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Posts posted by russellmz

  1. but...what everyone has ignored up to now is the dreaded Legion Ex Machina, who always master the battlefield at the start of every battle. when one sees that machine grey fearsome "?" flag, a chill goes down one's privates(soldiers you perv's).

    but as soon as the battle is joined, they disappear without a trace from superior enemy forces, sneaking past your most alert and stealth/command/combat bonused leaders like ghosts, only to be heard occasionally as their grey and with red "?" vehicles drive back and forth...

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JonS:

    ... just fantasising and bumping (fantasising about bumbing?)

    The first post has links to email renumbering apps.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    yes, Russell "just fantasising and bumping (fantasising about bumbing?) The first post has links to email renumbering apps" MZ, who often wished his parents, had given him a traditional midle name, like "michael", after the saint who kicked satan's ass and the dragon he rode in on, and afterwards had said about the fight: "...

    [ 08-05-2001: Message edited by: russellmz ]

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cpl Carrot:

    Right then where was I?

    With Voodoo 1 and 2 (can't say for 3 and above)you need HyperSnap running in the background. If you just hit Print Screen you get whatever was in your 2D cards' buffer.

    HyperSnap needs to be configured to take shots from your 3D card. Go to capture tab then to Enable Special Capture, and fill in your cards details. Then you are all set to go

    Things to note

    (1) It must be running in the background

    (2) Only one shot at a time

    (3) Can be edited using HyperSnap or any other suitable program

    (4) Unless you register Hypersnap you will always get its "business card" in the top left, and will always stay if you only use HyperSnap to edit your shot.

    I have probably left things out but if you search using my member number you should find everything.

    Cpl Carrot<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Hypernap can be found at http://www.hyperionics.com/index.html


    i was told voodoo card users had to do something to take screenshots besides just hitting print screen or command shift 3. the search engine sucked cause i only got 8 responses or timed out when i inputted voodoo and screenshots.

    being a happy nvidia user and voodoo virgin, i'd like to know,

    do you:

    o get a screen capture utility like hypersnap

    o turn off directdraw acceleration

    o something else?

    [ 08-03-2001: Message edited by: russellmz ]

  4. i just recently started raising the entire level of my maps to their maximum level possible by hitting "alt and =" while in elevation mode.

    i keep raising the level until the highest part of my map is at 19 level.

    ex. lowest level in map is 5 and highest is 10, then i will keep hitting "alt and =" until map's lowest level is 14 and highest is 19.

    this makes the maps look a little better to me. the ground is more yellowed and looks less lush, instead of the nice rolling green fields we all know and love. brush and trees stand out a little more. give it a try!

  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Juju:

    I had noticed them earlier, and yes, or rather, no, they didn't make it, but the pics are still there.

    I think the 'Activate flag' thingy is actually in the game, but I never got it to work properly. But that could of course be because it isn't. In, I mean. :D<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    the mythical activate flag with bogus flags. heard so much about it i just set up a test scenario in 5 minutes. choose 2 dynamic flags. choose "attacker chooses" or something like that. the play the scenario as the attacker side. pick the highest ranking officer and right click to get the activate flag command. then click at base of flag you choose. it works!

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wild Bill Wilder:

    I did not know that Michael had one out there<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    realy? as i recall, he almost insulted yours as a joke at first...needless to say the cm members came out and defended your great scenario smile.gif

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mPisi:

    It is called something like "Brown Railroad Tracks", I can't recall which of the big sites I d/l'd it from. Run a search, if you can, there was a topic announcing it I think. If not, email me at mPisi@flash.net and I should be able to find the zip file.

    Edit: Mod is by bfamily33...

    [ 07-23-2001: Message edited by: mPisi ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    i got it! thanks to you and google!

  8. spoilers:











    not a bad scenario franko! i had some cool stuff happen, that may not match the craziness you mention, but are amusing nonetheless. and i'm only 35 turns in of 50.

    o some crew got captured. later on i keep seeing it pop up at odd places. but around turn 30, i send some half tracks in a bocage encased road where they are cut up by hiding infantry and an immobilized panzer iv. but one half track survives. it sees this one crew with the words "unarmed" in its info box. THE PRISONERS HAD ESCAPED! they hop on the last half track and the half track escapes into the night...

    o a truck is backing away from tanks. it goes back 3-400m to another area where i had sent a bunch of half tracks that wiped out an entire company of germans (who had no armor support) in the brush. the survivors of that massacre take their revenge on the truck, who did not even notice them.

    o i sent a reinforcement of 6 shermans in a vast flanking manuever. these guys killed another company of germans who also had no armor support in a wheat field. after dealing out massive casualties, the went forward and shot up some german armor. they then went on a half track killing spree, wiping out a column of german half tracks like so many ducks in a barrel. this mirrored an earlier fight nearby where the very same german armor broke through and wiped out MY half tracks after destroying the remaining armor i had.

    [ 07-23-2001: Message edited by: russellmz ]

  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

    Thanx Manx!

    GO get my battle, it will knock the wind outta you and leave you a drooling, shell-shocked, blathering idiot. The only sound escaping from your parched and bleeding lips will be a raspy whisper: "Thank you sir, may I have another?"<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    i beta tested the byatch...he ain't lyin'

  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gen. Sosaboski:

    However, it appears that you and I, RussMz, are going to die where we are, like men, or swine, whichever you prefer. You too Panzerman, are in danger. However, my squad has accounted for at least 8 kills, so we took back some for 1939. ;)

    [ 07-21-2001: Message edited by: Gen. Sosaboski ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    hehe be sure to check out the kills my uber green squad makes...(ok so most of that is cause of the lame first wave of germans i tossed at the line...)

    don't worry about panzerman, he may well be an uber unit as well:

    read some comments i got about him:

    "...Rob/1 (Panzerman) made it, routed, after finishing off an infantry team all by

    himself, but he made it..."

    "...toke a cople tigers down..."

    and remember: under my command, EVERY mission is a suicide mission.

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzerman:

    Thats a fun scenario. ;)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    thnx dude!

    [ 07-22-2001: Message edited by: russellmz ]

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