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Everything posted by Lordfluffers

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by *Captain Foobar*: As far as the shape goes, there are some churches in Normandy that look very similar. I saw one in Villers-Bocage 2 weeks ago (pictures coming). <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yeah, I agree that there are some Churchs that shape but the vast majority across Europe are shaped like a cross with the spire at the end short end, this was the format for Churches from the late 1st millenium i.e. pre 1000AD to the early 20th century. By cross shape, I mean from the air most Churchs look like a cross (Just making sure you know what I mean). Also will there be industrial buildings, fortifications etc in CM2, it would be cool fighting through the Tractor Factory in Stalingrad, or charging the defensive forts around Sevastopol.
  2. Thanks for the reply everyone, I don't care much for the TV option, it doesnt work too well on my PC anyway. CM moves fine most the time except when they are large numbers of units present or the map is quite large. Plotting moves becomes erratic as the waypoint line jumps around bit, and during the action phase on a big and complex scen, the units don't move entirely smoothly. So is it worth holding onto my Voodoo for a few more months? Should I just get another 128MB RAM, upgrade my 500MHZ Athlon to something higher or not do anything. I don't know. P.S. anybody played B17 2 yet?
  3. DD they are sexy and sophisticated like yourself but where oh where is your beautiful grass?
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus: ATTENTION...ATTENTION...ATTENTION!!! I have a Hi-Res Winter Allied Uniform Mod comparable to the German uniforms in the MDMP-2. I've emailed it out to a few people when I first completed it. It will be available on my site when it's published. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Can you email them to me too. Plleeeezzzeee Maxi. Thanks.
  5. Ive got a Voodoo 3500tv with 16mb VRAM and am beginning to realise that its getting a bit slow. What I'd like to know is whether its worth upgrading to something like a relatively cheap Nvidia or Radeon etc. based card with an extra 16 meg min. or save up for several months for one of the newer big boys. Is my Voodoo 3's 16mb too little? Thanks in advance. (Ive got an Athlon 500, 128MB RAM machine.) [This message has been edited by Lordfluffers (edited 11-25-2000).]
  6. Waxx there is a picture of some StuGs on the front page of your website. Is that a download or the original textures? Thanks.
  7. Waxx the Pershign download doesnt work. Once downloaded winzip says it cant open the file and asks to me to try downloading again. Something up with it?
  8. Just a thought, but anyone who lives in Europe knows the majority of Churches don't look like they do in CM. Im no architect expert but I know most European churchs are designed in a cross/crucifix layout with the spire at the head. The current style seems more American to me. Is it be possible to modify the shape and appearance of churches to give them a more European look? [This message has been edited by Lordfluffers (edited 11-24-2000).]
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus: The models for the StuGIII and the StuGIV are the same in CM. They also use the same textures. Except the SuGIV uses a slightly different side texture with different road wheel configuration.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yeah but Im sure CM's original bmps for each were quite different. I remember when I first started playing I put them together to see the accuracy. There were real differences in the hull and superstructure design, the foliage pack has seemed to have made both vehicles exactly the same despite one using the PzIII hull and the other using the PzIV hull and chassis. If they both really do share the same BMPs then this should be addressed with a patch. For me this is as wrong as using a Tiger model for the PzIV. [This message has been edited by Lordfluffers (edited 11-24-2000).]
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Splinty: Hear,Hear! Can one of you talented types do a winter Pershing while your at it? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thats just what I was going to say when I saw the thread (including the Hear hear bit, freaky wot!)
  11. I just played a battle with a StuG III and a StuG IV and noticed that both vehicles looked exactly the same, same BMPs, same textures etc., despite them both in real life having different appearances. I downloaded Tigers(JohnS) foliage StuG/StuH pack from CMHQ and am not sure if his textures have overwritten the original StuG IV textures as I'm sure there was a difference between the StuG III/IV with the original game. Is this right? What are the original BMPs for the StuG IV. Tiger? what ya reckon?
  12. This is like saying whats better? a Colt 45 or a Bazooka? They both fulfill completely different functions. The MP44 is an assault rifle using a small cartridge, designed to be used much like a M16 or AK47 (which is based on the MP44) while the BAR is an infantry support weapon like the modern M60 or the Bren gun, or MG42. Silly comparison really. Just my two pennies...
  13. Im going to stick with Athlons for now. As far as Im concerned AMD is the better chip company. Cheaper, faster, more capable and reliable. Intel is losing it. Anyway an Atlons got a superb FPU.
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Waxx_IK: It may seem like the Axis have a huge advantage, (well, they do) but it's easily taken care of. I'm not gonna tell you how though, that you'll find out yourself. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hah!, its obvious you have to destroy the dam or something similar and they'll all drown, those poor Germans.
  15. What annoys me is that although an unidentified vehicle can then be identified by the unit that killed it, the kill stats still record unidentified vehicle instead of the true identity of the said destroyed vehicle. (Hope that confused you!.
  16. Yes Doug, but infantry are able to gesture back to tank crews without the use of radios. There are set hand signals to tell other units what a unit can see. If a TC has line of sight to an infantry unit in a building it should be that the TC knows an enemy tank is rumbling down the road because the infantry have just signed to him that armour is advancing.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KwazyDog: Hi Lord. Thats a good question, one I dont have an answer to at the moment. Im not sure about the rest of the guys who contribute to the packs but I was hoping to do maybe one or two more vehciles before work starts on CM2, I was thinking maybe a Jpz IV. They are extremely time consuming though, so Ill have to see how time goes. Dan<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thanks Kwazydog, just what I wanted to know. Cant wait for the JagdPanzer IV.
  18. I agree, the board is getting to clogged with irrelevent stuff. For example, while its sad that someones grandfather has died (as I read in one bulletin), its not really necessary to post it here. That stuff should go to the general board, also things like B17's gone gold is not directly relevent to the gameplay issues of Combat Mision.
  19. It would be nice to be able to order units such as heavy tanks to ignore the tank crew to the left and keep that slowly rotating turret facing forwards... here's hoping.
  20. You fool, your either double clicking on your HQ units or dragging a box around several units and issuing them the same orders. Mon Deau! (slaps hand against forehead).
  21. Big DD I want the grass you used to show off your trees in CMHQ. Where can I find it? Thanks.
  22. If troops are wondering around in buildings and even walking outside its because you've got too many men inside. There simply isn't enough room for hem all in that little hut! so the AI will shuffle them about to where their is room inside, or put them outside the building.
  23. Is CMHQ down again, it keeps dropping me and Im trying to download. Jeez.
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