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Everything posted by busboy

  1. You will find an OUTSTANDING hi-res mod for the M26 on the Combat Mission.net website. Its "Made by Tiger " http://www.combat-missions.net/
  2. Louis, you seem to misunderstand. You can't do anything to raodblocks or barbed wire in CM at all. They are where they are placed for the duration of the game. However, you can go over or around them. In the case of barbed wire, vehicles can cross it, but it doesn't allow the infantry to cross it faster. Also, infantry can cross both barbed wire and roadblocks, it just takes some time.
  3. Fear in the Fog and MovLose it certianly are on my list. I also enjoyed "Canyon of Death" and "Island Assault" even though they're both complete bullpoop scenarios, they're loads of fun. I'd have to say my all time favorite would be "Elsdorf Suprise" though. Winter, KTs, Pershings...not only is it a good historic scenario, but it has a tank slugfest in it too. Just all 'round fun.
  4. I found a way around this (allthough it is a serious pain in the butt) DL Resedit, and open up a resourse file that is small in size. (The max size is aprox 16 megs, and it varries on what sign of the zodiac it is ) Anyhoo, create new resource files in the PICT sections with the numbers of the mod your placing in (at the same time, you've got to delete the same numbers in the origional resourse file) After you create all the blank numbers, then you use a paint program to copy and paste in the BMP files. Then save, and voila! Be careful not to delete anything you're not replacing elseware, or CM will crash when it goes to find a resourse that isn't there.
  5. The IS II has an awful rate of fire, and the IS III is even worse (not faster as noted in the first post) The real reason for this was rather large two piece ammunition, rather than one piece. Historicly, the IS III and the later T-10 (basicly an IS III with an extra road wheel) were slaughtered by the Israeliis becuase their Centurian and Patton tanks could run rings around them to get to their side armor, and the Egyptians con't rotate or reload fast enough. Historical based conclusion: These tank were better used en mass from long range. On the plus side, these "heavy tanks" weigh about the same as a panther, and have decent ground pressure. I'll chip in on the fact that the IS II was rather poorly armored. Also, many IS IIs were built just Gawd awful. Honestly, they look like chipped vomit with toast on tracks (poorly finished, extremely rough castings, no dust shields leaving fragile looking tracks exposed...) Of course, not all were like that. A few brief replies on rexfords above post: a. The IS I had an 85mm gun. The first couple hundred had 100mm naval guns, which had better armor piercing performance than the 122. However, the 100 was hard to come by, so the 122 was picked for logistics and numbers. d. This is completely wrong. The SU-100 mounted the long barreled 100mm gun that was tried on early IS IIs (the "100" indicates the type of gun) The Su-122 had a short barrel 122mm which was different from the 122 on the IS II. Also, the SU-122 is easy to recognize due to the "shroud" around the gun mantle.
  6. If at all possible, move forward. If they can't see you, they're not likely to assume you'll advance, they're more likely to assue you'll fall back. If you do fall back, then you'll eventually have to recapture that ground again... not very effective. If they can see you, close in fast and get close enough that their artillery can't shoot without hitting their men. The only time one should not use this meathod is if you'd simply be cut down in the advance before you could effectively hit the enemy. If that's the case, try having non-supressed units supress the enemy while the ones coming under fire advance. Finally, keep advancing. Often, an ok attack now is better than a perfect one later. If you can keep up a diciplined advance, then their artillery won't be able to draw a bead on you... by the time the rounds start hitting the trees you massed in, you're already 1/4 a mile away from 'em and running like hell toward your next objective! Keep up the pressure, and force the enemy to play by your rules. Even on the defensive, a tactical offensive may very well whip an enemy while they're still getting set. Just remember that patience is only a virtue when you have done all there is to do already. This philosophy borrows heavily from Patton, and I quote him indirectly several times here. It has always prooven very effective for me.
