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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Scipio

  1. Gentlemen, some time ago I've dedicated a website to H2H and especially PBEM wargaming which was called 'Wargaming Scout'. I'm very pleased to get you informed about some important changes on the WargamerScout Website! Most important of all: WargamerScout has a new name and a new location! The new name and link is United Wargamers / http://www.unitedwargamers.net Returning users will notice some important changes if they visite the new site! Most important of all is for sure: I have installed a full featured forum software with all advantages of a modern forum: discuss all important things in a wargamers life - the best games and scenarios, the best beer while playing, how to get rid of wife and children if they keep you away from the computer etc etc... Luckily I was also able to merge the forum database and the old WargamerScout database, this means: all existing users can still log in with their usernames and passwords! Well, I guess you should simply take a look on the new site! Please do not hesitate to post a lot of challenges and use the forum! I look forward to welcome you!
  2. Gentlemen, some time ago I've dedicated a website to H2H and especially PBEM wargaming which was called 'Wargaming Scout'. I'm very pleased to get you informed about some important changes on the WargamerScout Website! Most important of all: WargamerScout has a new name and a new location! The new name and link is United Wargamers / http://www.unitedwargamers.net Returning users will notice some important changes if they visite the new site! Most important of all is for sure: I have installed a full featured forum software with all advantages of a modern forum: discuss all important things in a wargamers life - the best games and scenarios, the best beer while playing, how to get rid of wife and children if they keep you away from the computer etc etc... Luckily I was also able to merge the forum database and the old WargamerScout database, this means: all existing users can still log in with their usernames and passwords! Well, I guess you should simply take a look on the new site! Please do not hesitate to post a lot of challenges and use the forum! I look forward to welcome you!
  3. From my experience with the main module, you will be able to DL the game about ~12 hours earlier (or less, I'm not sure because of the timezone). Of course is this just an unofficial statement!
  4. I assume there's a PDF-manual in the download version? I would be pleased if it's more printer friendly!!!
  5. Moon, if I would have any knowledge about this things, I wouldn't have any fun to blame you for them ! To be ignorant makes things easy, at least on internet boards !
  6. Elmar, I know. But as Moon has mentioned above, European copies are shipped from Germany, and destination (in my case) is Germany, too. There is also no price difference for sending a CD or DVD in Germany, I did both already. This is BTW the case at bol.nl, too. I assume you'd be surprised if BOL would ask 12 or 13 € for shipping to the Netherlands, wouldn't you? Allow me to allege you futherly that you would at least request if this rate is justified. The German rates for sending a letter (without insurance) up to a weight of 500g are: €1.45 within Germany, €4.50 within the EU (incl. Swiss) and €8 to the rest of the world. € 2.20, €6, €12 for up to 1000g. Yes, I still think that €4.50 for shipping PLUS €9,- for packing and handling is way to much. Of course it must be considered that sending several copies in one package will rise the shipping costs for BFC. A single copy of CMSF incl a thick manual weights ~260g, a normal DVD/game with no manual weights ~150g. Calculate yourself . Anyway, I'm happy with the download version for a module. Burning it on a blank CD costs me just some cents today.
  7. Martin, obviously I can speak only of my privat 'shipping & handling' calculations when sending a CD to somebody. But maybe should I talk with Steve about your salary. It is obviously to high, if it blows up the handling costs so much! Jedenfalls, sag mir bescheid falls Du in Freiburg wohnst, dann komm ich mir meine Kopie grad abholen!
  8. I'm sorry for beeing such a smartass, Moon. Indeed I had choosen mail order in the past for everything I purchased directly at Battlefront.com, too. It is just that I paid $20 shipping&handling for shipment from US to Germany (IIRC), what's fine for international, transcontinental shipment. I also wouldn't mind to pay 6 or 7 Euro for shipment & handling within Germany, what is still a normal rate here. But asking for 8 or 9 Euro just for packing and handling (~12-13.50 US-$) doesn't, well, 'looks good'. Especially if shipping & handling inside the USA is just 10$ total.
  9. Moon, if the hardcopy is produced in Germany and as i assume also shipped from Germany, why the hell do I have to pay $20 for shipment??? Price for sending a CD or DVD with the Deutsche Post within Germany is just €1.44...
  10. So it's obviously better for the most part of the world to wait for the final release. Doesn't makes much sense to pre-order anyway, since I will have the DL-version as fast as my internet connection allows, while a hardcopy of the game is one of the most senseless things in the world! It needs some weeks to arrive in Germany - and can only be used as a dust catcher, since I don't need it to play at all. Beside the possibilty that the CD will contain just an outdated version of the game/module, if I think about the update-feast after the release of CMSF.
  11. Steve has once mentioned that the BFC policy is to allow moding of the sound files and the texture BMPs, because they don't that everybody can make everything out of the game. I can understand that do some degree, especially regaring third party changes on the weapons systems and OOBs and such. But I wonder if this is necessary for map objects, too. Do you know the game 'Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion'? There is an official tool to add third party objects to the game. Of course I'm just dreaming, but something similiar for CMx2 would be great, too. I doubt that it would be dangerous for the CMx2 sales if people could enter new flavor objects, maybe even complete new buildings.
  12. Mh, I have turned all graphic settings to low details, shadows off, FSAA off, but without result. Updating the driver didn't change anything, too. BTW, I don't believe that a slow system has something to do with it. Mine is not state-of-art, but an Intel E8400 with 2x3GHz + Geforce 8800GT shouldn't cause a performance problem. So assume this effect is caused by some kind of CMSF build-in soundfilter. Slug88, it seems to me that the effect is different depending on the weapon that is fired, or maybe on the soundfile that is used than. The effect is very strong (and strange) if you listen to the Bradley 25mm gun, for example, and seem to get worse if the sound has a long fade out.
