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Posts posted by Hawkmek

  1. The Priority Mail envelope greeted me at the mailbox this evening.

    Install went smooth.

    Currently browsing the 51 page PDF manual to see what information wasn't supplied to us before now.

    I may run back to work tonite and print it out.

    Planning on invading Poland in 10 minutes or so.

    Looking forward to many hours waging war.

    Thanks again BFC, Hubert, Fury and all the little people I have forgotten to mention.

  2. Great news! I'll look for my copy on the 7th.

    CMBO took a week, I'll expect the same this time.

    I have purposely NOT been playing SC these last two weeks. The end of demo was killing me.

    I can hold out another week until my master plan for world domination comes to fruition.

    As always excellent customer support from our friends at BFC.


    That's what I am talking about!

    We can have tank vs. tank between these two juggernauts and determine a final winner.

    One Panther

    One Tiger

    1KM square map

    May the best cat win.

    Shouldn't be hard to implement. Make German

    Units available during the Allies unit purchase.

    Has potential for some interesting battles.

  4. I second the comment on HQs. They are a must for any kind of sustained offensive. Just watch your supply and readiness dwindle when a unit is far from home and no HQ is around.

    I think the Italians must make an HQ purchase if they hope to fight successfully in the Med.

  5. I think they should have Luckenbach, Texas in there too. It is not a big city and I don't live there, but they wrote a song about it.

    And yes, I know the US is mis-represented in SC, Texas is not even on the map!

    More Anti-Americans I guess. tongue.gif

    [ July 23, 2002, 10:50 AM: Message edited by: Hawkmek ]

  6. So tell us all about it. How cool is it? I still have a few more hours of work.

    Was the download fast? Did it install flawlessly?

    Do the little tank treads turn when you move thru the Low Countries?

    Got my order in, now another month of waiting. At least the Gold Demo will tide me over some.

  7. I am eagerly awaiting the pre-order and Gold Demo download(I hope) today also.

    As for scenarios and campaigns, believe me, with this group you will have more scenarios to try then you would have ever imagined.

    They will be hosted on multiple sites, they will be categorized/criticized/rated/reviewed/poked and prodded.

    This community will see to it.

    Just stop by BFC daily and check to see the latest news.

  8. Originally posted by J Wagner: when the game will actually ship
    Last I heard it will ship NLT July 31st.

    We should be playing mid-August at the latest.

    Dam that HAGS guy! We May have already had the game or the Gold Demo by now if it wasn't for his stupid ass!

  9. I've been watching this forum for the past few days and have only seen confirmation of pre-order being available on Friday, July 19th.

    No one has confirmed or denied that the Gold Demo would also be available on that date. They did say Wednesday, it would be a matter of days so anytime from Friday on is possible.

    Could Hubert or MMatt clear this up? I wonder?

  10. Originally posted by Immer Etwas:We'll have the Gold Demo to play -- all weekend!

    From whence do you get your information?

    Can I bank on that? I will be able to order and download the demo this Friday (July 19th) or were you referring to another weekend?

    Wonder what time it will be available? Should I stay home from work for a couple of hours, or just wait til evening and fight for bandwidth with the rest of you guys.

  11. Looks like I was one week premature. Pretty close though.

    Now where do I set my lawn chair in line for the pre-order ordering frenzy that will commence on Friday.

    Originally quoted by me:

    Here are my calculations of "early summer".

    Summer Starts: June 21

    Summer Ends: Sep 23

    Days of summer: 94

    Midsummer: Aug 7th

    First quarter of Summer: June 21 thru July 14th

    My guess : Week ending July 12

  12. Well, I had done some calculations as to when early summer would be and I had picked this week to be the week. Now I hear End of July will be the release date. That is getting into the more mid-early summer approaching mid-mid summer.

    What did people do before these great games, the internet, and forums?

  13. Just saw where CMBB is slated to be out NLT Sep 20.

    So I think I can safely assume I will be enjoying the full version of StratComm WAY before then.

    Is this a correct assumption, Hubert?

    Please don't take the fifth like all those corporate pansies.

  14. Ireland?

    We Yanks will have to wait for it to cross the sea?

    BAH! We are so spoiled. I want it in 3-5 days!

    I heard CMBB and StratComm would be out in "early summer" which is also "very soon".

    Here are my calculations of "early summer".

    Summer Starts: June 21

    Summer Ends: Sep 23

    Days of summer: 94

    Midsummer: Aug 7th

    First quarter of Summer: June 21 thru July 14th

    My guess : Week ending July 12

    We need to get a pool going on these release dates.

  15. Ireland?

    We Yanks will have to wait for it to cross the sea?

    BAH! We are so spoiled. I want it in 3-5 days!

    I heard CMBB and StratComm would be out in "early summer" which is also "very soon".

    Here are my calculations of "early summer".

    Summer Starts: June 21

    Summer Ends: Sep 23

    Days of summer: 94

    Midsummer: Aug 7th

    First quarter of Summer: June 21 thru July 14th

    My guess : Week ending July 12

    We need to get a pool going on these release dates.

  16. Well, we can now reliably cross off June 22 as a possible release date.

    All we have to do now is start a rumor that the game will be released July 1 and wait for MMatt

    to deny it.

    Eventually we will narrow down the dates to a small window and . . and . . aww Hell, by then it will be out anyway.

    Just pass the time with mindless GTA3 play.

  17. Well, According to Hoyle, there was a rumor that CMBB was to be released in T-minus 8* days. It was said SC would be out when CMBB was out.

    So the next two weeks should prove interesting.

    Pre-orders anyone?

    *8 days from message post date would be JUNE 22.

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