  7. However, clumps of dirt or stones scattered arround inside and especially around the edges wouldn't seel to take too much away from an artillery crater IMO. ------------------ busboy CO, 99th Dragons A Warbirds Squadron 'We will heat you up' "It is well that war is so terrible, else we would grow too fond of it." -Robert E. Lee
  8. Michael, war is indeed horrible, but it is also inevitable. As long as man is man, there will be war. Every time war "has been abolished" it has merely returned with suprise. George Washington said "in times of peace, prepare for war." Any nation that does not prepare for the posability of hostile agression will surely and rightly be conquered if they are threatened. War should be avoided if possible. However, that does not make preperation for war a dishonorable persuit. Weapons are not made for the killing of humans, they are made for the protection of humans. I guess thats a "half full or half empty" philosophy. However, as long as man is man, there will be war. To embrace the way of blissfully-ignorant-but -well-meaning-pacifist is a great crime. We should always be pro-peace, but never anti-war. ------------------ busboy CO, 99th Dragons A Warbirds Squadron 'We will heat you up' "It is well that war is so terrible, else we would grow too fond of it." -Robert E. Lee
  9. I read a first hand account of a gunner using the 37mm canister shot, he said he fired 3 rounds at a group of 8 german infantry at close range. The noise scared 'em into surrendering without a scratch on 'em. In other things I have read, I have never gotten the impression that it was a very useful weapon from such a small caliber ------------------ busboy CO, 99th Dragons A Warbirds Squadron 'We will heat you up' "It is well that war is so terrible, else we would grow too fond of it." -Robert E. Lee
  10. If its not listed, then its 100% I believe. ------------------ busboy CO, 99th Dragons A Warbirds Squadron 'We will heat you up' "It is well that war is so terrible, else we would grow too fond of it." -Robert E. Lee
  11. I can see it. It looks very nice actually, just not really historical. Its a very good Mod, and I'm sure people would love to have it, atleast until one of the "big" Mod makers get around to it. However, never feel overshadowed by the works of others. ALL Mods are appreciated. The members of the community genuenly appreciate the use f your time to provide the community with another option for bettering a great game. ------------------ busboy CO, 99th Dragons A Warbirds Squadron 'We will heat you up' "It is well that war is so terrible, else we would grow too fond of it." -Robert E. Lee
  12. That "America's Funniest Home Videos" you're reffering sounds alot like one of any number of cop shows where they show where some wacko stole an M60 from a California national guard base and just started causing havoc. The police had to kill the nut. I dunno if that clip is what you're reffering to, but remember that while it is funny, that a life was lost, and a lives were changed. I hope the fella who had to use deadly force didn't feel guilty over it, the fella had an M60 complete with ammunition on a major highway in southern California... Hehe, I can see it... "Wadda ya mean "heavy traffic??" ------------------ busboy CO, 99th Dragons A Warbirds Squadron 'We will heat you up' "It is well that war is so terrible, else we would grow too fond of it." -Robert E. Lee
  13. Hussars, I DID read your post. I'm a little dismayed that you didn't give me the benifit of the doubt there. Furthermore, I find it hypocritical that you get mad at people making jokes about it, and then you proceed to do it yourself. My point remains valid, I think the most likely explination is another crew right next to it somehow. (walking in sinc, with the same fact, in the same direction...ect) If you clicked on the "cluster" it is possible that you'd only get the ID reading from 1 of the 2 squads. Thats simply the only thing I can think of, other than a "fart" in the game processing, and I think THAT would have more numerous and noticable changes. I offered my point as a very possible explination, and did not take your evidence lightly. Please don't be so quick to underestimate people. And I still say that's DAMN funny! ------------------ busboy CO, 99th Dragons A Warbirds Squadron 'We will heat you up' "It is well that war is so terrible, else we would grow too fond of it." -Robert E. Lee