  13. I'm currently trying to make some (gun) sound mods and have noticed something, especially with automatic weapons: the single shots are changing treble/bass and such with each single shot, what causes a really strange effect. I don't think that this is a bug since this happens IIRC since version 1.01, so I assume this is supposed to be some kind of feature, so that there is a little more acoustical variance on the battlefield. If so, then I don't think that it works well. The effect is, as said, just strange. Beside that, I think it's also rather unrealistic. Maybe I'm not an expert for guns, but even I have enough experience to know that each weapon has it's special sound. It may be a little bit different sometimes depending on the ambiance/echo, but surely not to that degree, for each single shot in a salvo and completly random. Would it be possible to reduce this effect or turn it off completly? Maybe with a simple setting in an INI file?
  14. I notice this frequently at the beginning of a PBEM-turn movie: vehicels stick their front into the ground and shake their ass in the air. I always believed it's just a funny visual bug, but has no other effect, but now I have noticed that I'm wrong! As you can see on the image below, LOS is affected. The building in the green circle is the sheduled target area, while the shots go right into the earth and a close building that's occupied by own(!) troops. (red circles). PBEM file can be provided if necessary. As said I see this frequently, maybe in two of three turns.
  15. Elmar, it's nice that you bother your head in good intent about other peoples bussiness, but don't you think that the BFC staff monitors this forum and this topic, and that they may have locked it up if my request incurs their displeasure? But if you should worry that they haved missed it, feel free to make yourself a hero and report it to them. :cool: But anyway, thank you for bumbing it up!
  16. Errr, this is the BFC forum, and I assume the staff has a look on it. Maybe it would be nice if they post the map here? Finally it is just used for scenario design, and more scenario means (in theory) enhanced lifetime of the product = more sales of the game and the modules.
  17. Hi JohnO, unfortunatly I have no email received from you ! Yes, I still need the map! May I ask you to try again? Maybe it's a good idea if you send it directly to petzi-mg at gmx dot net
  18. Yes, this: SYRIAN BIG MAP is what I'm looking for. Unfortunatly is the image on the BFC webpage to small (at least twice as big would be fine) and it's tilted
  19. Has somebody the map from the CMSF special editon available? A large scale scan in (preferably) PNG-format would be nice! I need it for design purposes!
  20. I agree, most infantry movement commands doesn't make much sense, and they don't work very well. It looks to me like a squad is visually displayed as group of individual soldiers, but organized in program terms still like the three-man abstraction of CM1. Or in other words, one of the most wanted CM1 features - individuals soldiers - was impleted, but the basic simulation/organisation of the squad in program terms is still (mostly) the same like the abstracted three-man squad of CM1. Unfortunatly that doesn't work well for movement and cover.
  21. I have already written in the past that I'm not to happy with the result screen. Point is, there are a lot of very different objectives possible that can be simulated with the available settings and a little bit fantasy by the scenario designer. But what do I as the player get on the result screen? Just a couple of abstracted numbers that doesn't mean much to me if I have no idea of scenario design. Especially I have no idea why or why not the OTHER side has achieved/not achieved their goals. I have made some thoughts about it. Why not enable the scenario designer to enter custom message about the success or failure of the various objectives? Example (I pick up something that Steve once mentioned). To give the blue side a handicap in a city combat scenario, I can set in the scenario design a couple of buildings that must be preserved as hidden objective. The only information the blue side get in the briefing is something like: 'Avoid collateral damage, we want to look good on CNN tonight'. At the moment : if the player should have destroyed one of the buildings anyway, he get just a "Objective x: no" message. Meaningless. Boring. The alternative I propose is something like: 'Congratulations, your are on CNN tonight while wiping out a Kindergarten'! :eek: Okay, my example is not the very best, I guess. Please don't nail me down on that. But I hope you get the idea behind it: custom success/failure messages on the result screen for custom objectives. I believe that brings some more realism and feeling for the mission to the game!
  22. Hi folkes, I guess it's a good idea to post this here, since most WargamerScout members belong to this forum, too! I have made two important changes on the www.wargamerscout.net site! Firstly, if you have posted a challenge, you will now be notified by email if somebody picks it up. This feature can be switch on an of on the 'Edit your details' page. Secondly, if you go to the 'Edit your details' page, you can now also preset if you want to be notified by email if somebody else has posted a new challenge for your prefered game!
  23. Hi folkes, I guess it's a good idea to post this here, since most WargamerScout members belong to this forum, too! I have made two important changes on the www.wargamerscout.net site! Firstly, if you have posted a challenge, you will now be notified by email if somebody picks it up. This feature can be switch on an of on the 'Edit your details' page. Secondly, if you go to the 'Edit your details' page, you can now also preset if you want to be notified by email if somebody else has posted a new challenge for your prefered game!
  24. Hi folkes, I guess it's a good idea to post this here, since most WargamerScout members belong to this forum, too! I have made two important changes on the www.wargamerscout.net site! Firstly, if you have posted a challenge, you will now be notified by email if somebody picks it up. This feature can be switch on an of on the 'Edit your details' page. Secondly, if you go to the 'Edit your details' page, you can now also preset if you want to be notified by email if somebody else has posted a new challenge for your prefered game!
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