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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Holien

  1. After reading this I can see where I have recently gone wrong. I would add weight to the view that you don't put your guns in a position where it can cover a large amount of open ground. The more open ground it can cover the more chance there will be multiple tanks / nastys that can fire at it. Recently I sited an AT Gun to cover a wide open plain on the theroy that it could hit anything in the open. My mistake in this approach was that the one gun had 12 shermans on view. My next mistake was to engage at long range in the view that they might not see me. I managed to get one Sherman but was then wiped by the others. When I look at the map now I can see I would have been better to place it slightly more to the rear and at an angle to the town it was defending. This would have restricted the view and while reducing the targets, it would have survied longer and maybe killed more. As for firing wait until they are as close as possible. Try and call down some Arty to button them and open up with some small arms fire to distract them. Once that happens you might get two or three in one go and if you are real lucky survie to get more. You want the best hit probability possible and only engage if you have a good or better chance of penetrating. I wish I had seen the advice above sooner... H
  2. No catch. A great site with some good players using it. If you like playing the game and like the idea of seeing where you rank then it is a good site. If you like playing the game and don't mind your rank it is great to find some skillful opponents and new tactic's. I guess the way they keep it running is through having normal day jobs and maybe a bit of site advertising. The new chat feature seems to work well (after a few false starts) and I have found some new opponents to play through it. So use it as there are no catches, only wins and losses..
  3. Hey, This will not be to your liking but my BT connection is on the whole quite reliable and while it does drop occasionally this only seems to be at peak usage in the early evening. Maybe there is some difference in line qualities around the country? I have a mate on NTL but they have a waiting period to join because of the uptake. He seems happy with NTL. I guess if you are in London that might be an option? H
  4. Hi, Just floating this to see if anyone else has noticed this. I have just done a search but seen nothing in last 30 days. Tanks in the TCP/IP release seem to fire off their smoke rounds against targets that are no threat and when they still have HE to suppress the enemy. I have seen this in a few TCP/IP games when my tanks have swapped to smoke when targetting Inf from a long range. The smoke graphics worked for that smoke. In one of those games I had some Arty and used the op to lay down a smoke screen for my advancing Inf. The rounds landed but no smoke came out. I toggled all the diff smoke settings but no smoke was displayed. As we were on a 2 min turn round I did not have time to concentrate on LOS and check that out. In another game my oppoent stated that he had laid a smoke screen but again I did not see it. My graphic card can deal with smoke as in a normal e-mail game I have used smoke and seen the graphics. Just wondering if anyone else has noticed this, or am I losing my mind. H
  5. Hi, I am now starting to get an idea of what the points can get and how the forces bought can be used and I see some value in what you are saying. To add my 2p there does seem to be a reliance on Paras and Hezters for the Germans. This was really brought home when I played a game where I brought some Archers. I thought lets try something different and see how they can do. I was totally destroyed by one Hetzer which took them one by one. As well as some HE landing close by. The chap had also got some Paras and theior fire power at close range is awesome. Well needless to say I lost. I think that there does seem to be some imbalance of points while I could have used some different tatics my tanks were hopelessly out classed. Now I know this lesson I will only buy Churchills which makes the game IMO boring as you always end up fighting the same units. To counter this I have made agreements with other players to not buy those sort of units. This worked well on Saturday when I played a small 500pt game on a small map ME 20 turns using 2min TCP/IP. It was one of the most intense gaming experiences I have had in recent years. While the other chap did get a HTz I had enough small point armour to ram some 50 cal shells into his rear at the end of the game from an Allied HT. I guess what I am saying is if the points can be re-visted I agree they should. I see fortifications cost less which is excellent. If they don't get re-adjusted then I will (and suggest others do) agree limits on what can be bought in the interest of intense game play. Cheers H
  6. ***** BIG DD ....give bts a break i think they have more important things to do right now... your objections are noted and filed,......guess ya cant please every one ***** While I have not designed any maps yet I think it is only fair that these chaps ask for changes. IMO BTS is successful because they encourage debate and discussion of there game. By telling people to give them a break you might limit the discussion and any good ideas people have. The success of this game will be enhanced by the designs of people out side the BTS fold who give up their time to come up with some stonking new scenarios and operations. Well just my 2p worth as I like seeing what other people want to change. Cheers H
  7. Do a search on AIM and you will find a thread with a list of AIM users. AIM does seem to be much quicker when passing files but more people use ICQ. I have now joined both AIM and ICQ as it is free and will give you all the opponents you could ever want. H
  8. Excellent News... Madmatt suggested ICQ for finding players I would also suggest AIM. There is a seperate thread with a list of players using AIM, so add your name and party on down.. Pity there is not going to be an open room for finding players but as MM suggests it will work with either AIM or ICQ. And finally, I add my thanks to the team working on this game, it has taken the crown off CC2 and I played that solid for nearly two years I can see this lasting into my old age... (If I was not there already...)
  9. So Mr Knaust I can now see why you were so annoyed at the Loss of your tank at 500 plus meters to the first hit from my Stuart... Hmmm I now have sympathy and a big fear if you have any more hidden on the field of battle. H P.s. Now did I buy one or did I get something else??