  14. If I recall, grenades AREN'T tracked individually in CM, what you see is merely a graphical abstraction of the real. Maybe those grenades could be handled like gammon bombs and so forth are handled now. And for that matter... what about moletov cocktails? Other than that, good list IMO. I'd personally like to see the terrain tile size be cut in half for some things, so buildings can be closer to walls for example. ------------------ busboy CO, 99th Dragons A Warbirds Squadron 'We will heat you up' "It is well that war is so terrible, else we would grow too fond of it." -Robert E. Lee
  15. My guess would be that by some incredable happening, two "crews" from two different things happened to be walking in the same direction at the same time, and in almost the same place. Thats pretty funny IMO. ------------------ busboy CO, 99th Dragons A Warbirds Squadron 'We will heat you up' "It is well that war is so terrible, else we would grow too fond of it." -Robert E. Lee
  16. Thanks for the help all, I'll take this all into consideration. Any advice on where I could buy a card online? ------------------ busboy CO, 99th Dragons A Warbirds Squadron 'We will heat you up' "It is well that war is so terrible, else we would grow too fond of it." -Robert E. Lee
  17. Hello all, I have just incresed my RAM on my Mac G3 300 mhz tower to 192 Megs. I now need to get my new 3d card. I admit now that I know little about this stuff. Anyway, I need a card that'll plug into a PCI slot. So... what do I need? What's the difference between RAVE and OpenGL? I know OpenGL is the way Macs are going, so should I be getting a card with that in mind? What online store can I find a good deal on a card? Any advice is greatly appreciated. And for God's sake, no one make an anti-mac crack, even "in fun." It pisses off Mac users. If you don't have anything constructive to add, don't add anything. ------------------ busboy CO, 99th Dragons A Warbirds Squadron 'We will heat you up' "It is well that war is so terrible, else we would grow too fond of it." -Robert E. Lee
  18. I don't have much respect for that guy. I've seen several examples of him attack the Patton method of leadership, without noting even the idea behind what he was attacking. Secondly, on the cover of "Death Traps" he says something to the effect of "I quoted this book extensively in one of mine, which is the highest compliment I can give it." Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but that sounds fricken' arrogent to me, and I don't like it. ------------------ busboy CO, 99th Dragons A Warbirds Squadron 'We will heat you up' "It is well that war is so terrible, else we would grow too fond of it." -Robert E. Lee
  19. Ok, I got some, but don't poopoo me for mashing a dead horse, SOMEONE out there hasn't heard 'em. And excuse my piss-poor spelling and typos. Joke 1. After the start of WWI, things quickly degenerated to trench warfare, with both sides taking tremendous losses with no gain in territory or atvantage. The French immediately began looking for creative ways to break the deadlock. One idea they had was training marksmen to kill Germans even if they stuck their head into view from the trench for just an instant. The trick was, how to get the Germans to come into view. A simple solution was developed. Some pimply faced corpral noted that a common German name is Hans. It was supposed that if a French sniper called out for Hans across the trenches, SOMEONE was bound to instinctively look to see who called for him. So the French snipers went to war with a scoped rifle and a name. One month later the German ranks were near breaking. The population of "Hanses" in the German army had dropped greatly, and all Germans were afraid to even go near the front. Ear plugs were issued, but soldiers never kept them in long enough. The Germans needed to divise a countermeasure. It was at this critical moment that Germany's best sniper announced that he would beat the French at their own game. "Pierre is a common French name, so lets see how THEY like it!" The German high command had their doubts, so they decided to try it on a limited scale. The elite sniper personally volunteered to take the field. The next week, German moral was sky high as news that their hero was about to turn the tide. And so, the German sniper crept out of his trench one night to a hiding place he had selected. He waited until dawn, perfectly camoflauged, waiting for the moment to strike. A quiet moment fell across the trenches, and the German knew the time had come. He brought up his rifle, ready to fire and then gently called out... "Pierre? Oh Pierre? Are you over there Pierre?" And the reply from the French trench line? "Is that you Hans?" Joke 2. During the Phony War before the blitzkrieg through France, Jock, the French fighter ace was taking a break from aerial combat. So, he took his girlfriend Marrie out for a picnic by