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Posts posted by russellmz

  1. i just tried to modify some water tiles that weren't based on the BTS standard and i went insane. the tiles have to match up so one side matches all four sides! this makes my eyes go numb as i vainly tried out my modifications but a 2x2 grouping of water tiles (making a pond in a perfect circle) shows the folly in making the tiles only fit on two sides...

    anyway, does anyone have water tiles that don't have the mismatch? (besides gunslinger's and richard temblett's)

  2. ok, i got plenty more spots (except in demo boyz, only a 2 or 3 left and most of those are officers with no demo packs)

    tons of spots left in germans: both armor and inf...i do admire the espirit of the board as many many guys volunteeer to be in the sacrificial lamb section! im basically left with only piat and zook slots left in that group!

    although the lack of a german vanguard reveals a distubing lack of willingness to die for the fatherland smile.gif

    lemmings and remfs are welcome, as are the germans!


    so where should i submit my scenario guys? my webpage at homestead is gonna be gone when they make it a pay site and geocities bites. plus i was thinking of making a pack of the scenarios i made: crazy maze map, burpelson air base, and this one.

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tiborhead:

    Already I feel that I have a slight advantage over her in terrain. Oh how wrong I was redface.gif.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    i TOLD you not to get cocky... smile.gif


    Turn 10-13: With the center and right VLs taken and secured, and the left still in question, I think I have it made. Then out of nowhere on turn 10, small arms fire from a treeline about 120 meters away knocks out my marder :mad:, and begins to assualt my right platoon.


    The left platoon is now taking heavy losses from tank, arty, and all sorts of small arms fire and is forced to withdraw into the treeline behind the buring house.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    wow, a coordinated combined arms attack! impressive...

  4. Peter Panzer milkmaid? you can drive the newly outfitted uber milktruckentuppenstomperneffen tank...

    Gyrene, thanks for reminding me: there is the "5 points" group that drive the jeeps, trucks, and half tracks that evacuate the town...

    Jaldaen compromise: airborne (sacrificial lamb) vetertan platoon leader with 2 ranks in command, morale, combat, and stealth but don't expect any troops to command: you get a very exciting and very short life as a lamb

  5. well, i made a scenario with everyone as sharpshooters attempting to infiltrate BTS headquarters. but frankly, it was lame since the sharpshooters didnt get any confirmed kills even after they shot someone, and it didnt have a 'real ending' (the goal was to get to a building where the cm2 beta was stored)

    instead i made a smaller scenario where the goal is to evacuate a town full of allied troops over a river and then blow the bridge before the advancing horde of germans arrive and kill everyone.

    i think it will be more fun if i made it so there are several groups and you could tell me what group you wanted to be in.

    Post a message telling me which group you want to be in and ill fit you in.(limited seating!)

    ALLIED(when i type allied, i mean US unless you specifically ask for another allied nationality)


    1)Sacrificial Lambs: 'volunteers' who have to delay the enemy. a few inf squads, sharpshooters and zooks. (they are expendable, not worth exit points)

    2)Lemmings: the guys in town who have to be evacuated. chances are the demo boyz will blow the bridge before all of you cross, leaving you to face the oncoming germans. (worth exit points)

    3)Demo Boyz: engineer squads at the bridge. they toss demo packs onto the bridge until it blows. (they are expendable, not worth exit points)

    4)REMFs: these guys are on the good side of the river. they can help, maybe. or stand around and look pretty. or you can run them to safety right away (worth exit points)

    GERMANS(by which i mean germans)


    5)Fodder: the vanguard of the germans. conscript to regular. expect many medals for your families!

    6)GERMAN WAVES 1-?: tanks and infantry.

    so choose a group and sign up!

  6. http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/011247.html

    congrats on victory, but dont get cocky(see above link)...

    the thing i like most about the game was hard to describe but steve himself said it off hand once: craft

    the game is well done, from interface to graphic detail, to historical interest and fun, from type of play, customizability, and sound too.

    no huge bugs, mostly needing only tweaks. i am so used to programs crashing that i didnt think it was possible to have a game not do it.

    a work of art.

    [ 06-25-2001: Message edited by: russellmz ]

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer:

    I guess I'm a negligent lawyer since I never even thought about using the FAQ, even though you keep them on the front page. Next time I'll check there first.


    LIAR! cause in the next post you say:

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer:

    Ummmm... My mod making experiment doesn't work. When I replace the CM files with my voice .wav files, all I hear is a quick shriek, like maybe it is being played to fast to hear.

    Any suggestions from anyone on what to do?


    which was answered in the faq...im taking this to the bar! and after im all drunk, ill write an angry and blathering letter to the ABA...

