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Everything posted by Scipio

  1. Seriously, I would prefer France instead of Canada. Nothing wrong with Canada, for sure, but the French have a lot of different toys. It would also be one of the few acceptable excuses for the rediculous long delay!!! Oh, and Syrian Air support...and AA :eek::eek::eek:. Where are the voices at BFC who argumented long and deep that this things are completly unrealistic? Now I'm just waiting for the T-80 to come by...
  2. Reichmann, I wouldn't set much store by something that Steve says about the progress of base games/modules. He usually says that this thing we are talking about is already in a very progressive state, close to release, 80% finished etc, as well as he said that they will release 1-2 base games and double so much modules per year, since the CMx2 engine is so fantastic in regards or programming and development. I guess this is just kind of this US-american excessive optimistic thinking and speaking. 'We are the best', 'Yes we can' and such
  3. Alan, I guess the mujaheddin will neither have air support nor ZSU-23 tanks available.
  4. I wonder how they will handel this in CM:A. IIRC, the Soviet defeat started when the USA begun to deliver Stinger-rockets to the Taliban.
  5. Okay, it's a bit late to come up with this, and I bet this issue has been handeld somewhere, but I wasn't able to find it with the forum search, or I found to many results.... Anyway, what was the reason why the Syrians doesn't use manportable AA like the SA-7, 14, 16? Even if the Allied Air-supermacy isn't as overmodeled in CMSF as it would be in reality....
  6. John, thank's but I'd found that one already (or have I missed I link I should click there?)
  7. Ah, yes, yes! Now force me to drink Liebfraumilch to my Eisbein... Regarding Bundeswehr, I found this extremly secret documents: http://www.deutschesheer.de/portal/a/heer/kcxml/04_Sj9SPykssy0xPLMnMz0vM0Y_QjzKLNzSLtzAIA8lB2c76kXDRoJRUfV-P_NxUfW_9AP2C3IhyR0dFRQAWk7fz/delta/base64xml/L3dJdyEvd0ZNQUFzQUMvNElVRS82XzE2XzhCRg!! and as overview http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/de/6/63/Germany_Heer.png Sufficiend for me, since I'm looking primary for battalion structur. Doesn't helps of course if you want to go below company structur.
  8. Mh, well, to bad...thanks for letting me know.
  9. Does somebody knows (internet) resources for the Syrian forces OOB? I do not mean the raw informations as shown in Wikipedia and other popular Google search results, I'm looking for more detailed infos and unit designations down to battalion level.
  10. Victory conditions are handled very differently. If you play PBEM, expect larger files. 'Larger' means up 40+ MB in large battles. QBs are crap.
  11. I'm playing 'British Mettle' by PBEM right now. Files are nearly 40 MB sized... In small battles, files are sized ~1-5 MB. Both players must have a really fast internet connection, or the file exchange will take 10 times longer as the turn...
  12. I second every word of that!!! However, a dedicted server to support and organize both RT and PBEM H2H matches directly from ingame would be very good.
  13. That's kinda necrophilia, isn't it??
  14. Ha, finally they've listen to me!!!
  15. CMBO had a tut? Or do you mean the demo? Ha, I bet my ass somebody will recreat the CMBO demo scenarios as soon as CM:N is out! Something else to look forward to...
  16. Retreating soldiers were ussually also shot in the Soviet Army of WWII. In the Military of less totalitarian nations I assume you report to the next best officer. However, good question
  17. The problem of 'unrealistic high casualties' is partially the timeframe of a CM battle. A CM battle is mostly compressed action. A CM battle that last for maybe one hour would take in reality a half day, maybe even more. If a US/UK/NAto commander would suffer only 5 dead or heavily wounded soldiers within 30 minutes, he would immidiately stop, withdraw and call for heavy support, his mama and the pope, while in CM you continue. You never have to fear that your pixeltruppen will simply disobey your orders when facing casualties.
  18. What the sense of the 'move' command? It might be just a personal issue but a) if I want to move troops, I usually use 'hunt' , maybe combined with a cover command, or I use quick, sometimes, but rarely I use fast. 'Move' is even slower as 'hunt' and troops are less attentiv anyway. Bad on 'hunt' is just that all further movement commands are canceled as soon as an enemy comes in viewrange. I think the CMx1 'hunt' was the better solution.
  19. Hi Sivodsi ! That's strange, I have not set any access limitations to my site. Maybe it's a temporary problem, or your internet-provider is blocking my website-provider for some reason. But you should definetly find me with the search term 'peter' in the repository. If nothing helps, drop me a line.
  20. I doubt that this "reasons" are lacking the informations. But nevermind, ain't important anyway.
  21. Rather unlikely that I'll redo them once more. It took me nearly a week to do the full set, I won't repeat this work again. Sorry.
  22. It means he has to much free time!?! Something will be released after the weekend!!! *gasp*
  23. Well, to bad. That means I have to eternally blame BFC for not releasing all theatres I want to see and futhermore not even releasing all other theatres at the speed I want them to have. *sight* I'm doomed...
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