  10. Excellent news and a Great British cheer for the BTS crew, hip hip horray!!! The pause is a must as I get so excited by the game I need toilet breaks.. It would be nice for both players to agree to pause and to start the turn. Thxs for the update!!!! H
  11. Well I have got quite a few names on the list and it is growing (and the list) Chocomat74 Contacted me last night and he is based in USA East coast if I remember correctly. Carry on Gaming.... Knaust join the AOL club??? H
  12. Thanks ACTRHT for telling me you are in the UK and an AOL AIM user I look forward to our first game... H
  13. Hi for my 2c worth they are fine as I am in battle at the moment and the bloody things have had minimal effect. I have scored a direct hit on a Wespe / Hummel open top with no effect and the same on a MKIV. All it did was cause the Cmdr to hide rather quickly. One moment he was there the next he was not. The bloody Cmdr was lucky as he has shown his face again. Next time he will have a 3inch on him and that will wipe the smile from his face... Mind you I think the landing radius is quite close (tight) and does not seem to spread far. As I know nothing about 2 inch mortar spread I will leave it to others to comment. H
  14. Knaust no-one can have as much luck as you!!! 1. You are retired and can the game all day apart from your wife reminding you of the realities of Life. 2. You are Italian and have decent weather (think of us poor Brits!!!) 3. You have cheap wine and beer and some decent pizzas. 4. In our latest game all of the things that did not happen for me have gone well for you. a. The plane shows up on Q. b. Zooka hits 1st time and takes my nice big Panther to the BBQ. c. Your 57mm RR actually fires and hits the stug killing the cmdr. d. Your mortars survie to destroy my 88's. e. You charge the hill knowing that my inital forces are crap and can not hold it. f. Your 50 cal takes out my A/c at 600 plus meters. But apart from all that you have been pretty unlucky. I am hanging on in and I hope my meagre forces can get some luck and get my damn hill back. We after all need it for a new Villa away from the river to avoid global warming. I look forward to the next few turns, your a star.... H
  15. Hi, While I have followed the debate and fire fight (which I whole heartedly disagree with) started by certain others with interest I would love to know how the game goes and if Rob or any of you would be kind enough to post reports I think we would all love to read how things are going. Good luck and it is only through experimentation that we learn. I am very glad the experiment is under way. Cheers H
  16. Well just a small postscript I managed to bring the mortar back into command and fire off the last of it's rounds. They all fell on the targets and even got a direct hit on the Wespe to NO EFFECT what so ever. Damn it should have been a 3 inch, then he would have suffered... H
  17. Well please don't shoot me down in flames but last night I found something that annoyed me. (Well a little). I had sneaked a commander into a good viewing position (hidden from view) and got a 2inch mortar behind him in command radius. The target was two lovely AT guns close to one another and a Wespe just behind them, all ideal mortar fodder. I watched the minute unfold expecting mass death and destruction of these targets. But the mortar team only let loose three rounds. What had happened? Well after some investigation I found the cause. I had sneaked another platoon comander within command range, he had nicked command of the mortar and because he could not see the target so the mortar stopped firing. Well I can guess at the arguments which will come this way, the main one is that the other commander over ruled the one who had real need of the asset. I know this happens and I will live with it. Just to let people know this can happen and you need to beware of it. Also you need to beware of retargeting your Arty as once done you can not undo it back to where it was due to fall. I made the mistake of clicking the wrong button when I was seeing where I could re target too. Anyway is there any other features like this that people should know? As for the game it is great and while annoyed that I failed to destroy his closely packed AT guns and Wespe I will ensure that my commander who nicked the mortar is placed out of distance from the crew. H
  18. Knaust stop asking silly questions and send my turn back. I am sad and lonely at nights and need to beat you with my Panthers. If any survie those 57mm RCL's.. H
  19. Any Brits / Europeans out there? I guess when we have interactive CM there will be a room set-up where players can meet, ala CC2 series.. H
  20. Hi Chaps, I hope the beer and CM goes down well. I am based in Coventry, and was wondering if you chaps ever have chance to do some quick turns in the evening? I use AIM to pass files and would love to do battle. Also if you ever have a meeting at a weekend please let me know as I would be up for some hot seating.. (orrr errr missues, if my G/F finds out I am in trouble.) Any other Brit based players out there? My e-mail is M_Holien@Hotmail.com
  21. Thanks for info so far, of course this is for all CM'ers so we can get a community of AIM users going. Thanks labnash for your handle, file on way soon. Cheers H
  22. Hi, I know the debate about ICQ and AIM so please don't tell me to get ICQ, But if there are any other AIM Users who want to set up a network of CM players could you post your AIM name here? Mine is HolienM I am a UK player and I am often on line looking for some quick turn around games in the evenings and at weekends. T house player or not. Cheers H
  23. I am sat here waiting for a bloody mail... And Hussah I have the game in the UK... Just got my mitts on it as I ran out of fuel in my car... Work can wait... H
  24. I have spent some time in Normandy looking at the remains of the fortifications there and my belief is that indirect fire against concrete pillboxs is pretty naff. Even the air dropped bombs did little against the actual structure. When they hit which was rare indeed. The Germans are great engineers and the concrete was sunk deep onto pads which soaked up the KE from all that hit it. I could go into more technical detail but believe me those guys knew what they were doing in their designs (unlike the Brits designs for Sealion). The only way to really deal with the bunkers were direct LOS weapons which could get a shot in the slit. This was very difficult due to the way they were designed. The effect on morale however is the real win in Indirect weapons as the men inside were not upto much after all those load bangs and the fear generated by their own minds based upon death images as hell enveloped them. So IMHO concrete bunkers should be pretty much invulnerale to arty fired indirect. Somewhat vulnerable to long range direct weapons and pretty vulnerable to up close front on (facing slit) direct LOS shots. Side on or rear on direct los shots should have no effect. Misses from direct los weapons should not worry the crew too much as physcologically it is easier to deal with. Indirect LOS weapons should give the greater chance of the crew legging it. Just my view, from looking hard at designs in Normandy and the UK.
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