  8. i don't know if anyone else has done this but here's what i did last night:

    How to simulate a bridge demolition:

    On your scenario map put a grass tile where you plan to put a WOODEN bridge tile. Dump 12 or 13 enemy anti-personnel mines. It is important they be the enemy's and not anti-tank mines. Add a disposable squad or half squad to your scenario (at least 6 people) and name it something like "messengers". After going to Preview your map, put ALL the mines on that one grass tile where your bridge will be. Go to map editor again and put the wooden bridge tile in. Make sure you have engineers with plenty of demo charges, at least 6 charges in total.

    Now in the game run your messenger over the bridge. That should set off a bunch of mines and reveal the position of the minefields (the squad should be dead by now because the mines are so densely packed). Rush yur engineers there and they will start tossing demo packs after a minute or so. After 6 or 7 they will collapse the wooden bridge. Game over man, game over.

    The bridge will still be crossable by vehicles, but of course with so many mines it will not be crossable by foot.

  9. i don't know if anyone else has done this but here's what i did last night:

    How to simulate a bridge demolition:

    On your scenario map put a grass tile where you plan to put a WOODEN bridge tile. Dump 12 or 13 enemy anti-personnel mines. It is important they be the enemy's and not anti-tank mines. Add a disposable squad or half squad to your scenario (at least 6 people) and name it something like "messengers". After going to Preview your map, put ALL the mines on that one grass tile where your bridge will be. Go to map editor again and put the wooden bridge tile in. Make sure you have engineers with plenty of demo charges, at least 6 charges in total.

    Now in the game run your messenger over the bridge. That should set off a bunch of mines and reveal the position of the minefields (the squad should be dead by now because the mines are so densely packed). Rush yur engineers there and they will start tossing demo packs after a minute or so. After 6 or 7 they will collapse the wooden bridge. Game over man, game over.

    The bridge will still be crossable by vehicles, but of course with so many mines it will not be crossable by foot.

    tell me what u think!

  10. <font color="BB0000"><big>Graphics</big></font>

    How do I take a screenshot?

    Possibly the most asked question.

    "On a Mac press Command + Shift + 3. A file will appear on your hard disk called Picture 1. Subsequent screenshots take subsequent numbers.

    On a PC press Print Screen. This saves the screen to the clipboard. Then open Paint and use Ctrl + V to paste to a new document." -Big Ron

    But for Voodoo 1 and 2 users, you need to download a screenshot utility such as Hypersnap, and use it's Special Capture function.

    How do I change screen resolutions?

    "Go to the CMBO directory and delete the "prefs" file. When you restart CM, you will be able to change resolutions." -Doug Williams

    Why are there only three men max shown per squad?

    It takes too much computing power to show all 8-12 men. A lot of polygons go into those little men so tripling the number will tax almost any CPU/videocard.

    Why isn't a bloody corpse shown for every casualty?

    Again, too much computing power is required. Not only that but BTS felt that too much gore will detract from the game.

    Can we have sandbags in the foxhole graphics?

    Sorry no, the big, dark crater is the same picture as the foxhole picture.

    How can I make 3D rubble?

    Sorry, in CMBO it is a flat .bmp, not a 3D object. However you could place several roadblocks on top to simulate a pile of rubble, since they use the same bmp file.

    "...there is one little 'trick' you can use; just raise the rubble tile 1 elevation level, compared to the surrounding tiles." -Fred

    <font color="BB0000"><big>Mods & Sounds

    </big></font>Where can I get some cool mods?

    There are numerous places. Try this post, for beginner tips. The major mod palace is CMHQ. This is where most mods start off or wind up. Another place I go to is CM Outpost. Be sure to read this great article on CM mods, written by one of this board's very own members! And also at Manx's awesome COMBAT MISSIONS there is CM Mods for Newbies.

    Where can I find the desert mod?

    The Desert Fox Desert Rats mod is at http://www.dfdr.net/

    Where can I find Magua's Normandy mod

    The mod files are found at Manx's Combat Missions and at CM Outpost.

    Where is Clubfoot's Utah Beach Terrain Mod?

    Again, this is found at Combat Missions.

    Can I mod items that are hard-coded?

    No, sorry.

    ...items that are hard coded:<UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>Unit bases<LI>Berrets<LI>Pistols<LI>On map mortars<LI>MG tripods<LI>Bazooka/Panzerschreck/PIATs

    These are the items I remember straight off.

    There may be more...



    Muzzle concussion and the building collapse shockwave/debris cloud are hard-coded as well.

    How do I change .bmp & .wav files to use on a Mac?