a small stream. After the meal, the two began to express their emotions in a physical manner. After an extended embrace, Marrie looked deep into Jock's eyes and said "Oh Jock kiss me!" Jock then proceeded to take a bottle of red wine from the picnic basket and pour it onto Marrie's mouth. "Jock, what are you doing?" asked a confised Marrie. "I am Jock, the French figher ace!" said Jock, "When I have red meat, I like to have red wine!" Ammused, Marrie consented and they continued with their passions. After a while, things began to "heat up" further. Marrie broke their contact and whispered to Jock "Oh Jock, kiss me lower..." After tearing off Marrie's blouse as desired, Jock then proceeds to begin soaking her chest with a bottle of white wine from their meal. Confused, Marrie asks "Jock, what are you doing?" "I am Jock, the French fighter ace, when I have white meat, I like to have white wine!" Marrie laughes, and they continue. After a short while, things really begin to heat up. Marrie stares at Jock with a look hot enough to melt lead and whispers "Oh Jock, kiss me LOWER." Jock proceeds to tear off Marrie's skirt, douse her with cognac, strike a match, and set her alight. This leaves Marrie highly upset. With a scream, Marrie charges into the nearby river and dives in to douse the flames. After comming up, she wades ashore and screams "Jock, WHAT THE HELL do you think you are doing?!?" With a smooth motion Jock stands up, snaps to attention and responds "I am Jock, the French figher ace! When I go down, I go down in flames!" ------------------ busboy CO, 99th Dragons A Warbirds Squadron 'We will heat you up' "It is well that war is so terrible, else we would grow too fond of it." -Robert E. Lee
  20. Sir, how can I put your sound files into my Mac's ResEdit CM data? I've yet to figure out a way. ------------------ busboy CO, 99th Dragons A Warbirds Squadron 'We will heat you up' "It is well that war is so terrible, else we would grow too fond of it." -Robert E. Lee
  21. Hey malthoff, just saw your reply and I wanted you to hear from a "Christian" that I don't mind that! I live in the "Bible Belt" of America, and after having every view of mine that doesn't fit in with "God's word" according to THEIR interpretation, I just wanted to show understanding and appreciation to you incase you're in a situation like me where free thinking is taken after with pointy sticks. I find Catholosism the closest to my spiritual views, even though I'm closer to an agnostic spiritualist who understands the lessons of many religions and calles That Which is Higher "God." However, in the end we're all in with the same thing. How is this on topic? Becuase Kelly's Heroes rules! ------------------ busboy CO, 99th Dragons A Warbirds Squadron 'We will heat you up' "It is well that war is so terrible, else we would grow too fond of it." -Robert E. Lee
  22. The Panther was in development before the T-34 was stumbled across. I'm sure the Panther took some lessons from the T-34, but the Mk V was not a rip-off or evolution. I agree that the T-34 was a fine tank, but Russia's stupidity combined with an indifference for human life led to horrible losses. I just can't stand Commie Russia... ------------------ busboy CO, 99th Dragons A Warbirds Squadron 'We will heat you up' "It is well that war is so terrible, else we would grow too fond of it." -Robert E. Lee
  23. Don't forget that Hank Williams Jr. song "All for the Love of Sunshine" too. Thats a classic when you have some "beautiful" Shermans come onto the map and start blasting everything... ------------------ busboy CO, 99th Dragons A Warbirds Squadron 'We will heat you up' "It is well that war is so terrible, else we would grow too fond of it." -Robert E. Lee
  24. Very nice sir. I expecially like the Linx. Would you mind sending it to me, or taking the good gentleman's advice and post these? Just because your name isn't tiger doesn't mean your stuff isn't worthwile. And ALL the community appreciates your efforts even if they don't all use your Mods. Salute! (e-mail: busboy@texramp.net) ------------------ busboy CO, 99th Dragons A Warbirds Squadron 'We will heat you up' "It is well that war is so terrible, else we would grow too fond of it." -Robert E. Lee
  25. This seems like a good place to ask so... How can I convert the individual sound files (ment for PCs) to a format that I can plop into the ResEdit sound files on my Mac? I've had no sucsess so far... ------------------ busboy CO, 99th Dragons A Warbirds Squadron 'We will heat you up' "It is well that war is so terrible, else we would grow too fond of it." -Robert E. Lee
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