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Posts posted by russellmz

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kiltie Lad:

    Yikes! The formatting really did come out all wrong! I tried to split the screen. Rats! Is there any way I can kill it and start again?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    i beleive the {code} tag does this, just replace {} with [ ]

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Otto Mekanik:


    Ahhh.. I see.

    But have you played this scenario "Nachut"?..... with all the vehicle carnage and allied bombers coming out of my wazzoo and 20 clowns jumping out of PSW's I didn't even think of counting :D

    Seriously, its a great scenario with lots of action and vehicles being scattered everywhere. I have played it twice and managed only a draw both times.


    [ 05-08-2001: Message edited by: Otto Mekanik ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Sounds cool! Where can i get it???

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by FriendlyFire:

    As some of my paratroopers are currently finding out to their cost in a dastardly little low-ammo scenario, if you blow up their trucks elite truck drivers are also pretty handy with their pistols...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dogface:

    The dang mouse ran into the cat three times!!! Ans i mean ran into accualy bounce off of is more like it and the cat didnt even seem to notice...... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    the cat's ai needs to be fixed.

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dogface:

    then gets bored and whines at the door to be let out.


    was it conscript or green?

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dogface:

    The little buggers sure are fast!!!


    yeah, but they don't have the punch needed to take out a cat, even from the rear or flank. you need to get rats to take out a cat, and even then you need more than one. they need to take the cat from the sides and rear, not frontally.

  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Blenheim:

    (those guys in the Ronson should be court martialled: they blasted 3 rounds in the side armour of the JT without getting a penetration before the beast got them) [ 05-06-2001: Message edited by: Blenheim ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    boy, it'd suck to be commanded by you tongue.gif

    'oh well u tried your best, got into position, and even after your first three rounds had no effect you still stood your ground and fought till your tank was blown out from under you.' {Blenheim then throws the (surviving)crew in stockade} 'let that be a lesson to you!'

  6. 1)

    i had a sniper on the ROOF of a single story house:



    the computer ai sent an armored car into an alleyway and fired on my troops...it hit the building edge four times before the vet crew abandoned the car...



    i ordered my sherman to shell a building. 38 sec later it did. it was a regular tank so it should have done this faster.


    after friendly inf nearby panicked from enemy fire the sherm fired. did it not fire for fear of friendly fire?



    a german halftrack hid in an alley. i ordered my sherm tank to rush up there and take him out. the half track at the same time backed out. let me narrate:

    the ht rams my sherm, freaks and runs away, which my sherman doesn't even notice, the ht rounds the corner but hits a knocked out stuh, where it gets stuck, my troops throw nade after nade at it to no avail, it spins around, breaks loose, gets a rifle grenade up the butt, rounds the corner again, rushes past my halftracks which do not fire, and then parks near the german position in full view of the hts(cyan blue line).


    my ht ignores the german ht even after i order it to fire on the german, just to go after some retreating volk inf, leaving the helpless crippled german ht alone.


    the german ht is assaulted by inf AGAIN and runs away right toward my ht which i had told to fire on the german.



    in an earlier scenario version the comp set up his troops so vehicles were stuck in the middle of a ring of rubble(blue circles) and heavy buildings so they couldnt leave. troops were also stuck in heavy buildings surrounded by heavy buildings so they could not leave(inf units in red circles).


    was that list not impressive???????

    [ 05-06-2001: Message edited by: russellmz ]

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slyspy:

    Well, maybe not thousands but definitely a great many. I'm looking for advice on tactics to counter massive rushes of low quality troops. My last quick battle (an attack) was an odd one. I chose a relatively balanced defensive force, mostly regular infantry with some support weapons, armour and arty. The AI on the other hans chose a force consisting entirely of green paratroops (with bazookas, MMG and a couple of arty spotters). Do you know how many green troops you can get for 2000 points?! My HMGs didn't really cut the mustard against so many. Any suggestions?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    yeah that's a weakness that a lot of players feel about cm, the cheap inf rush.

    best as i can figure is to have mmgs at far distance greater than 500m and don't tell them what to target(they would fire at that one guy even if they were running)

    try and get flanking shots for the mmg

    if you have a hill, try putting your guys on the reverse slope(the side of hill away from the enemy), which the ai can't handle well.

    have inf some distance in front of the mmg

    target the arty immediately, so you can have them firing quickly...your artillery can hide when firing, although it is less accurate and takes a little while longer


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