    "The Mac Combat Mission Mod Manager (MCMMM - MCM3 for short) and the MacMod Manager are both at CMHQ under third party dl's iirc." -jd

    How do I change that background grass that stretches to infinity?

    "The culprit bmp is 1503. Just take the hi-res equivalent, 1553.bmp, and copy it to 1503.bmp. Problem solved." -kump

    Where can I find a list of all the .bmp files?

    Right here. Grass tiles are .bmp files 1550-1569.

    Where can I find a sound map of the .wav files?

    The above link goes to a thread where I posted a general sound map. Scroll down till you see a listing...

    Why does the .wav file I added crackle and squeal in CM?The .wav file should be at Mono 16 bit 44100 samples. Use a sound utility to make sure it has these properties.

    How do I change that really loud exit sound?Change file 00000171.wav and either use a computer sound recorder program to reduce the noise level or copy in a different sound like the sniper sound 00000410.wav or the "Taps" end of battle sound 00000129.wav.

    <font color="BB0000"><big>Scenario Editing and Work-arounds</font></big>

    How do I increase a scenario map to the South and West in the scenario editor? On the width and height buttons, hold SHIFT and click the height and width buttons to increase/decrease map to the South and West.

    Scenario Editing GuidelinesSuggestions with comments, located in the Scenario Editing Forum.

    How do I:o generate a random map? There's an "Auto Generate" random map button at the top of the editor.

    o turn off the numbers indicating height in terrain mode? There's a "Don't Show Height" button at the top left of the editor.

    o add bocages, walls, hedges, etc.? There're more tiles than can be show in one screen. Hit the button with the down arrow above the tiles.

    o edit a unit? In the unit listing double-click the unit you wish to edit, or click the edit button at the bottom of the screen.

    o select unit positions Hit the "Preview" button near the top of the editor and place the units wherever you want on the map.

    o liiiive without yooooou?

    I waaant to knooow...

    Has anyone done any Saving Private Ryan scenarios?

    Currently there are two.

    How do I simulate a bridge demolition?

    On your scenario map put a grass or rough tile where you plan to put a WOODEN bridge tile. Dump ~12 enemy anti-personnel mines. It is important they be the enemy's and not anti-tank mines. Add a disposable squad or half squad to your scenario (at least 6 men) and name it something like "messengers". After going to Preview your map, put ALL the mines on that one grass tile where your bridge will be. Go to map editor again and put the wooden bridge tile in. Make sure you have engineers with plenty of demo charges, at least 6 charges in total.

    Now in the game run your messenger over the bridge. That should set off a bunch of mines and reveal the position of the minefields (the squad should be dead by now because the mines are so densely packed). Rush your engineers there and they will start tossing demo packs after a minute or so. After 6 or 7 they will collapse the wooden bridge. Game over man, game over.

    The bridge will still be crossable by vehicles, but of course with so many mines it will not be crossable by foot.


    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

    TRP on the edge of the bridge, 240mm arty observer with an ammo of '4' and rename him to "Demo Expert." Make him expert or crack, and the bridge will blow 30 seconds after you order it blown. The ammo of '4' will keep the arty from being abused and it will give a very small chance of not taking it out.

    I've never (in my testing) seen a failed bridge blowing with the above parameters, but a few times its been the very last shell which took it down.

    Also keep in mind that this is for small bridges. I once had 2 240 mm spotters drop shells for 2 min. on a large concrete bridge and it never dropped.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    How do I make reinforcements arrive in good order, rather than all jumbled up?

    "break your reinforcements up into 5 groups and use all the reinforcement slots" -Berlichtingen

    How do I set the initial view for each side when the scenario starts?

    Before you exit the editor, move the camera to the view that you want the Allied player to see when the game starts. Then for the Axis player, press "\", no quotes (not the turn 180 degrees key, other slash), then set the camera view. Press GO! and then save it.

    How can I make 3D rubble?

    Sorry, in CMBO it is a flat .bmp, not a 3D object. However you could place several roadblocks on top to simulate a pile of rubble, since they use the same bmp file.

    "...there is one little 'trick' you can use; just raise the rubble tile 1 elevation level, compared to the surrounding tiles." -Fred

    How can I edit a vehicle so it is immobilized?

    No actual editor commands for that but I found a work around (I hereby claim credit for the rubble immobilization technique now and forever!). First, take the vehicle and padlock it exactly where you want. Go to the terrain editor and place a rubble or rough tile on top. The vehicle can still rotate, but it can't move out.

    How can I put a gun in a house?

    Same as above, place unit where you want, then put a terrain tile over it.

    How can I edit a vehicle unit so it is gun damaged?

