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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Scipio

  1. It can be seen that way: yes, the US and other foreign countries have invaded Afghanistan. Yes, they have removed the former Islamic fundamentalist Taleban goverment. I would believe that (mainly) the US has done this to liberate the Afghan people, if one of the most important allies in this region (Saudi-Arabia) wouldn't have the same fundamentalist regime, too. Mom?
  2. Well, that's the indirect method and can be used as temporary workaround; but even a single Javelin can be one to much, I think, while on the other hand the small arms ammo get's limited by setting the supply level, too, what's not necessarily the intention of the scenario designer.
  3. Something in the map editor I really miss from CMx1 is the way to draw roads etc. I understand that the tiles are handled different (and they are smaller), but the result on the map looks rather the same. The way it is done now is a nightmare for me...at least it is much more timeconsuming than before. It takes me 10 minutes to create a perfect 'X' street crossing, while in the old editor I needed just a single mouseclick. I would prefer to use this time for more important things...
  4. Would also be nice if we could directly edit the equipment that a vehicel carries, as for example reduce the number of Javelins. I would also prefer if we could remove the HQ unit of a formation. If formations and the chain of command are so important as it is pointed out in the manual (IIRC), than it should also be possible to cut the chain of command, right?
  5. Am I the only one who finds the AAR screen at the end of the battle a bit unsatisfying? The AAR screen simply shows the points similiar to CMx1. There is also, well, not a bug, but a logical error in the system. I can create a lot of different missions in the editor and explain them in briefing - if and how this is been done is of course the job of the scenario designer. But how is this connected to the points we get finally? I assume that many people are not interested very much into scenario design. But if you have no idea how the scenario design works, it's also difficult to understand why you get or points (or not) and why you have won or lost the scenario. Something that's often rather unlogic is also that you can start the scenario as winner of the scenario (hit the 'Cease fire' button as soon as the scenario is loaded. I assume that's more a problem of the scenario design as the way how the winner is calculated. [ December 05, 2007, 09:12 AM: Message edited by: Leopard II ]
  6. Igor! It's alive!!! I wonder if the modding support thing is included in the patch this time :confused:
  7. MarkEzra, I have tested the vehicel column once again and noticed that works much better now. I assume this has been improofed since V1.0, when I did my first test. However, I still think that commands for formations would be very helpfull.
  8. The whole story of CM:SF in 8 words: "What a great game this could be if...".
  9. I think this acoustic messages need a bit work. I guess MarkEzra is right that each unit reports on it's own because there's no Borg spotting anymore - but the only one who may need this message is the player, and he don't needs repeating messages about the same vehicel. I find the false reports indeed very irritating.
  10. Yes, I agree: you will wait forever!!!
  11. Infantry is indeed not a problem, as long as we talk about only a single squad. But vehicels!? I have no idea what you mean with 'mostly resolved with CMx2'. Would you please be so kind as to explain, since I have to assume that I have missed a very important feature.
  12. I often wonder why we do not have simple commands to build formations. I assume such things are still trained in modern armies; back in my military service we had simple commands like 'form line' and 'row' for our infantry groups. I guess there are also some to organize vehicel groups, too - just imagine what a simple click on a 'form column' button would do with the traffic jam that is usually the result if you order a group of vehicels to move together on a road. This is something that has been asked since the earliest CMx1 days....
  13. As far as I know, MadMatt is the PR person!? *giggle*
  14. News are like fresh fish in the sun. This 'news' are from Nov 13th. Smells worse than my shoes after work...
  15. I've completed the campaign scenario 'Dar al as Sud' with a total victory. When I click the 'End' button on the After Action Report screen, the next scenario starts loading, but the game freezes at 50%. I can only force to close CMSF in the Windows task manager.
  16. I have noticed two events that seem to cause that an infantry unit is locked (they do not accept any further movement orders) in 1.04: 1) If I cancel a movement order while a unit dismounts from a vehicel, so one part of the unit is in the vehicel, the other part is outside. 2) An infantry unit is spreaded to wide. I'm not sure how this has happend, but IIRC the unit was on assault. Just look the picture. [ October 25, 2007, 07:15 AM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  17. In the year 2012. Maybe 2011, if we buy Charles a bigger jar and better nutrient fluid.
  18. The problem is, CMSF is not capable to do very basic things the right way. I use 'simple' in the meaning of basic military/human behavior such as 'move from A to B' and 'make use of available cover and keep alive and healthy'. I understand that the basic concept of an actionspot-grid is necessary to reduce the needed computing resources for LOS/LOF calculations. But if (?) the same grid is used for movement, pathfinding and cover calculations, than it doesn't seem to work very well. In this case, the basic concept is a problem. [ October 13, 2007, 08:52 AM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  19. Huntarr, you are completly wrong. It absolutly doesn't matter what kind of movement order I give: the group always leaves the trench, what makes absolutly no sense. For the files: I have tested fast, quick & assault. Hunt doesn't makes any sense, since the unit has enemies in LOS and stops immidiatly, except I restrict the covered area, what's not really a good idea on attack. You don't need any military training to know that it's better not to leave the trench when the air contains lead.
  20. I have ordered a group to follow a trench, since they were under fire: Have a guess what happend: By the way, it's often rather difficult that 3D trenches are optically removed already at close/medium distance.
  21. Veteran, for a practical reason (as already mentioned by others): I can't select multiple units if the first selected unit has no LOS to the other units. Since I think that the LOS system even in elite mode is only half baked, I don't feel the need to make the game just uncomfortable to use for me.
  22. I really wonder why this project is still kept alive. The last time that Hunter or somebody from BFC has given word is from April 2007 when they were working on some bugs and Moon in May with a joke. Ain't it time for the burial of CMC?
  23. I wonder if unconventional blue forces ain't something that has been forgotten in CMSF? I guess all the folks working for companies like Black Water fall under this category. Even if they (maybe...) don't play a role in large offensive operations, they are surely important in many defensive situations before, during and after the CMSF time frame.
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