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Posts posted by Hawkmek

  1. I have not played all the original scenarios yet, but of the ones I have played on the CD:

    Wiltz (My M-10 was amazing)


    Valley of Trouble

    anyone else play the demo Chance Encounter, learning the game, then try VoT and were awestruck when that beautiful valley appeared? I got chills.

  2. Another fellow Texan here. I am familiar with the ALTEX you are talking about. I'm in Cedar Park.

    I was going to ask if you have an AGP video card and if so, make sure your number PCI slot is empty.

    I was trying to share my IRQ between a NIC in slot one and my AGP Leadtek Winfast GeForce DDR. I was having lockups all the time, I am runing ME also. After pulling the NIC and putting it in another PCI slot, all my problems went away.

    Good luck

  3. Well, I'm convinced also. I will have to get another stick of 128 for my system.

    Curently I have an Athlon 700, Leadtek GeForce 256 DDR with 32 Megs o' Ram and 128MB system Ram. I also get stutters when panning around the battlefield. Since Ram is so cheap, I'll make the purchase and let you know if the stutters go away. BTW Canuck, I also have had no worries with the GeForce and CM or any other game for that matter.

    "If logistics were easy, it would be called tactics." --lame quote from my old Guard unit.

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