. Again tanks and infantry seemed to operate completly independently to each other. Later on, one tank tried to cross a bridge without any infantry support or firing cover and got toasted by my ambush halfway across. Then, a Sherman 75w+ attempted to slog it out with the King Tiger I'd received. The results were predictable. Also, it's interesting to note that the AI does not area target the buildings I blatantly have support teams suppresing their troops with etc. One other thing, in long range tank battles, I've noticed that if my tank happens to be Hull Down, for example, just below the crest of a hill, the enemy tank its targetting also comes up Hull Down regardless of whether it happens to be completely exposed or not! I'm pretty sure I'm not the best commander in the world so.. What is going on??? ------------------ What signal? I see no signal! Horatio Nelson Battle of Cape St. Vincent (1796) [This message has been edited by Lordfluffers (edited 11-02-2000).]
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