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Everything posted by Scipio

  1. I wonder how long after the US release it will take til CMBB will be sold in European shops. CM:BO needed more than a year. [ June 23, 2002, 04:28 AM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  2. And you would be breaking the law, duh.</font>
  3. Bruno Have I missed the Finnish issue of the CM:BO manual? I assume the Finnish players can also use an English manual. BTW, I assume even the Finnish language can be digitized.
  4. Michael, nothing keeps somebody away from doing this now. With a scanner and an OCR software I can digitize the manual in less then one hour.
  5. Good idea, especially for oversea customers. I can burn the CD and print the manual from a PDF file on my own. This would spare shipping time and costs.
  6. Fortunately it is not that easy. Even if the turn is send in ASCII, it is (AFAIK) encoded and compressed. Of course, every code can be broken, but I think the effort and the benefit is in no senseful propotion. Don't let us forget that we talk about a game, and there is only one person on the world that really knows how it works. Beside that, to know the map or the enemy forces can be an advantage, but IMO, at last depents all on your and your opponents abilitys. Hitler for example wasted whole armys for senseless propaganda issues and rashly actions, like Stalingrad or Kursk.
  7. Please move the OT threat to the General Forum
  8. It is not known how many FG 42 were produced, or many reached the troops, the sources say 1500-7000. Frontline test are described as 'very successful' (Infantriewaffen Gestern, Band 1). The FG42 was technical a very advanced weapon. The US M-60 for example is based partially on the FG42 (and NOT, as often claimed, on the MG-42).
  9. Okay, I guess we clarify the details when you you are ready to start.
  10. I usually prefer also mortars only. Not because of any doctrine, they simply deliver the shells with shorter delay then 'normal' artillery. I challenged you in your 'Challenge' threat. If you should ever consider to play with me, we should do a pure Infantry + Artillery battle. With or without Artillery purchase limit, whatever you want .
  11. Fionn, you should see the idea behind my rule. I see a QB as some kind of 'typical daily action'. - CM is played on battalions level, so I think artillery support can be given by the Battalion, Regiment or Division. The usual maximum caliber is 150mm (or the allied counterpart) on divisional level. I think the bigger calibers should be used in (historical) scenarios only. I assume you follow a similiar idea in your rules. - It is correct that an artillery position has more shells available than in CM. But we are talking about only (maximum) one hour of action, and our battle is not necessarily the only or even most important spot of the frontline. It's just daily action, otherwise again -> SCENARIO! So for our part of the front is only a specific limit of support available during the battle. - A lot of the ammo was used for widespreaded preparation barrage, not for the support on demand. - CM allows us to use artillery very exact, we can fire on enemy positions with nearly surgical precision. So I think we have with less shells as much success as it was common in reality with much higher ammo usage, and I think also we can guide the fire with a much better timing then it was ussual (or possible?). -Another point is that 5x120 spotters can cover a bigger area, instead on two, deliver more shells at the same time or on more targets because they have more shells. 120mm and 155mm don't fight in the same army , but the cost are not important anyway. You can get 2 reg 150mmm for 384 or 4 120mm for 408. The two 150mm delivers a blast total of (mathematic) 13860, the four 120mm of 16000. That's a difference of +12% at the cost vs a difference of +15% for the blast. [ June 12, 2002, 08:06 AM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  12. IIRC, Madmatt said a half year ago that 95% of the game are ready. Seems to be very big 5%. [ June 10, 2002, 12:29 PM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  13. Good idea. Looks more realistic than the usual 'flat wheat' . But it could be a bit darker, don't you think?
  14. Scipio, If you can do all three at the same, then you are truly talented. </font>
  15. If there would be any competitor for the CM series, then BTS wouldn't take all the time in the world to finish CM:BB. CM has a real unique style. Well, sometimes I need a break, then I play a FPS, drink beer or have sex (not necessarily in this order )
  16. I know some people see a difference between loosing and learning. I don't. So if you really the Über-Fionn as everyone says, I would be proud get my butt kick. I'm always happy to learn some new tricks.
  17. WineCape, please let us know who starts and which ladder each player represents. I'm a little bit confused - as always
  18. Okay, Deathdealer is the official WarfareHQ player. His email adress is already somewhere above.
  19. To be true : I still believe that COMBAT MISSION is used by the same aliens! Have you ever seen a picture of Madmatt? [ June 04, 2002, 04:17 PM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  20. I understand that your social life is more important...but work??? Poor sod!
  21. Redwolf Of course I meant that ALL friendly troops will see the fire results if they have LOS to the impact zone. This may cause that a wrong firemission with a nevertheless acceptable result will be continued. But it this so unrealistic? A FO is not an isoltated person that runs over the battlefield. He is a specialist to guide artillery fire, but he does not command the fire. In a CM game it is realistic to see it this way: he is attached to a frontline unit, this units commander give him the order to fire on a target, and the FO follow this order and guide the fire. Of course, the commander of the unit is also not independent, he as some kind of communication net with his subunits. So hide the impact zone makes sense when no friendly unit has LOS. But something to keep in mind is of course delay. If artillery fires, it should take some time to STOP the fire. This can cause some very unpleasant results in case of a missguided firemission. But of course we also would need than generally fireplans in the way like 'Fire twenty shells to location x,y' - similar how fireorders are given in the real world (at least in my mortar unit).
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