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Posts posted by ParaBellum

  1. Originally posted by Charlie901:

    Yes this tank did have them at the end of WWII. Just wondering if this tanks sights are taken into account during night combat and if not can this be addressed in patch?

    Imagine hunting Stalins in total darkness! :D

    Do you have any sources for that? I've never heard of Jagdtigers with infra-red sights before.

    Some Panthers? Yes.

    I think I even heard of some Jagdpanthers ith IR sights but never Jagdtigers.

  2. I just played a little defense QB against the AI. AI purchased forces, AI force+100%, AI level+1.

    I got a weak (2 Plts)company of Panzergrenadiers, a marder, a 20mm HT, a Flak truck and a 81mm FO.

    Ah, forgot the most important:

    a regular 105mm gun.

    This puny force was pitted against a soviet infantry battallion with light armour support.

    I guess the gun crew deserves an extra Schnapps this evening... :D


    Being in command of a moral+2/combat+2 HQ might have helped a bit, too... :D

  3. Here we see the famous commander of the Aufklärungsabteilung of the 1.SS-HamsterPanzerdivision "The furry Führer", Oberhamsterführer Kurzhaar in his command vehicle, supervising the appliance of a new camo scheme on his Panzers.


    Edit: thx to Panzerdiesel for the original pics

    And a BIG thx to the fabulous Kitty, may she return to CMBB one day...

    [ December 18, 2002, 03:22 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  4. On a recent trip to the Militärgeschichtliche Forschungsamt I stumbled across a fascinating, long lost story of WWII armoured combat:

    The history of the schwere Panzerhamster Abteilung 101!

    The sPhA 101 was formed in August 1942 and was sent to its first combat mission with General Hoth's 4th Panzer Army in the attack to relieve the 6th army in Stalingrad.

    In fact, while the bulk of 4th Panzer Army was fought to a standstill by the Red Army, the sPhA 101 succeded in breaking through the russian lines and reached Stalingrad.

    Unfortunately OKW hadn't informed 6th Army about the newly created Hamstertruppen and thus their arrival in the city got noticed by noone.

    The Abteilung fought bravely within the Kessel and true to their motto "Hamsters do not surrender!" refused to lay down their arms and fought their way back to the german lines.

    Despite having lost all heavy equipment and suffered more than 80% casualties the morale among the surviving members was still high and they were immeditaly sent back to Germany to be refitted.

    This picture was taken at Hammelburg, where the new crews were trained under the supervision of veteran Panzer crews.


  5. Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

    Portabella Muchroom, you haven't sent me YOUR TURN yet you punk-rocking, hair-painting, non-face-shaving, TNT-eating, foul-mouthed, general-wannabe maggot!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

    Wipe the drool from your ugly mug and get with it Brocolli Balls!! :mad:


    According to my "sent mail folder" I sent you .._85.txt two days ago.

    Didn't you get it?

  6. Yup, and it's personally delivered by members of the swedish bikini team.

    And they've included a bottle of scotch to compensate for all the hassle. And a christmas cookie. And the full encyclopeadia of WWII tanks.

    For free! In colour! Signed by M.Wittman!

    And did I mention the swedish bikini team?


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