    Edit the unit so it has no ammo.

    How can I have a pillbox with a turrent?

    How can I have a pillbox in the entrance of a fort?

    How can I edit a unit so it has wounded?

    Use split squads and make some of them shaken. That's the best idea I heard as of yet.

    How do I make the AI attack better/more aggressively?

    Swap the map edges. So if Allied friendly edge is West, make it East in the scenario and vice versa for the Axis. Making an exit zone in the direction you want the enemy to advance also may help. You can also leave a path of flags for the AI to follow.

    Also there is this tip:

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by James:

    Here are some tips on senario design which give better AI performance from the infantry and more unpredicatble better fought meeting engagements. Here are the three steps.

    First: In map preview split all squads. This may seem strange but what happens is the split squads behave with more caution, a more sensitive TacAI - they react more sensibily without needless sacrifice. Also the global moral of both sides drops to 55-70% making the overall AI more cautious and less prone to giving you a turkey shoot. The infantryman in CM is abstrated into squads, by splitting the squads that abstraction is also half as less.

    Second: Remove all victory flags. What!? I hear you say! The trouble with VLs is that you know where the enemy will head for, even with dynamic ones, and all you have to do is get there first into cover to let the AI force his men relentlessly into your incoming until their all casulties or broken.

    Third: Place exit zones for each side opposite each other. ie Allies start in the west advance to exit zone in the east and the opposite for Axis. What it actually does is give the Strat AI a fine balence between attack and defence. It will utilse both strategies with flexibility according to the situation and use any part of the map. It even withdraws in a hot spot to a better position. Actual exiting by the AI hardly ever happens, and there is no need for you to exit if you are concentrating on defeating the enemy. The exit zones are there not there as an objective but as a modification to the behavior of the AI.

    These 3 steps may seem a bit strange but try designing a senario useing them all. Even an experienced CM player can actully be given a real challenge and be beaten by the AI without it having superior weight of numbers! I use forces of approximatly equal point strength all the time and the AI really gives as good as it gets. I have had some excellent battles and lost a number of times, drawn most times, won sometime. Not only does it feel more realistic it is a better game for useing these 3 steps.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    How is scoring done?

    Also, additional explanation of exit points and killing units.

    <font color="BB0000"><big>Misc</big></font>

    Little Known CM features

    <UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>[ and ] will zoom the camera in and out

    <LI>ctrl-A and ctrl-Z will move the camera angle up and down

    <LI>alt-G provides warning labels for any events like a unit with low ammo or a vehicle elimination

    <LI>If a half squad has an "!" in it's status box, you can get rid of it by rejoining the whole squad and splitting again.

    When will my copy get here?

    "Answer is that normally it takes about 3-5 days for an order to arrive in the US, about 10-15 elsewhere." -Steve

    Also says it takes 2-4 times longer during the holiday season. Not to mention that BTS sometimes runs out of stock due to demand. Overseas can be even longer: for example, three weeks for Finland. If you have problems, then email matt@battlefront.com .

    <A HREF="http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=1&t=018563" TARGET=_blank>Where can I find a list of units with statistics?

    </A>"go to the Dogs of War website...halfway down the page on the left are links for different catagories of units, just about anything you could want." -Silvio Manuel

    Chris' CM Scenarios and Unit Database Charts also has CM statistics (go to bottom of page).

    What's the latest patch?That would be v1.12. Be sure to get it here. There will be no other patches as CM2 is now being worked on.

    How can I watch all the movies together?You probably can't. Unless you do PBEM(which saves movie files) you can't save movie files since a saved turn has a different outcome each time. If you do have PBEM files, KMan made a PC utility that works on some computers to play all the files.

    What books do you recommend for WWII weapons and armor?Also go to Combat Missions' WWII Books - Recommended Reading, and you can support Manx too!

    Thanks to all who post answers to questions so I can just post a link to it, the CM webmasters, and of course, the FAQ bumpers, who have fancy plans, and pants to match.

    <small>Feel free to copy, post, and modify it elsewhere (so long as it still has the correct answers). Please email any comments, suggestions, and especially corrections to russellmz@yahoo.com </small>

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:


    The only post truly worth reading is the first one. All the other posts are a public service mostly provided by people from the Peng Thread to keep the first post afloat. If you have any moral/legal/tastal/mammal or any other issues with the Peng Thread and its occupants, please refrain from reading on, since even JD Morse will not be able to get damages for you in that case. We will write a harmless story and promise to try very hard to behave and self-police this. Honest.

    If you read on, you have been warned, don't come a-crying later.

    [ 08-13-2001: Message edited by: russellmz ]

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