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Posts posted by Hawkmek

  1. So you are saying I will be playing CMBB before StratComm is ready?

    How will I divide my time?

    I know, I'll attack Russia, plot a few turns, ALT+TAB over to CMBB(since these are the only two games to use these keys proficiently) and commence a close up "Tank Icon vs Army Icon" in CMBB.

    That should keep me busy and get that divorce thing started.

    Looking forward to a summer in front of the computer. Too damn hot in Texas in July anyway.

  2. I know it has probably been asked, but a quick search was no help.

    Can anyone give a date when BTS will accept orders? Or can someone steer me to a thread that will tell me.

    Love the game but that time limit is a bitch! Just when I am doing really well or about to be doing very poorly it's over.

  3. Last night I researched Jet Power and immediately got it. My luck continued the next few turns with increases up to 13 without any additional investments (I didn't know this was possible).

    The icons on my air units changed to swept wing --262's I guess. Sound effects also changed on the attack from prop to jet engines.

    Surprising discovery. Looking forward to other advances in the full game.

  4. AMD all the way!!

    Best chip, best price.

    I went AMD long ago because of price and have no complaints. I still have my old 233 in the kid's room and am currently running the discontinued Slot A 700 on an EPOX mobo.

    Just supply ample power (300Watts min) and adequate cooling and you should have no worries.

    Looking forward to upgrading soon to an XP 1.7 or whatever is the bestest cheapest chip at that as yet undetermined time.

  5. AMD all the way!!

    Best chip, best price.

    I went AMD long ago because of price and have no complaints. I still have my old 233 in the kid's room and am currently running the discontinued Slot A 700 on an EPOX mobo.

    Just supply ample power (300Watts min) and adequate cooling and you should have no worries.

    Looking forward to upgrading soon to an XP 1.7 or whatever is the bestest cheapest chip at that as yet undetermined time.

  6. I am not using it. Been seeing alot about it and from everyone's praise, it sounds like I should take the leap and get it. Is it available at CMHQ?

    Pretty happy with my mods as they are now, but always willing to improve.

    I'll prolly get it implemented a week before CMBB is out.

    [ January 30, 2002, 09:48 AM: Message edited by: Hawkmek ]

  7. I heard this quarter. If that is true then just 2 more months til the "deadline". My boss said I would get a raise also this quarter.

    I bet CMBB is out before I get a raise!

    I agree with STed though. They can tenatively schedule a release date, but if bug pops up, BTS will take the time to make it right.

    Remember that Ketchup commercial in the 70s?


    [ 01-25-2002: Message edited by: Hawkmek ]</p>

  8. Head Mahone,

    I wondered what that little hole was for. I thought it was a seepage hole when the CD would spin too quickly and work up a sweat.

    Try as I might, I couldn't get a paper clip in there. I tried it both ways ...head on and sideways.

    BTW, 6 weeks left in the year, whens CMBB coming out?

    Commence yelling!

  9. Go to eBay and get one. The auction may last a week, but the shipping time shouldn't.

    And some items you can buy immediately, if you are willing to pay.

    Have not even checked to see if there are any on eBay now though. CM is still a HOT item!


    no sig here

  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Over the past few months or so, i have been receiving a steady stream of criticism regarding some of the content that has been published on the site. Basically, this has been specifically directed at the lack of quality and historical accuracy of the some of the material that has been submitted. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Some people feel the need to always correct others. Be it spelling/grammar or historical data on the Widget MKIV.

    You are the one who puts in your time and wffort, not them. You are the one who provides a needed service for the CM community. Keep up the good work, look at our positive remarks, ignore the negative.

    Randal says it all in Clerks,

    "I hope it feels so good to be right. There's nothing more exhilirating than pointing out the shortcomings of others, is there?"

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